Julius LeFlore Police Academy: Mission to Moscow Compte amb la família Blue South Central 13 Moons Silver Bullet Rocky 3 Hell Comes to Frogtown El retorn del Jedi En carn viva Decisions Belly Acció Jackson El retorn del Jedi Sneakers Memento En terra perillosa Bring It On: Fight to the Finish Chasing Papi Chasing Papi Uncle Tom's Cabin Intencions cruels 2 13 Moons House Party 2 Secret Agent 00 Soul Secret Agent 00 Soul Secret Agent 00 Soul Secret Agent 00 Soul Secret Agent 00 Soul Boja acadèmia de policia Ulls de Foc Friday The Canyons Number One with a Bullet Final Voyage Tales from the Hood El colós en flames The Sword and the Sorcerer South Central Terratrèmol Police Academy: Mission to Moscow Star Trek: Insurrection Waist Deep The Seat Filler Els blancs no la saben ficar King Kong Silver Bullet Silver Bullet I Got the Hook-Up Maximum Overdrive Hirokin Alex & the List City of angels House Party Class Act Exterminator 2 Renegade