Philip W. Anderson Man, Woman and Sin La quadrilla dels onze The Night of the Grizzly Un home anomenat Cavall Moment to Moment Cash McCall The FBI Story L’esdeveniment Third Dimensional Murder Take a Cue La reina del vodevil Let's Talk Turkey Tall Story 'What's Your 'I.Q.'?': Number Two I Love My Husband, But! Movie Pests Sayonara One Man's Way Fancy Answers A Majority of One Acro-Batty Westbound Tu a Boston i jo a Califòrnia How to Save a Marriage and Ruin Your Life First Aid Gettin' Glamour How to Hold Your Husband - BACK Flicker Memories Army Champions Marines in the Making Quicker'n a Wink The Domineering Male Calling All Pa's Treasures from Trash Treasures from Trash Grandpa Called It Art Football Thrills of 1940 Seventh Column Seeing Hands Badminton Com vaig arribar a ser agent de la CIA Aqua Antics Goodbye, Raggedy Ann Cuban Rhythm Culinary Carving