Muir Mathieson The Magic Box The Canadians Svengali Journey Inter-City Out of True She Didn't Say No! Daughter of Darkness La vida futura Tom Thumb The Big Day Love on the Dole Genghis Khan El senyor de Ballantrae Uncle Silas Prelude to Fame The Brothers Contraband Grand National Night Hunted in Holland The Astonished Heart Trapezi That Lady The Bad Lord Byron Carve Her Name with Pride The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw Crooks Anonymous Dear Murderer The Chiltern Hundreds Contraband October Moth Our Film The Net What a Carve Up! Intent to Kill The Kid from Canada Snowball El noi dels elefants Take My Life Christopher Columbus Adam i ella Street Corner Major Barbara Cardboard Cavalier The Running Man The Weapon Instruments of the Orchestra Steps of the Ballet Mr. Horatio Knibbles Third Man on the Mountain The Bridal Path Tornaràs a mi Tornaràs a mi Tom Brown's Schooldays Steel Left Right and Centre Circus of Horrors Brief City Ten Days in Paris Treasure Island The Legend of the Good Beasts Echo of Barbara The Professionals El setè vel Camí endavant Victoria the Great Come Away In Gardens by the Sea Action for Slander Rembrandt El temible burleta The Challenge 29 Acacia Avenue Any Man's Kingdom Manuela Q Planes Abandoneu el vaixell Satan Never Sleeps Genevieve Lady in the Fog Penn of Pennsylvania Unpublished Story The Sea Shall Not Have Them Zarak High Flight La rosa negra The Calendar Paquet sorpresa Wings of the Morning A Royal Divorce The Private Life of Don Juan The Immortal Land Calamity the Cow Calamity the Cow The Line to Skye The Green Cockatoo El cavaller negre 'Pimpernel' Smith Storm in a Teacup The Passionate Friends Father Brown La maledicció del diable Glasgow Belongs to Me Glasgow Belongs to Me Vertigen (D’entre els morts) The Heart Is Highland La vida mana Tawny Pipit A Letter for Wales East Anglian Holiday The Driving Force El príncep i la corista Valley of the Eagles Un premi d’or The Dog and the Diamonds XIVth Olympiad: The Glory of Sport Practical Romantic, Sir Walter Scott Journey Into Spring The Galloping Major A Touch of Scotland Ferry Pilot This Is Colour Britannia Mews Bristol, British City The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men L’habitació en forma de L 49th Parallel Gaslight La mansió dels Fury Wicked as They Come The Green Man A Hill in Korea A Story of David La vida mana La vida mana The Teckman Mystery Soc una càmera The Rise of Catherine the Great The Rise of Catherine the Great Innocents in Paris Hobson's Choice The Upturned Glass State Secret Night and the City The Magic Box The Cure for Love The Spy in Black El fantasma va a l’Oest Horrors of the Black Museum I Accuse! Law and Disorder Wales: Green Mountain, Black Mountain Lady Godiva Rides Again Scrooge El carreró del crim Killers of Kilimanjaro Vote for Huggett Old Bill and Son On the Night of the Fire School for Secrets The Kidnappers Night Without Stars The Lamp Still Burns Venetian Bird Fosca sospita Personal Affair Rockets Galore The Mind Benders The Ringer Helter Skelter Next to No Time Portrait from Life So Evil My Love El rebel Curtain Up Jumping for Joy L’última nit del Titanic The Secret Place Heart of a Child Dear Mr. Prohack Quan arribi l’alba It's Hard to be Good The Man Who Never Was La plana encesa High Tide at Noon Call Me Bwana El bitllet del milió de lliures Another Time, Another Place Beyond This Place L'herba és més verda The Headless Ghost El lladre de Bagdad Safari Highland Journey The First of the Few Sang, suor i llàgrimes Devil's Bait Reach for the Sky L’home que podia fer miracles This England The Spider and the Fly Listen to Britain The Years Between The Master of Bankdam Men Are Not Gods L’estrella de l’Índia The Spanish Gardener Easy Money Berth 24 Vint-i-un dies junts La Pimpinella Escarlata The Lift Ferry to Hong Kong Tonight in Britain North Sea Kelvin: Master of Measurement The Mark of Cain Sailor of the King