Michael Maltese Un conill criat a Manhattan El conill Tico tocat You Ought to Be in Pictures Rumors We, the Animals - Squeak! A Hound for Trouble The Ducktators The Aristo-Cat Little Beau Pepé Tortoise Wins by a Hare Double or Mutton Un ratolí de gran alçada El conill equip Energia Tom-Ica Fora els intrusos Un conill llanut Daffy Duck: Frustrated Fowl Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century Angel Puss Temporada de conills El conill de Sevilla Duck Amuck One Froggy Evening What's Opera, Doc? Temporada de caça Duck! Rabbit, Duck! 90 Day Wondering A Pest in the House A Witch's Tangled Hare Conill embruixat Boyhood Daze Buccaneer Bunny Chow Hound Duck Dodgers and the Return of the 24½th Century Feline Frame-Up Feed the Kitty For Scent-imental Reasons From A to Z-Z-Z-Z Dimoni de conill Un conill a les estrelles Kiss Me Cat Un conill abduït Un gat espantat 8 Ball Bunny Baby Buggy Bunny Fast and Furry-ous Gee Whiz-z-z-z-z-z-z Un conill criat a Manhattan Drip-Along Daffy Homeless Hare Com el gat i el gat No Barking El conill i la tortuga Rapsòdia conillera Vull dormir Lumber Jack-Rabbit El conill que venia a sopar Un conill director d'orquestra Ali Baba Bunny Rabbit Hood Robin Hood Daffy La Pimpinella Escarlatina Tweetie Pie Cat Feud Un conill congelat Scent-imental Romeo Going! Going! Gosh! Zipping Along Stop! Look! and Hasten! Ready.. Set.. Zoom! Guided Muscle There They Go-Go-Go! Scrambled Aches Zoom and Bored Whoa, Be-Gone! The Legend of Rockabye Point My Little Duckaroo Rocket-bye Baby Terrier-Stricken Confusió conillera Much Ado About Nutting Jack-Wabbit and the Beanstalk El conill i la mongetera A Bear for Punishment Little Red Riding Rabbit Bully for Bugs Operació conill Steal Wool Dog Gone South Bunny Hugged Slick Hare Cockatoos for Two The Trial of Mr. Wolf Bear Hug Bear Up! Big Mouse-Take Drum-Sticked Elephantastic Bear Knuckles Habit Rabbit Horse Shoo Raggedy Rug Sheep Stealers Anonymous Trouble Bruin El gat amunt i el ratolí avall El meu conill ha passat l'oceà En Bugs i l'Elmer artista The Haunted Mouse Back Alley Oproar Weasel While You Work Two's a Crowd L'hipnotitzador Along Came Daffy The Bee-Deviled Bruin Scent-imental Over You Flea for Two Roughly Squeaking The Cats Bah Ain't That Ducky Fin'n Catty What's Brewin', Bruin? Little Beau Pepé Hiss and Make Up Wild Over You En Jerry es torna boig Fresh Hare Square Shootin' Square Witch Crafty Helter Shelter Paw's Night Out Pig in a Pickle Gat i dupli-gat Horse Hare Goldimouse and the Three Cats Person to Bunny Who Scent You? Ready, Woolen and Able Trip for Tat High Note The Mouse on 57th Street Beep, Beep Fox-Terror Tom and Jerry's Winter Wackiness Duel sense fi Forward March Hare Dolça és la venjança Claws for Alarm Water, Water Every Hare Hiawatha's Rabbit Hunt Aloha Hooey Crazy Cruise Porky's Bear Facts Sport Chumpions Notes to You Deduce, You Say It's a Grand Old Nag How Bugs Bunny Won the West Bugs Bunny Rides Again The Heckling Hare Foney Fables Herr Meets Hare Bear Feat Adventures of the Road-Runner Estima’m a mi i estima el meu ratolí The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie The Unbearable Bear House Hunting Mice Mouse Wreckers The Hypo-Chondri-Cat Cheese Chasers Daffy Duck's Thanks-for-Giving Special Daffy - The Commando Wolf Hounded Little Bo Bopped This Is My Ducky Day Fee Fie Foes Zoo is Company Beef For And After Swash Buckled Bearly Able The Cat's Tale Dr. Jerry, l’investigador Marvin the Martian & K9: 50 Years on Earth The Cartoon Collection És perillós caçar un ratolí Meatless Flyday Mouse-Warming Sheep Ahoy Wild About Hurry