Chuck Hamilton La vuitena dona de Barbablava The Far Country Charlie Chan's Secret The Golden Blade Dama per un dia Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet the Invisible Man The Naked City The Black Shield of Falworth Wedding Present Valley of the Zombies The Mad Ghoul Northern Pursuit Sailor Beware Chicago Confidential Here Comes Trouble Inside the Walls of Folsom Prison Reap the Wild Wind A Thrill for Thelma A mitjanit Among the Living L’incorruptible Set dies de maig Mary Stevens, M.D. Amb ell va arribar l’escàndol Infern als núvols Truqueu a qualsevol porta The Tattered Dress Johnny Stool Pigeon Frenchie Numbered Men Weary River The Fuller Brush Girl Twilight of Honor The Family Secret Girls of the Road Next Time I Marry Inside Detroit The Enforcer The Case of the Black Cat Champion Smashing the Money Ring That Man's Here Again Men with Wings Start Cheering Three Who Loved Sirocco Two-Fisted Sheriff Mandrake the Magician The Ice Follies of 1939 Let Us Live Union Pacific Charlie Chan in Reno Allò que el vent s’endugué Each Dawn I Die Coast Guard The Man They Could Not Hang Professor Beware Nick Carter, Master Detective Waiting in the Lurch Men Without Souls The Preview Murder Mystery Law of the Underworld The Great O'Malley Rebel sense causa South of Death Valley Escrit al vent Matar un rossinyol Perversitat The Great Gambini Sabrina No us l’endureu pas The Duel at Silver Creek Temps moderns One Wild Night The Green Hornet Strikes Again! Charlie Chan in Panama The Fighting 69th El senyor Deeds va a la ciutat The Shadow The Green Hornet The Tin Star This Gun for Hire L’home que va matar Liberty Valance Al cap del carrer Money to Loan The Sea of Grass King of the Lumberjacks The Texas Rangers Ride Again Deadwood Dick Winners of the West Cult of the Cobra North West Mounted Police El crepuscle dels déus Flat Feat El fill de Monte Cristo It Had to Be You It All Came True It All Came True And One Was Beautiful Island of Doomed Men The Mad Doctor Dick Tracy vs. Crime Inc. Mystery Sea Raider Johnny Apollo Terry and the Pirates The Green Archer So You Want a Model Railroad Skyscraper Souls I, Jane Doe The Last Crooked Mile Algun dia tornaré La volta al món en vuitanta dies Free, Blonde and 21 Don't Gamble with Love Juvenile Court The Lone Wolf Takes a Chance The Son of Davy Crockett The Spider Returns The Racket Man Dangerously They Live The Wife Takes a Flyer L’espectacle més gran del món The Secret Code Over My Dead Body Pacific Blackout Joana d'Arc Calhoun Grans horitzons Ha nascut una estrella Strange Cargo Les proeses de Paulina A Fugitive from Justice They're Always Caught So Proudly We Hail Romance Road Roaming Lady Mr. Lucky Cadets on Parade The Penguin Pool Murder Easy Living El plaer de viure Johnny Allegro Hoopla Alias Jesse James Sorrowful Jones Badman's Territory You May Be Next! Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in the Foreign Legion Condemnat The Glass Key Our Wife Un gàngster per a un miracle The Big Clock Hold That Ghost Who Done It? The Devil Thumbs a Ride Un pas en fals Buck Privates Come Home She Had to Eat Over 21 Pot o' Gold Només es viu una vegada Buccaneer's Girl La rossa dels cabells de foc Rhubarb Escape in the Fog Una nit a l’òpera Flaming Feather Weird Woman The Missing Juror Night Key Big Brown Eyes La bella de Yukon The Unsinkable Molly Brown Laugh and Get Rich The Black Castle So Young, So Bad The Dark Corner Crack-Up Black Angel Ain't Misbehavin' The Doolins of Oklahoma The Man from the Alamo Les fronteres del crim Me and My Gal Fast Company The Face Behind the Mask The Black Arrow The Fuller Brush Man L’home del país de Déu Red Light L’amenaça Penitentiary Big Brown Eyes The Dark Corner The Great Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok The Great Adventures of Captain Kidd Flying Disc Man from Mars Winners of the West Black Angel Mandrake the Magician The Spider's Web Lost City of the Jungle The Master Key Superman The Valley of Vanishing Men The Iron Claw Només es viu una vegada Man-Proof North West Mounted Police The Trial of Vivienne Ware Romance Road The Penguin Pool Murder Easy Living Hoopla Reap the Wild Wind Murder in Greenwich Village El fill de Monte Cristo Alibi for Murder The Chance of a Lifetime The Preview Murder Mystery The Whistler The Rebel