Gene Havlick Blondie Goes Latin It Happened One Night Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Lluna nova Horitzons perduts Blondie Meets the Boss Blondie Has Servant Trouble Blondie on a Budget El senyor Deeds va a la ciutat L’incorruptible The Reckless Moment Àngels damunt Broadway Between Midnight and Dawn New Orleans Uncensored Screaming Mimi The Walls Came Tumbling Down Santa Fe Jungle Man-Eaters El setè de cavalleria El retorn d’octubre The Son of Dr. Jekyll Deu fugitius Cita a cegues Les aventures del capità Blood Eight Bells Dama per un dia Domino Kid Unknown Woman Inside Detroit No us l’endureu pas Shopworn The Menace Counter-Espionage El foraster duia una pistola Relentless The Woman I Stole She Couldn't Take It Attorney for the Defense Broadway Bill Shut My Big Mouth Twentieth Century Captain Pirate Passió per l’or The Wife Takes a Flyer A tres hores de la veritat My Six Convicts It Had to Be You She Knew All the Answers Destroyer The College Coquette The Lady and the Bandit El nus del penjat The Saracen Blade If You Could Only Cook Our Wife Temps era temps Carreró sense sortida Carrer sense llei The Gentleman Misbehaves Serpent of the Nile Brothers The Deceiver Law of the Plains