Sydney Chaplin King, Queen, Joker La comtessa de Hong Kong Limelight Confession Pillars of the Sky Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin Se incontri Sartana prega per la tua morte Four Girls in Town Keep in Step Quantez Pagó cara su muerte A doppia faccia Sept hommes et une garce Medical Story Un acte d'amour Des goûts et des couleurs La Grande Maffia Ho! Troppo per vivere... poco per morire Nel giorno del signore Chaplin Today: 'Limelight' Columbus entdeckt Krähwinkel Wonderful Town Satan's Cheerleaders Das Lied der Balalaika Abdulla the Great The Adding Machine Trip to Bali The Tramp and the Dictator La Saignée Psycho Sisters Charlie Chaplin: A Tramp's Life Chaplin in Bali Terra de faraons Le Clan des Siciliens Follow That Man The Woman Hunter Uno a uno sin piedad Papa les petits Bateaux... La dona biònica Police Woman Switch Kings Row Unknown Chaplin Switch Tonight Starring Jack Paar