John Barry Nobody Does It Better: The Music of James Bond Deadfall The Sound of 007 6.5 Special Everything or Nothing Best Ever Bond Elizabeth Taylor: A Musical Celebration Inside 'From Russia with Love' Inside 'Dr. No' Harry Saltzman: Showman Dances with Wolves: The Creation of an Epic Inside 'Diamonds Are Forever' Lights, Action, Music A Song of Africa The Bond Sound: The Music of 007 The World of James Bond The Wonderful World of Louis Armstrong Behind the Scenes with 'Thunderball' After Midnight: Reflecting on a Classic 35 Years Later Back To "Somewhere In Time" Ballant amb llops Memòries de l’Àfrica Peggy Sue es va casar Operació Tro Des de Rússia amb amor Només es viu dues vegades 007 al servei secret de Sa Majestat Goldfinger L’home de la pistola d’or Diamants per a l’eternitat Panorama per matar Moonraker Alta tensió Octopussy Playing by Heart L’especialista King Kong Chaplin Swept from the Sea Robin i Marian Enigma La lletra escarlata Una proposició indecent Cotton Club Seance on a Wet Afternoon Cowboy de mitjanit A Killing Affair Frances Howard the Duck The Day of the Locust La caça de l’home Mercury Rising Al límit de la sospita The Black Hole Zulú Fins l’últim alè The Last Valley En algun lloc del temps Mary, Queen of Scots Agent 007 contra el Dr. No Goldfinger The Dove Dutchman Des de Rússia amb amor Operació Tro Deadfall Monte Walsh The Whisperers The Glass Menagerie Boom High Road to China Boy and Bicycle Playing by Heart Playing by Heart The Quiller Memorandum Seance on a Wet Afternoon Sophia Loren in Rome The Golden Seal Follow Me! Frances Elizabeth Taylor in London Nascuda lliure Beat Girl Nascuda lliure Touched by Love A Doll's House The Amorous Prawn Love Among the Ruins The White Buffalo Across the Sea of Time Joc amb la mort Murder by Phone Willa Mascarada per un crim First Love The Lion in Winter Hearts of Fire The Deep L’expedient Ipcress Mike's Murder A Jolly Bad Fellow Starcrash Walkabout La caixa de les sorpreses La caixa de les sorpreses Inside Moves King Rat Cowboy de mitjanit Man in the Middle Walkabout Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Dances with Wolves: The Creation of an Epic The Making of 'Dances with Wolves' Walkabout Plora, terra estimada Foc al cos Night Games El detectiu i la doctora Mister Moses The Tamarind Seed Fins al setembre The Appointment The Betsy La caixa de les sorpreses The Party's Over La meva vida The Corn Is Green Starcrash The Knack... and How to Get It Raise the Titanic Petúlia The Quiller Memorandum L’habitació en forma de L Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years The Gathering The Final Game of Death The Cool Mikado Mercury Rising King Rat Svengali Hammett Alice's Adventures in Wonderland The Legend of the Lone Ranger Hanover Street Love Among the Ruins Memòries de l’Àfrica 死亡遊戲 Redux L’expedient Ipcress Ruby Cairo Four in the Morning Four in the Morning Mix Me a Person Empire of Shadows Back To "Somewhere In Time" Tonight in Person Legends Great Performances Great Performances Great Performances