John Truwe The Mating Game Brigadoon The King's Thief 7 Faces of Dr. Lao The Extraordinary Seaman Mogambo Sempre fa bon temps The Horizontal Lieutenant The Split Skirts Ahoy! I'll Cry Tomorrow Confidentially Connie Battle Circus The Honeymoon Machine The Next Voice You Hear... Where the Boys Are Kim Desperate Search American in Paris Què li passa a Helen? Andy Hardy Comes Home Double Trouble Tennessee Champ Watch the Birdie Speedway Harum Scarum Spinout Stay Away, Joe Estació polar Zebra Amb ell va arribar l’escàndol Carbine Williams It Happened at the World's Fair Bachelor in Paradise Problemes amb les noies Girl Happy Big Leaguer The Affairs of Dobie Gillis Don't Go Near the Water I Love Melvin El premi The Reluctant Debutante Viva Las Vegas Texas Carnival El festeig del pare de l’Eddie Més ràpid que el vent Period of Adjustment The Americanization of Emily Arizona, presó federal La vida i l'època del jutge Roy Bean Twilight of Honor Colorado Jim Conspiració de silenci Heaven with a Gun Kind Lady La jungla d’asfalt The Glass Bottom Boat The Catered Affair Callaway Went Thataway Westward the Women Bannerline Hit the Deck La màquina del temps High School Confidential! The Fastest Gun Alive The Long, Long Trailer Somebody Up There Likes Me The Magnificent Yankee Take the High Ground! Sunday in New York Una dona marcada L’última vegada que vaig veure París Moments de valor La jungla de les pissarres A Patch of Blue Atlantis: The Lost Continent Cimarron Green Mansions No feu onades The Teahouse of the August Moon Castells a la sorra La Pat i en Mike La conquesta de l’Oest Summer Stock Un americà a París Zabriskie Point El pare de la núvia The Power and the Prize Pagan Love Song The Red Badge of Courage Calling Bulldog Drummond The Belle of New York The Unsinkable Molly Brown Everything I Have Is Yours The Cobweb Melodies de Broadway 1955 The Subterraneans All the Fine Young Cannibals The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm Dolç ocell de joventut Mrs. O'Malley and Mr. Malone