Avi Lerner Meir's Festival Inferno: The Making of 'The Expendables' Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films Produce Your Own Damn Movie! The contract No Code of Conduct Edison: Ciutat sense llei Sota amenaça Bobby Z Takedown Fulles d’herba Wicked Little Things 16 carrers Replicant El príncep i jo 3: Una lluna de mel reial El rei de Califòrnia The Masque of the Red Death The Iceman It's Alive El tinent corrupte El guerrer americà 3 El guerrer americà 2: L’enfrontament John Rambo La dàlia negra Wicker Man Belly of the Beast Spiders El guerrer americà 4 Els amos de Brooklyn Els mercenaris How to Kill Your Neighbor's Dog Conan the Barbarian Relative Strangers The Code The Code Hammerhead Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep The Son of No One Sweepers Confia en mi Try Seventeen Fúria cega The Paperboy Carrers ensangonats El quart pis The Badge The Tenants Hard Cash Today You Die The Stay Awake Els mercenaris 2 The Maker Danger Zone Ten Little Indians Lovelace Live Wire: Human Time Bomb Hèrcules: L’origen de la llegenda Master of Dragonard Hill African Express El netejador Cyborg Cop Cyborg Cop III Atrapada The Shadowed Mind The Mechanik Nobody's Baby Retorn a l’infern Els mercen4ris Skeleton Man Els mercenaris 3 Els mercenaris 3 L’ombra de la por Captive Rage Dolors de part Mercenary Fighters Control Autómata Den of Lions Alien from L.A. Nature Unleashed: Earthquake Conan the Barbarian L’ombra de l’actor No confiïs en ningú Texas Chainsaw 3D The Immortals The Last Winter Una decisió perillosa Kill Switch Private Valentine: Blonde & Dangerous Undisputed III: Redemption Before It Had a Name La gran boda Supervivent Blood Run Edges of the Lord Aranyes El protector Leatherface Buried Alive Wild Side L’escorta del sicari 2 The Bricklayer Dirty Angels Scarred City The Snake King Mercenary for Justice Attack of the Gryphon Cors solitaris Mosquito Man The Offering The Grey Zone Special Forces Mega Snake Subservience The Enforcer End Game Rats River of Death Criminal Criminal El príncep i jo 4: Una princesa al paradís Lima: Breaking the Silence Raging Sharks 88 minuts Ticker Cocodril Asylum: L’experiment Dragonard Lunar Cop Hellboy: The Crooked Man Boyka: Undisputed IV Hard Justice Security Blind horizon Operation Delta Force 4: Deep Fault Armstrong Operation Delta Force Per la causa Warhead The Institute Cold Heart Orion's Key Acts of Vengeance Merchant of Death Day of the Dead: Bloodline Cool Dog Als afores d’Ozona Allan Quatermain a la ciutat d'or perduda L’horror de l’home llop Infernus L’extermini Rambo: Last Blood Contra rellotge Assassinat just Guinevere Search and Destroy Cocodril 2: El pantà de la mort La decisió 211 The Big Brass Ring The Piper Bullet Head Frankenstein Amityville: The Awakening Stone Undisputed Cyborg Cop II Hero Wanted Jolt Objectiu: Washington D.C. Blonde Ambition Forever Lulu The Poison Rose When Nietzsche Wept Un bon home a l’Àfrica La protegida Plato's Run Detention Larva Diary of a Sex Addict 22 d’octubre Lies & Illusions Journey to the Center of the Earth L’americà perfecte Prozac Nation El Mecànic Judge and Jury Kill Chain El meu nòvio és un lladre Derailed La llegenda d’un rebel In Hell Shadrach Unstoppable Va desafiar la mort The Shepherd: Border Patrol Insomni Highwaymen Top of the World Search and Destroy Dog Watch Command Performance The Alternate The Outpost The Killing Grounds Outlaw of Gor Bridge of Dragons Shark Attack 3: Megalodon U.S. Seals II: The Ultimate Force Operation Delta Force 3: Clear Target Operation Delta Force 2: Mayday Gor Deadly Outbreak Octopus 2: River of Fear The Peacekeeper Octopus Objectiu: Londres Objectiu: La Casa Blanca Frogmen Operation Stormbringer Shark Attack Operation Delta Force 5: Random Fire Target of Opportunity Sharks in Venice U.S. Seals Un bon partit Submarines Shark Attack 2 Shark Zone Till Death Tres dones i un pla Night Has Fallen Woman of Desire Private Lessons: Another Story Tesla Some Girl Direct Action Red Sonja Mechanic: Resurrection The Order Nature Unleashed: Avalanche Alien Lockdown Air Marshal War, Inc. Undisputed II: Last Man Standing Ninja Loving Pablo Hellboy Hunter Killer: Caça a les profunditats