Mack Swain La quimera de l’or Laughing Gas The Fatal Mallet Tillie's Punctured Romance Hands Up! The Idle Class Love and Gasoline Yesterday and Today The Locked Door Mabel’s Nerve Stout Hearts and Willing Hands A Gambling Rube Hello, Mabel Other People's Business The Girl from Everywhere The Girl from Nowhere Caught in the Rain A Busy Day Mabel's Married Life His Musical Career His Trysting Places Getting Acquainted Gentlemen of Nerve His Prehistoric Past Pay Day The Pilgrim A Thief Catcher A Texas Steer Mockery Pitfalls of a Big City Torrent Fatty's New Role Leading Lizzie Astray Ambrose's First Falsehood A Rowboat Romance The Late Lamented Gussle, the Golfer Double Crossed Ambrose's Lofty Perch Willful Ambrose Love, Speed and Thrills Ambrose's Sour Grapes Mabel Lost and Won Ambrose's Nasty Temper When Ambrose Dared Walrus Ambrose's Fury Oh, What a Knight Cleaning Up Heroic Ambrose Finn and Hattie Kiki A Muddy Romance Fatty Joins the Force The Under-Sheriff A Robust Romeo The Sea Bat A Movie Star Saved by Wireless Redemption His Bitter Pill Madcap Ambrose Mabel at the Wheel Caught in a Cabaret The Knockout That Little Band Of Gold Tillie's Punctured Romance The Nervous Wreck L’àguila Caught in a Park Full o' Spirits The Gusher Ye Olden Grafter Footloose Widows Her First False Hare Adventurous Ambrose My Best Girl Sea Horses Caught in the Fog Soup to Nuts The Shamrock and the Rose The Beloved Rogue The Last Warning Fatty's Wine Party The Pullman Bride This Way Out The Home Breakers His Naughty Thought Gentlemen Prefer Blondes The Chaplin Revue Becky Innocent Ambrose Happy Times and Jolly Moments Star Power: The Creation Of United Artists Thirst Whispering Wires Ambrose's Little Hatchet Lighthouse Love The Sea Nymphs Hogan's Romance Upset The Midnight Patrol Bad Boy Lost: A Cook Heroic Ambrose Innocent Ambrose