Arianne Fraser Headless Horseman Muzzle Three Christs Escape Plan 2: Hades We Summon the Darkness Infamous Becky Testimoni protegit Smiley Face Killers Berlin, I Love You Panama Ombres del passat 10 Minutes Gone Enfront del tornado Zone 414 Final Score A Vigilante The Misfits The Lair Gasoline Alley Ghosts of War Arcadian L'enviada del Mal One True Loves Medieval El riu de la ira L'emboscada Terminal The Black Demon Acts of Violence Slayers Wardriver Looking Glass Fear the Night La fortalesa La fortalesa: L’ull del franctirador Midnight in the Switchgrass Wire Room 57 Seconds Compte pendent Parts Per Billion El fideïcomís Inconceivable Inheritance The Night Clerk Rogue Warfare: Death of a Nation Rogue Warfare The Reckoning One Way Braven Boss Level Yes, God, Yes Mercenaris d’elit The Crow Old Guy Dedication Zeus Sierra Madre Locked Descendent Armor Muzzle: City of Wolves