Eli Bauer Gadmouse the Apprentice Good Fairy Experiments amb gats The Third Musketeer Big Game Fishing Op, Pop, Wham, and Bop Foofle's Train Ride The Famous Ride The Famous Ride Mini-Squirts Deep Sea Doodle Nudnik's Nudnickel Baron Von Go-Go Marvin Digs L'augusta gràcia La balena Dicky Moe Mouse Trek The Fuz Old Mother Clobber Friend Fox Daniel Boone, Jr. Drum Roll The Wayward Hat The Phantom Skyscraper A Voodoo Spell Mr. Winlucky Gaston's Easel Life Give Me Liberty Which Is Witch? Dr. Rhinestone's Theory The Tale of a Dog Hearts and Glowers Tin Pan Alley Cat Camp Clobber Aterratge perillós