Trevor Howard El tercer home Gandhi Breu encontre Ludwig Superman La volta al món en vuitanta dies Foreign Body El comte de Montecristo Triple joc Father Goose Motí a la Bounty Von Ryan's Express L’espasa del cavaller La batalla d'Anglaterra David i Catriona The Offence The Liquidator Fosca sospita Meteorit Green for Danger The Charge of the Light Brigade Operació Crossbow Passions a Kenya Morituri The Catholics Aces High The Clouded Yellow El carreró del crim Mary, Queen of Scots La filla de Ryan Time After Time The Cockleshell Heroes Escapada cap al sol Squaring the Circle They Made Me a Fugitive Odette Sir Henry at Rawlinson End The Passionate Friends Els llops de mar The Missionary Gift Horse The Night Visitor Dust Hennessy Sons and Lovers Hurricane The Last Remake of Beau Geste Les arrels del cel Catch Me a Spy Who? El lleó The Unholy Outcast of the Islands Twinky Conduct Unbecoming La llegenda d’un valent Golden Salamander Les Années lumière Persecution La clau Bogeria Les Amants du Tage Hedda Gabler Man in the Middle The Poppy Is Also a Flower The Heart of the Matter The Dawning Slavers - Die Sklavenjäger Moment of Danger A Doll's House So Well Remembered La mano dello straniero 11 Harrowhouse God Rot Tunbridge Wells! Stevie The Shillingbury Blowers Eliza Fraser Memory of the Camps Der flüsternde Tod Inside the Third Reich Lady Godiva Rides Again Windwalker Manuela Christmas Eve Hand in Glove Cap a les estrelles The Deadly Game The Bawdy Adventures of Tom Jones Pope Joan Staying On Pretty Polly German Concentration Camps Factual Survey The Making of 'Superman: The Movie' Camí endavant Flashpoint Africa The Invincible Mr. Disraeli The Spirit of Adventure: Night Flight The Bengal Lancers! Superman II Eagle in a Cage The Aircraft Rocket, Part 4: Tactics, Section 2: Coastal Studio One Hallmark Hall of Fame Shaka Zulu Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse The 20th Century Fox Hour Shillingbury Tales George Washington Scorpion Tales Peter the Great The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson Frontline Alle origini della mafia Tonight Starring Jack Paar Hallmark Hall of Fame Spécial cinéma Ludwig Time for Murder The Dick Cavett Show