Junts i barrejats

Junts i barrejats 2014


Després d'una desastrosa cita a cegues, els pares solters es mostren d'acord en una sola cosa: no es vol tornar a veure mai més. Però es troben durant unes vacances a l'Àfrica.


Spirit: El cavall indomable

Spirit: El cavall indomable 2002


L'Spirit neix al salvatge oest de mitjans del segle xix. El seu pare era l'antic cap de la seva manada de Mustang salvatges, però mai el va arribar a conèixer. Quan es fa gran es converteix en el nou cap pel respecte, valentia i coratge que transmet. Tot transcorre amb normalitat fins que una nit veu una llum, un foc encès per uns homes. Encuriosit s'acosta i quan els homes s'aixequen, el persegueixen fins a atrapar-lo.


Nascuda lliure

Nascuda lliure 1966


Aquest clàssic del cinema familiar és una adaptació fidel del llibre de Joy Adamson sobre Elsa, la lleona que ell mateix va criar des que era cadell i que va educar per poder-la tornar a la naturalesa.


El viatge de l’emperador

El viatge de l’emperador 2005


Documental sobre l'emigració dels pingüins a l'Antàrtida. Cada any a l'Antàrtida comença un emocionant i bell viatge. Centenars de milers de pingüins Emperador abandonen la seguretat de l'oceà per endinsar-se a la desèrtica terra gelada. Una regió tan dura i extrema que cap altre ésser viu s'atreveix a habitar. Tota la comunitat de Pingüins marxen a través d´aquest difícil paisatge de gel. Amb resolució i valentia conduïts per la necessitat de reproduir-se amb la fi de la supervivència de l'espècie. Aquesta és la història duna família de pingüins.


Tarzan i la seva companya

Tarzan i la seva companya 1934


Harry Holt, un antic nuvi de Jane, es troba a l'Àfrica formant part d'una expedició que busca ivori al mític cementiri dels elefants. Ell i el seu amic Marlin Arlington esperen convèncer Jane perquè torni amb ells a Londres. Però Tarzan desaprova el seu projecte de saquejar el cementiri.



Terra 2007


Terra" és un cant a la bellesa del nostre planeta i un recordatori de la delicada fragilitat del lloc on vivim. El documental acompanyarà diversos animals -ossos blancs, elefants, balenes-- en un viatge inoblidable a través de les estacions en la seva lluita diària per la supervivència en el nostre planeta. La pel·lícula documental té paisatges mai vistos i detalls més íntims de la vida de les nostres estimades i esquívoles criatures salvatges. Un viatge extraordinari que ens deixarà sense alè.


Les mines del rei Salomó

Les mines del rei Salomó 1950


El marit d'Elizabeth Curtis ha desaparegut a algun lloc d'Àfrica mentre intentava trobar les mines de diamants del rei Salomó. Per trobar-lo, Elizabeth contracta l'aventurer i explorador Alan Quartermain i ofereix una recompensa de 5.000 lliures.



Roar 1981




Countryfile 1988


The people, places and stories making news in the British countryside.



Nature 1982


Consistently stunning documentaries transport viewers to far-flung locations ranging from the torrid African plains to the chilly splendours of icy Antarctica. The show's primary focus is on animals and ecosystems around the world. A comic book based on the show, meant to be used an as educational tool for kids, was briefly distributed to museums and schools at no cost in the mid-2000s.


Natural World

Natural World 1983


Natural World is a nature documentary television series broadcast annually on BBC Two and regarded by the BBC as its flagship natural history brand. It is currently the longest-running series in its genre on British television, with more than 400 episodes broadcast since its inception in 1983. Natural World is produced by the BBC Natural History Unit in Bristol, but individual programmes can be in-house productions, collaborative productions with other broadcasters or films made and distributed by independent production companies and purchased by the BBC. Natural World programmes are often broadcast as PBS Nature episodes in the USA. Since 2008, most Natural World programmes have been shot and broadcast in high definition.


Wild Hokkaido!

Wild Hokkaido! 2017


Be immersed in nature's beauty. Discover Hokkaido at its wildest and best as our presenter guides you through its amazing experiences.


Planet Earth

Planet Earth 2006


David Attenborough celebrates the amazing variety of the natural world in this epic documentary series, filmed over four years across 64 different countries.


Our Planet

Our Planet 2019


Experience our planet's natural beauty and examine how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope.


Texas Parks and Wildlife

Texas Parks and Wildlife 1970


A weekly outdoors/nature series focusing on the incredible diversity of wildlife, scenic locations and fascinating characters that make Texas unique.



Dynasties 2018


Follow the true stories of five of the world's most celebrated, yet endangered animals; penguins, chimpanzees, lions, painted wolves and tigers. Each in a heroic struggle against rivals and against the forces of nature, these families fight for their own survival and for the future of their dynasties.


Ultramarine Magmell

Ultramarine Magmell 2019


One day in the middle of the pacific ocean a miracle occurred, a new continent appeared out of nowhere! The new continent was the home for new and mysterious plants, creatures and minerals! Humanity is excited as the age of exploration has returned.


The Blue Planet

The Blue Planet 2001


Sir David Attenborough narrates this critically acclaimed series that dives deep into the marine environment of Planet Earth. Although two-thirds of the world's surface is covered with water, scientists know less about the oceans than they do about the surface of the moon. This limited series travels from various coasts to the poles to examine watery denizens ranging from the gigantic blue whale to microscopic coral polyps.


Seven Worlds, One Planet

Seven Worlds, One Planet 2019


Millions of years ago, incredible forces ripped apart the Earth’s crust creating seven extraordinary continents. This documentary series reveals how each distinct continent has shaped the unique animal life found there.


Walking with Dinosaurs

Walking with Dinosaurs 1999


Combining fact and informed speculation with cutting-edge computer graphics and animatronics effects, the series set out to create the most accurate portrayal of prehistoric animals ever seen on the screen.


The Really Wild Show

The Really Wild Show 1986


The Really Wild Show was a long-running British television show about wildlife, broadcast by the BBC as part of their CBBC service to children. It also runs on Animal Planet in the US. The show was broadcast continuously since 21 January 1986. In April 2006 the BBC announced that the show would be axed that summer, and as such the last ever episode was shown in April 2006, giving the show a run of 20 years.


The Hunt

The Hunt 2015


This major landmark series looks in detail at the fascinating relationship between predators and their prey. Rather than concentrating on ‘the blood and guts’ of predation, the series looks in unprecedented detail at the strategies predators use to catch their food and prey use to escape death. Sir David Attenborough narrates.


The Life of Mammals

The Life of Mammals 2002


David Attenborough presents a nature documentary series looking at why mammals are the most successful creatures on the planet.



Life 2009


David Attenborough looks at the extraordinary ends to which animals and plants go in order to survive. Featuring epic spectacles, amazing TV firsts and examples of new wildlife behaviour.



GON 2012


The Gon series features the adventures of the irascible title character, a tiny fictional dinosaur, as he interacts with the natural world. Gon somehow survived the extinction of his fellow dinosaurs and interacts with paleolithic animals.



Yellowstone 2009


A natural history portrait of a year in Yellowstone, following the fortunes of America's wildlife icons as they face the challenges of one of the most extraordinary wildernesses on Earth.


A Perfect Planet

A Perfect Planet 2021


A unique fusion of blue chip natural history and earth science that explains how our living planet operates. This five-part series shows how the forces of nature drive, shape and support Earth’s great diversity of wildlife.