
Push 2009


La Divisió, una agència governamental clandestina, té una finalitat fosca: alterar genèticament persones normals per convertir-les en soldats amb poders psíquics. Aquells que no hi volen participar o que hi estan en contra, són eliminats. Nick Gant s'amaga de la Divisió des que, sent un nen, van assassinar el seu pare. Nick ha heretat els seus poders telequinètics. Ocult a Hong Kong se sent segur, però es veurà forçat a sortir del seu amagatall quan s'encreui al seu camí Cassie, una noia de 13 anys que pot veure el futur. Cassie li demana ajuda per trobar Kira, una jove que té la més poderosa de les habilitats psíquiques desenvolupats per la Divisió: pot implantar pensaments a les ments dels altres. Kira té la clau per acabar amb la Divisió, i Nick i Cassie l'han de trobar abans que ells.


Diari d'un boig

Diari d'un boig 1963


En el llit de mort, un assassí confessa que vol morir, ja que hi ha alguna cosa més forta que la seva voluntat que l'obliga a cometre terribles crims. Per desgràcia, ningú no el creu.


A Certain Scientific Railgun

A Certain Scientific Railgun 2009


Misaka’s electro-manipulation abilities – and delightfully destructive Railgun projectile move – make her a rock star in Academy City. The techno-metropolis is packed with supernaturally powered students known as espers, including Misaka’s flirty friend and roommate, Kuroko. She uses her teleportation skills as a member of the Judgment law enforcement team, fighting crime alongside her fellow agent Uiharu. Joined by their friend Saten, a spunky Level 0 esper, Misaka, Kuroko, and Uiharu have a blast taking on danger whenever and wherever it arises.


A Certain Magical Index

A Certain Magical Index 2008


Kamijo is a student in Academy City, where people use science to develop supernatural abilities. The guy’s got a lot of heart – luckily for a young nun named Index. She’s on the run from a sorcery society that covets the astonishing 103,000 volumes of magical knowledge stored in her memory. When Index stumbles into Kamijo’s life, she finds a faithful friend and protector, and while Kamijo’s easily the weakest kid in Academy City, he’s got something else going for him: the Imagine Breaker, an unexplainable power stored in his right hand that negates the powers of others. With scientists and sorcerers attacking from all sides, the Imagine Breaker will definitely come in handy – but it’s Kamijo’s loyalty to Index that will be his greatest weapon in the fight to keep her safe.