Need for speed

Need for speed 2014


Tobey Marshall és un pilot de carreres clandestines que posseeix el seu propi garatge per modificar els cotxes i fer-los més ràpids. És enviat a la presó quan el seu millor amic és assassinat en una d'aquestes competicions, i buscarà venjar-se quan quedi en llibertat.


La cursa de la mort

La cursa de la mort 1975


A les Províncies Unides d'Amèrica els seus habitants, cansats ja de tantes guerres i de la gran depressió econòmica que pateixen, celebren cada any una popular i brutal carrera automobilística transcontinental considerada per molts, com un esport nacional on tots els participants obtenen una puntuació al anar atropellant a les persones, i guanyant aquell que obtingui una major puntuació qui més persones hagi atropellat. Un dels seus participants, el llegendari campió Frankenstein, s'enfronta en aquesta ocasió contra Joe "Metralladora" Biterbo, perillós rival disposat a tot tal guanyar. Al marge d'aquesta confrontació, Frankenstein té un altre objectiu molt diferent que el simple fet d'obtenir una nova victòria en aquesta perillosa competició.


Furious 7

Furious 7 2015


De nou els problemes els persegueixen. Sense aconseguir alliberar-se de la taca de criminals de la fitxa. El seu passat de llarga trajectòria a les carreres il·legals els perseguirà i hauran de fer front a les circumstàncies de l'única manera que saben. Quan els posin entre l'espasa i la paret idearan un pla per escapar del perill en una carrera trepidant per salvar la vida i netejar la seva reputació. Acció, persecucions i un ritme frenètic en aquesta nova entrega.


Fast & Furious 8

Fast & Furious 8 2017


La cursa ha començat. Dom Toretto i el seu equip tornaran aquesta vegada amb més ganes de guerra que mai. No faltaran els excessos de velocitat i l'adrenalina a dojo per a un film del qual s'espera que sigui el lliurament amb més acció d'aquesta saga de carrer per excel·lència.


Initial D

Initial D 1998


Takumi’s job as a tofu delivery boy has turned him into one of the most formidable drivers around. Behind the wheel of his Eight-Six, he’s one with the road—and his life shifts into high gear when the underground street racing world takes notice. Drivers from across the region are lining up for a shot at the new guy. Takumi’s not just focused on winning—he’s out to prove he’s the best.


Fast & Furious Spy Racers

Fast & Furious Spy Racers 2019


A government agency recruits teen driver Tony Toretto and his thrill-seeking friends to infiltrate a criminal street racing circuit as undercover spies.



Hyperdrive 2019


Elite street racers from around the world test their limits in supercharged custom cars on the biggest, baddest automotive obstacle course ever built.



Undercover 2011


Just an ordinary boy from the Sofia suburbs becomes the first bulgarian undercover cop. Forced by his father when he was young to lie and cheat, Martin becomes the perfect liar. That skill, and also the hatred of the 'underworld' makes him the perfect match for a dangerous mission - to infiltrate the crime organisation of a rich and powerful businessman. While infiltrating and living in fear of being uncovered, Martin falls in love with the most inappropriate woman - Djaro's girlfriend, Suni. Just when he gains the trust of the mobsters, it appears that the real enemy is in the police. Martin is alone against all, facing difficult decisions.



Curfew 2019


When day becomes night, a strict curfew forces ordinary people to go pedal to the metal in a deadly race for freedom. During this contest, alliances and friendships are both made and lost.


Wangan Midnight

Wangan Midnight 2007


After losing a street race to Tatsuya Shima's legendary "Blackbird" Porsche 911 Turbo, high school student Akio Asakura purchases a heavily-modified first-generation Datsun S30 Fairlady Z from a junkyard. The car has a dark history of accidents, leading some to believe it's cursed; hence its nickname "Devil Z." Akio also discovers that the Z's first owner shared his first and last name, and was killed in the car during a race with the Blackbird. Meanwhile, fashion model Reina Akikawa joins the rivalry between Akio and Tatsuya with her modified Nissan Skyline GT-R R32.


Shakotan Boogie

Shakotan Boogie 1991


It’s girls, gangs, and cars in this adaptation of the 1985 manga in Young Magazine, by Lullaby for Wednesday’s Cinderella-creator Michiharu Kusunoki. Local punks steal cars, switch the plates, and sell them, but not without racing them for a while against rival gangs. The anime continues the story where the 1987 live-action movie starring Kazuya Kimura left off.


Idris Elba: King of Speed

Idris Elba: King of Speed 2013


Idris Elba travels from his childhood home in east London to 'Motor City' - Detroit - and then on to New Jersey where he delves into the history of the first boy racers and explores how the quest for high speed has shaped professional motorsport and popular culture.