Imaginar-te 2024
La Solène, una mare soltera de 40 anys, comença un romanç inesperat amb en Hayes Campbell, de 24 anys, el cantant principal d'August Moon, la banda de nois més popular del planeta.
La Solène, una mare soltera de 40 anys, comença un romanç inesperat amb en Hayes Campbell, de 24 anys, el cantant principal d'August Moon, la banda de nois més popular del planeta.
Quan l'amenacen de tirar a terra casa seva per fer-hi un establiment, en Carl Fredricksen, un vell venedor de globus de 78 anys, decideix que ha arribat l'hora de fer realitat el somni que sempre havia compartit amb la seva difunta muller Ellie: explorar l'Amèrica del Sud. Sense pensar-s'ho gaire, el vell lliga la casa a milers de globus i emprèn un viatge des de l'aire. No obstant això, l'alegria del Sr. Fredicksen desapareix quan descobreix que no està sol, sinó que en Russell, un petit noi escolta que ven galetes, viatja amb ell.
Hi ha res pitjor que ser assistent d'una estrella de cinema exigent que no et pren de debò? Descobrir que està enamorat de la teva mare.
Nova York, anys 50. La Therese Belivet, una jove dependenta d'uns grans magatzems de Manhattan que somia amb una vida millor, coneix un dia la Carol Aird, una dona elegant i sofisticada que es troba atrapada en un matrimoni infeliç.
Lester Burnham, un home de mitjana edat, es troba en plena crisi: està cansat de la feina i avorrit i decebut del seu matrimoni. Però Lester desperta a la vida quan coneix una amiga de la seva filla, una adolescent molt bonica a qui mirarà d’impressionar.
Bob Harris i Charlotte són dos nord-americans que es troben a Tòquio. Bob és una estrella de cinema de mitjana edat que ha vingut a rodar un anunci. Charlotte és una dona jove que acompanya a tot arreu el seu marit, un fanàtic de la feina. Incapaços de dormir, els camins de Bob i Charlotte es creuen per casualitat i no trigarà a néixer entre ells una sorprenent amistat. S'aventuren junts a la vida nocturna de Tòquio, comparteixen inoblidables experiències amb els habitants de la ciutat i acaben descobrint una nova manera de veure la vida.
C.C. Baxter és un modest però ambiciós empleat d'una companyia d'assegurances de Manhattan. Està solter i viu només en un discret apartament que presta ocasionalment els seus superiors per a les cites amoroses. Té l'esperança que aquests favors us serveixin per millorar la vostra posició a l'empresa. Però la situació canvia quan s'enamora d'una ascensorista que resulta ser l'amant d'un dels caps que utilitzen el seu apartament.
Harry Sanborn és un solter recalcitrant que només surt amb dones molt més joves que ell. Ell i Marin, la seva última conquesta, han planejat un romàntic cap de setmana a casa de la platja de la mare. Quan Harry pateix un infart, la mare de Marin, Erica Barrry, una famosa escriptora divorciada, accepta de mala gana cuidar-lo fins que es reposi. La sorpresa de Harry és gran quan s'adona que se sent atret per ella, que, alhora, gràcies a Harry, descobreix novament l'amor. Però a Erica també la festeja un jove i encantador metge. Un cop recuperat, Harry torna a casa seva i als seus vells hàbits. Tot i això, la relació amb Erica ha alterat la seva vida i els seus sentiments.
Regina Lampert, una nord-americana resident a París, ha decidit divorciar-se del seu marit Charles. Ja no l'estima i s'adona que realment no sap gairebé res d'ell. Abans que pugui parlar amb Charles, l'assassinen, empenyent-lo des d'un tren en marxa mentre intentava fugir del país. Després que vengués totes les seves possessions, havia reunit un capital de 250.000 dòlars que ningú sap on ha anat a parar. Tres desconeguts d'aparença inquietant li van al darrere per aconseguir els diners, que segons la CIA pertanyen al govern americà. Només pot confiar en Peter, un home que ha conegut casualment durant les vacances...
Al cap de poc temps de perdre la seva dona Rebeca, l'aristòcrata anglès Maxim De Winter coneix a Montecarlo una jove humil, dama de companyia d'una senyora americana. De Winter i la jove es casen i es viuran a la mansió anglesa de Manderley, residència habitual de De Winter. Aviat la senyora Winter s'adona que no pot esborrar al seu marit el record de la seva esposa difunta.
Willis és un home molt ocupat amb poc temps per als sentiments que, després d'una experiència sobrenatural, troba un nen que resulta ser ell mateix de noi. Una comèdia bondadosa amb tocs fantàstics per a consum familiar.
Un home madur i excèntric, que viu a Nova York, decideix abandonar la seva acomodada vida per portar una existència més bohèmia. La seva relació amb una bella jove provocarà una sèrie de malentesos familiars i sentimentals.
Una família anglesa prepara el funeral del patriarca. La tensió creix a mesura que les antigues picabaralles entre els fills sorgeixen de nou. L'aparició d'un desconegut que afirma que el difunt ocultava un secret fosc només empitjora les coses, cosa que obliga la família a prendre mesures dràstiques per evitar que el funeral es converteixi en un desastre total.
A causa d'un trastorn d'envelliment inusual que li ha envellit quatre vegades més ràpid que un ésser humà normal, un nen entra al cinquè grau per primera vegada amb l'aspecte d'un home de 40 anys.
Tot i que John Robie 'El Gat' és un lladre de joies reformat, es converteix en el principal sospitós d'una sèrie de robatoris de pedres precioses als més luxosos hotels de la Riviera francesa, així que no tindrà més remei que demostrar la seva innocència. Quan coneix la capritxosa hereva Frances, veu l'oportunitat de desemmascarar el misteriós lladre utilitzant com a esquer les fabuloses joies de la mare de la jove.
Liza Miller, a suddenly single stay-at-home mother, tries to get back into the working world, only to find it’s nearly impossible to start at the bottom at 40-year old. When a chance encounter convinces her she looks younger than she is, Liza tries to pass herself off as 26 and lands a job as an assistant at Empirical Press. Now she just has to make sure no one finds out the secret only she and her best friend Maggie share.
Sparks begin to fly when a successful 33-year-old single woman and a 25-year-old romantic with few prospects navigate love and differences.chi
Brash humor and genuine emotion make up this original series revolving around the lives, loves, ambitions, careers and friendships of a group of gay men and women living on Liberty Avenue in contemporary Pittsburgh, PA. The show offers an unapologetic look at modern, urban gay and lesbian lives while addressing the most critical health and political issues affecting the community. Sometimes racy, sometimes sensitive and always straight to the heart.
Yang Eun-bi is a college student preparing for her civil service exam with the dream of being a high school teacher. She accidentally encounters Cha Chi-soo, the arrogant son of the biggest food conglomerate in Korea. Both of them end up working at a ramen shop run by the lazy Choi Kang-hyuk.
When Jude Harrison enters G Major’s singer/songwriter contest, she knows her stuff will kill, but she’s shocked when she learns she won the whole darn thing! Now, with a recording contract, a soon-to-be released single and a mega-crush on her producer, Jude’s wading through a world bigger than her wildest rock n’ roll dreams. Thrust into the spotlight, Jude is desperate to prove she belongs there…but she’s not even old enough to drive.
Hamura entered a high school as a biology teacher. Unexpectedly, one of his students, Mayu, fell in love with him. The forbidden love between the teacher and the student began to sprout. Hamura was worried that his relationship with Mayu would be misunderstood, so he tried to escape. However, he later understood Mayu’s tragic life and that the two could not be separated…
Dave, a 24-year-old ordinary kiwi slacker, finds his life turned upside down when he meets the girl of his dreams Cara - and her three kids. Step Dave is a light-hearted, feel-good family drama which demonstrates one of the realities of modern life that families come in all different shapes and sizes.
Ruby is a woman who wants to be loved but can't seem to find the right man. She loses faith in love but then meets Derek. With him, she learns to appreciate herself and those people that are important to her and begins to have faith in love again.
McMillan & Wife is a lighthearted American police procedural that aired on NBC from September 17, 1971 to April 24, 1977. Starring Rock Hudson and Susan Saint James in the title roles, the series premiered in 90-minute episodes as part of the wheel series NBC Mystery Movie, in rotation with Columbo and McCloud. Initially airing on Wednesday night, the original line-up was shifted to Sundays in the second season, where it aired for the rest of its run. This was the first element to be created specially for the Mystery Movie strand.
Stuart Jones has got it all. He's rich, drop-dead gorgeous and always the centre of attention. He can be forgiven the arrogance because he's pretty close to perfection. His best mate Vince Tyler is funny, adorable and definitely a babe but, unlike his friend, has zero confidence in himself. Since time began, Vince has carried a torch for Stuart but his love remains firmly unrequited. They're both 29, hitting Canal Street every night, stalwarts of the scene but just starting to wonder where else their lives may be going. Then along comes Nathan Maloney. Young, wild and coming out with a vengeance, he crowbars his way into their world and once he arrives, nothing is ever the same again.
Living With Fran is an American sitcom that debuted on The WB in April 2005 that starred Fran Drescher. The show last aired on March 24, 2006.
Haruta Soichi is a 33-years-old single man who isn't popular with women. He works at a real estate office and lives with his parents. However, one day, his mother walks away from him and he has to live independently. Soichi doesn't know basic things such as cooking or washing his clothes. He then decides to live with Maki Ryota, a coworker who is good at housekeeping. One day, Ryota and Kurosawa Musashi, a gay coworker, both confess their feelings to Soichi.
A woman has trained her ex-best friend's son to be her sexual slave for 20 years because her best friend stole her first love. What was meant to be revenge. Ending will come with great impact.
Will tell stories of emotional love and breakups. Ha Young-eun, a manager of the design team at a fashion label who is a trendy and intelligent realist. Yoon Jae-guk, a wealthy and popular freelancer photographer who also has the brains and looks. Hwang Chi-sook is a director of the fashion label’s design team who attended high school with Ha Young-eun and Seok Do-hoon is a skilled PR company CEO.
A sexual scandal between a math teacher and a student in a prestigious high school ended in tragedy. 4 years later they meet again, now as adults, to reveal the corruptions in school and to regain one's reputation as a teacher.
A bond between a troubled 25-year-old Aaron Simmons and Julie Ranmore a 44-year-old mother of two, whose marriage has lost all passion, has profound implications for both.
40-year-old Ton Narubase is a very popular celebrity, dubbed as "The Heart of Asia" and draped in fame and admiration even to this day. He is also Cake's mum's most favourite star. So when Cake gets a job as an intern in his entertainment company, Cake's mum makes a point to ask her daughter to get an autograph from her idol. But how does Cake go from getting an autograph for her mum to waking up the next morning, naked and in bed with her mum's idol? Can loving someone who is not only 20 years older than you but also a bigshot celebrity, actually work out?
Comedy about a Pinner solictor who falls for a woman half his age.
Sunday Dinner is an American sitcom which aired on CBS from June 2, 1991 until July 7, 1991. The series was produced by Norman Lear, and marked his return to television producing after an absence of several years. Lear's current wife Lyn Davis Lear served as co-producer on the series, which was the first official Lear show to be made under his latest production marquee Act III Productions.