Wallace & Gromit: La maledicció de les verdures

Wallace & Gromit: La maledicció de les verdures 2005


S'acosta el concurs anual de verdures gegants, un esdeveniment que paralitza el poble d'en Wallace i el seu gos Gromit. Però tota l'alegria s'acaba quan una bèstia enorme, misteriosa i voraç comença a aterrir els veïns atacant els horts a la nit i destruint tot el que troba al seu pas.


Chicken Run: Evasió a la granja

Chicken Run: Evasió a la granja 2000


1959, Anglaterra. Al galliner de la Granja Tweedy, la gallina Ginger somia amb un espai més ampli i amb la llibertat. Cada dia, intenta sense èxit escapar-se del corral.


Terra de Déu

Terra de Déu 2017


En Johnny Saxby porta una vida solitària a la granja familiar,on es dedica a la cria d'ovelles. L'alcohol i el sexe ocasional són les seves úniques distraccions. Tot canvia quan arribi en Gheorghe.



Kes 1970



Four Lions

Four Lions 2010


Quatre musulmans que viuen a Gran Bretanya prenen la decisió de convertir-se en terroristes. Omar i Waj decideixen viatjar a Pakistan per assistir a un camp d'ensinistrament per a kamikazes, mentre que en Barry i en Fessal es dediquen a ensinistrar corbs perquè transportin bombes a través de les finestres dels edificis.


Cims borrascosos

Cims borrascosos 1939


Entre els isolats erms rocallosos de Yorkshire s'alça l'ombrívola mansió Cims Borrascosos. Perdut enmig d'una tempesta, un foraster es veu forçat a trucar a la seva porta. Desprès d'una freda rebuda, sentirà per boca d'una vella criada, la turbulenta història d'amor entre en Heathcliff i la Cathy. Quan Heathcliff només era un noiet brut que malvivia pels carrers de Liverpool, va ser acollit a la mansió pel pare de la Cathy.


The Damned United

The Damned United 2009


Anglaterra, anys 60/70. En clau d'humor negre, es narra la polèmica història dels fatals quaranta-quatre dies de Brian Clough com a entrenador del Leeds United, l'equip de futbol campió en aquell moment. Gràcies a l'anterior entrenador, Don Revie, rival d'en Brian, el club havia viscut el període de més èxit de tota la seva història, però a costa de practicar un futbol agressiu, poc vistós i, per tant, incompatible amb l'esperit esportiu i brillant d'en Brian. En efecte, Clough hi havia assolit, amb la col·laboració del seu ajudant Peter Taylor, èxits sorprenents amb equips com l'Hartlepool i el Derby County. Acceptar el treball del Leeds sense Taylor al seu costat, amb un vestuari format amb els nois d'en Don, no semblava una tasca fàcil.


Lassie torna a casa

Lassie torna a casa 1943


La vigília de la Segona Guerra Mundial, en un poble miner a Yorkshire (Regne Unit), la família Carraclough està travessant dificultats econòmiques. Un dia la situació és tan gran que es veuen obligats a vendre Lassie, una intel·ligent i preciosa Collie que tenen, al Duc de Rudling. Però Lassie aconsegueix escapar-se, i és llavors quan s'adona que és a 800 quilòmetres de casa seva, al remot castell del Duc a la costa nord d'Escòcia. Però res no l'atura; està decidida a superar tots els obstacles que se li posin per davant per tornar a la llar que tant troba a faltar...


Tocant el vent

Tocant el vent 1996


Durant el govern de Margaret Thatcher, la mina de carbó d'un poble del nord d'Anglaterra és a punt de ser tancada. La banda de música dels miners, tota una institució amb més d'un segle d'història, també corre el perill de desaparèixer. Tot i això, Danny, el líder de la banda, exhorta els seus companys per animar-los a continuar competint en el concurs nacional.



Emmerdale 1972


The lives of several families in the Yorkshire Dales revolve around a farm and the nearby village. With murders, affairs, lies, deceit, laughter and tears, it's all there in the village.


Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey 2010


A chronicle of the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in the post-Edwardian era—with great events in history having an effect on their lives and on the British social hierarchy.


Last of the Summer Wine

Last of the Summer Wine 1973


Unencumbered by wives, jobs or any other responsibilities, three senior citizens who've never really grown up explore their world in the Yorkshire Dales. They spend their days speculating about their fellow townsfolk and thinking up adventures not usually favored by the elderly. Last of the Summer Wine premiered as an episode of Comedy Playhouse in 1973. The show ran for 295 episodes until 2010. It is the longest running comedy Britain has produced and the longest running sitcom in the world.



Heartbeat 1992


Set during the 1960s in the fictional North Yorkshire village of Aidensfield, this enduringly popular series interweaves crime and medical storylines.


All Creatures Great & Small

All Creatures Great & Small 2020


The heartwarming and humorous adventures of a young country vet in the Yorkshire Dales in the 1930s. A remake of the 1978 series.


All Creatures Great and Small

All Creatures Great and Small 1978


All Creatures Great and Small is a British television series, based on the books of the British veterinary surgeon Alf Wight, who wrote under the pseudonym James Herriot. Ninety episodes were aired over two three-year runs. The first run was based directly on Herriot's books; the second was filmed with original scripts.


Happy Valley

Happy Valley 2014


Happy Valley is a dark, funny, multi-layered thriller revolving around the personal and professional life of Catherine, a dedicated, experienced, hard-working copper. She is also a bereaved mother who looks after her orphaned grandchild.


Where the Heart Is

Where the Heart Is 1997


Where the Heart Is is a British television family drama series set in the fictional Yorkshire town of Skelthwaite. It focuses on the professional and personal lives of the district nurses who work in the town.


No Angels

No Angels 2004


No Angels is a critically acclaimed British television comedy drama series, produced by the independent production company World Productions for Channel 4, which ran for three series from 2004 to 2006. It was devised by Toby Whithouse.


The New Statesman

The New Statesman 1987


The New Statesman is a British sitcom of the late 1980s and early 1990s satirising the Conservative government of the time.


Last Tango in Halifax

Last Tango in Halifax 2012


Celia and Alan are both widowed and in their seventies. When their respective grandsons put their details on Facebook, they rediscover a passionate relationship that started over sixty years ago.


Wire in the Blood

Wire in the Blood 2002


Clinical psychologist Dr Tony Hill's uncanny ability to see into the minds of murderers means he finds it difficult to distance himself from disturbing cases.


Rising Damp

Rising Damp 1974


Set in a seedy bedsit, the cowardly landlord Rigsby has his conceits debunked by his long suffering tenants.


Still Open All Hours

Still Open All Hours 2014


Still Open All Hours is a sitcom set in a grocer's shop. It is a sequel to the series Open All Hours, written by original series writer Roy Clarke and featuring several of the permanent cast members of the original series


Dalziel & Pascoe

Dalziel & Pascoe 1996


British crime drama based on the "Dalziel and Pascoe" series of books by Reginald Hill, set in the fictional Yorkshire town of Wetherton. The unlikely duo of politically incorrect elephant-in-a-china-shop-copper Detective Superintendent Andrew Dalziel (pronounced Dee-ell) and his more sensitive and university educated sidekick Detective Sargent, later Detective Inspector, Peter Pascoe is always on hand to solve the classic murder mystery, while maintaining a down to earth wit and humour.



Follyfoot 1971


Follyfoot is a children's television series co-produced by the majority-partner British television company Yorkshire Television and the independent West German company TV Munich. It aired in the United Kingdom between 1971 and 1973, repeated for two years after that and again in the late 1980s. The series starred Gillian Blake in the lead role. Notable people connected with the series were actors Desmond Llewelyn and Arthur English and directors Jack Cardiff, Stephen Frears, Michael Apted and David Hemmings. It was originally inspired by Monica Dickens' 1963 novel Cobbler's Dream; she later wrote four further books in conjunction with the series—Follyfoot in 1971, Dora at Follyfoot in 1972, The Horses of Follyfoot in 1975, and Stranger at Follyfoot in 1976.


Fat Friends

Fat Friends 2000


Fat Friends was an ITV drama, following a group of overweight people, their laughter and pain and addresses the absurdities of dieting in our modern age. The drama looks at people and how they relate to one another and use body weight as an excuse for all sorts of failings in their relationships, or not living their lives to the full. Four of the cast, Ruth Jones, James Corden, Sheridan Smith and Alison Steadman, went on to appear in Gavin & Stacey.


The Hardacres

The Hardacres 2024


The sweeping rags to riches story of the Hardacres, a working-class family in 1890s Yorkshire who strike it rich and move from a grimy fish dock to a vast estate.


Ackley Bridge

Ackley Bridge 2017


A new academy school in a Yorkshire mill town merges the lives and cultures of the largely divided white and Asian community


Playing the Field

Playing the Field 1998


The on-the-field trials and tribulations and the off-the-field lives, loves and infidelities of 'The Castlefield Blues', an under funded, badly managed ladies football team from South Yorkshire in the north of England whose loyalty to the team, the game and each other far exceeds their chances of ever winning the championship.