Pulp fiction

Pulp fiction 1994


Jules i Vincent són dos assassins a sou que treballen per a Marsellus Wallace. Abans de realitzar un dels seus "treballs", Vincent li confessa a Jules que Marsellus li ha demanat que cuidi de la seva núvia, Mia. Comencen a parlar sobre el perillós de sobrepassar-se amb la núvia del cap, però arriba l'hora de treballar i ambdós han de posar-se en feina. La seva missió: recuperar un misteriós maletí.


The Town: Ciutat de lladres

The Town: Ciutat de lladres 2010


En Doug MacRay és un atracador de bancs de Boston que s'ha complicat la vida en enamorar-se de la Claire, la directora d'una de les sucursals on ha robat. Al mateix temps que prepara el següent cop, en Doug ha d'esquivar un agent de l'FBI que li segueix les passes de molt a prop.


Tres dones i un pla

Tres dones i un pla 2008


Quan la Bridget Cardigan, que sempre ha dut una vida acomodada, s'assabenta que el seu marit ha perdut la feina i que estan arruïnats, se'n va a treballar al Banc de la Reserva Federal, on coneix la Nina Brewster, una mare soltera amb dos fills, la feina de la qual consisteix a destruir milions i milions de bitllets vells. La Bridget convenç la Nina per robar aquells diners, però necessiten la col·laboració d'una tercera dona per executar el seu pla.



Psicosi 1960


Després d'haver-se apropiat de 400.000 dòlars que no li pertanyen, Marion Crane agafa el cotxe i fuig carretera enllà amb els diners. En fer-se de nit, troba el Motel Bats, un tenebrós motel on decideix passar la nit. Marion n'és l'única inquilina, i mentre és a la dutxa, una ombra estranya irromp a l'habitació i la cus a punyalades.


En la calor de la nit

En la calor de la nit 1967


En una petita població de Mississipí, el policia Sam Wood descobreix el cadàver d'un industrial. Poc després, a l'estació deté un home negre que, després de ser interrogat pel cap de la policia local, Billl Gillespie, resulta ser un inspector de la policia de Filadèlfia anomenat Virgil Tibbs. Tots dos policies decideixen col·laborar per investigar l'assassinat.


Cop a Hawaii

Cop a Hawaii 2004


Jack Ryan (Owen Wilson) és un surfer i lladre de poca muntanya que, fent tombs per la vida, ha acabat treballant en una constructora a Hawaii. Després d'un incident que li costa l'acomiadament, el jutge Walter Crewes (Morgan Freeman) el contracta al petit hoteler. Però llavors coneix una explosiva dona (Sara Foster) que brindarà un pla difícilment rebutjable: robar 200.000 dòlars a un magnat de la zona.


Gran Hotel

Gran Hotel 1932


Les diferents històries dels hostes d'un hotel elegant són l'argument d'aquest film de repartiment brillant. Va obtenir només un Oscar, però va ser el de millor pel·lícula.


Junts fins a la mort

Junts fins a la mort 1949


Al bandit Wes McQueen l'ajuden a escapar de presó perquè col·labori amb la seva banda en un últim assalt al tren. Però no li agraden els seus nous companys, excepte Colorado Carson, una bella dona ex-ballarina de music-hall.


La gran estafa

La gran estafa 1973


Un lladre, amb la col·laboració de la seva dona i d'un amic, roba un banc sense saber que la màfia hi guarda els seus diners. A partir d'aquell moment, l'infeliç criminal haurà de fugir dels gàngsters alhora que intenta esquivar la policia.


The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty

The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty 2020


Set during the 14th year of Chenghua Emperor's reign, Tang Fan, a sixth rank official and Sui Zhou, an embroidered uniform guard, join hands to crush a conspiracy to maintain peace and order for the people.



Baptiste 2019


Battered by life, detective Julien Baptiste will investigate to the brink of obsession. Whatever the cost. Whatever it takes.



Eyes 2005


Eyes is an ABC television series starring Tim Daly as Harlan Judd. Eyes follows the firm of Judd Risk Management which uses marginally legal means to investigate individuals and crimes where law enforcement would fall short. With the help of high-tech gadgets, Harlan Judd and his employees recover money for victims as well as investigate individuals for clients but still manage to keep plenty of secrets from one another. In May 2005, having rescheduled the sixth episode twice, ABC announced that they would not be airing the remaining episodes until June at the earliest. They later announced that it would not be picked up for a second season and that the remaining episodes would remain unaired. New Zealand television station TV2 picked up this show and aired the complete series, all twelve episodes, in the second half of 2005. These episodes appeared online via BitTorrent soon after. The show was also partially aired on Singapore television station Mediacorp Channel 5, with the pilot episode and episodes #106 to #112 being skipped. Episode #111 was an exception, and was aired as the fifth episode. The show was also aired in full on France cable television station Canal Jimmy in 2006. In the beginning of 2008 the show was aired in full on Polish television station TVN 7. The series was shown on the Nine Network in Australia in 2007.


Dead End

Dead End 2022


A group of people sharing a ride accidentally switches cars with a bank robber, who then pursues them to retrieve the stolen money he left in the trunk.


Midnight Series: Dirty Laundry

Midnight Series: Dirty Laundry 2023


Neon, a lonely girl working the late-night shift at a laundromat, carelessly thieves a briefcase filled with a million in cash from her crush Night's apartment. Night is a murder mystery novelist who came to Neon's rescue at the laundromat. When he catches on that she's the thief and comes to get the bag back, it's already gone missing. The two have to team up to search for the true thief with only one clue, the laundromat's service log. In the record are: Judo, a good-looking university student who came to study; P'Chompoo, Night's landlord; Momay, a sexy karaoke girl; and Nick and Smile, a bitchin' rock couple.


Karl & Max

Karl & Max 2015


Karl, Max and their friend Yvon see their destiny forever shatter when they discover a bag containing a gun and lots of money! By taking the decision to keep the loot of 2.6 million, they will be propelled into a world to which they don’t belong, caught up in a race for millions with the organized crime.


Jao Sao Yuen Nueng

Jao Sao Yuen Nueng 2022


The owner of Nisa Beauty Clinic, Khun Nisa, is a person who often hires popular beautiful women as presenters of the clinic. One day, on the wedding day of a beautiful woman, An Chan, her boyfriend ran away and cheated her of 500,000 baht. That's how Khun Nisa offered Anchan, who became famous, to be a presenter At the same time, a money-hungry daughter-in-law, Fa Sai, who wanted to catch her son Ma Win without Khun Nisa's consent, came up to the house stubbornly, holding her son by the hand. Khun Nisa forced An Chan to pretend to be Ma Win's lover in order to expel Fa Sai. Is it possible for an uncle to save his daughter-in-law like hell? It's just a romantic comedy story where you have to see if you fall in love with Ma Win while pretending