El castell ambulant

El castell ambulant 2004


La jove Sofia ja té 18 anys i treballa incansablement dia rere dia fent barrets en una sombrereria d'una ciutat europea. El continent es troba immers en la guerra. Després de patir un atac a mans d'uns soldats, Sofia és víctima d'un malefici i decideix anar al castell ambulant a veure el mag Howl, per demanar-li que l'ajudi.


Gru, el meu dolent preferit 2

Gru, el meu dolent preferit 2 2013


En Gru ha abandonat totes les activitats delictives i es dedica a educar les seves filles, Margo, Édith i Agnès. Quan ja s'ha acostumat a la vida tranquil·la de pare de família, una organització ultrasecreta que lluita contra el Mal a escala planetària truca a la seva porta. Juntament amb la seva nova amiga, Lucy, resoldrà una sèrie de crims espectaculars.


Kiki, l’aprenent de bruixa

Kiki, l’aprenent de bruixa 1989


La Kiki és una jove bruixa de tretze anys que està a punt de començar la seva formació. Com totes les bruixes de la seva edat, passarà un any sencer fora de casa en un lloc on pugui ajudar la gent amb els seus poders màgics. Volant amb la seva escombra i acompanyada del seu bon i inseparable amic Jiji, un gat negre molt savi, l començarà un viatge on farà grans amics, com en Tonbo, i on descobrirà el veritable poder de la màgia.


Superagent 86 de pel·lícula

Superagent 86 de pel·lícula 2008


El Superagent 86 és un agent secret maldestre i despistat que pertany a l'agència d'intel·ligència governamental, que lluita contra les forces del mal. Ell i la seva companya inseparable, l'agent 99, s'enfrontaran a uns malvats rivals, l'agència K.A.O.S.


No és tan fàcil

No és tan fàcil 2009


La Jane, mare de tres fills ja adults, és propietària d'un restaurant-pastisseria a Santa Bàrbara. Malgrat estar divorciats des de fa anys, la Jane manté una bona relació amb el seu exmarit Jake. Tanmateix, quan han de viatjar junts per assistir a la graduació d'un dels fills, la seva amistat es trenca per diversos motius.


Encís de lluna

Encís de lluna 1987


Loretta Castorini és una jove vídua italoamericana, encara atractiva, que accepta casar-se amb Johnny Cammareri, un bon jan més gran que ella. Encara que el troba agradable i el respecta, en realitat no l'estima. Quan falta poc per al casament, en Johnny es veu obligat a viatjar a Sicília perquè la seva pobra mare està a punt de traspassar. Abans d'agafar l'avió, li demana a la Loretta que convidi al casament al seu germà petit Ronny perquè, a causa d'una disputa, fa anys que no el veu i vol aprofitar l'ocasió per fer-hi les paus.


Iris i Stanley

Iris i Stanley 1990


Stanley, un home analfabet que treballa de cuiner en una fàbrica, intenta cridar l'atenció d'Iris, una treballadora que acaba d'enviudar i que intenta tirar endavant els seus dos fills. En certa ocasió, en sortir de treballar, un desconegut intenta robar la bossa a Iris i Stanley l'ajuda a perseguir el lladre. A partir de llavors s'estableix una relació entre ells i quan Iris descobreix que ell no sap llegir decideix ensenyar-lo.


Una pastisseria a Notting Hill

Una pastisseria a Notting Hill 2020


Una jove està decidida a complir el somni de la seva mare difunta d'obrir una pastisseria al barri de Notting Hill, a Londres. Per fer-ho demana ajuda a la seva excèntrica àvia i a la millor amiga de la seva mare.


Tu assassina que nosaltres netejarem la sang

Tu assassina que nosaltres netejarem la sang 1996


Gabriela, ja des de petita, estava fascinada per tot allò que era prohibit i que terroritzava als altres. Ara mostra desitjos no només d'entendre la mort, sinó també de sentir la seva presència, notar la seva essència i experimentar el seu horror. Però la fascinació de Gabriela es tornarà una obsessió quan segueixi la pista de l'assassí en sèrie "Sang Blava", al que la policia encara no ha aconseguit detenir. Gabriela intentarà per tots els mitjans trobar la manera d'estar a prop del seu crim més recent... Violenta extensió d'un curtmetratge realitzat pel mateix director. Quentin Tarantino va veure curt el seu treball del 1991 i va finançar el rodatge del llargmetratge.


Antique Bakery

Antique Bakery 2008


Antique Bakery is a manga by Fumi Yoshinaga depicting the lives of four men who work in a small bakery. It was published in Japan by Shinshokan and in English by Digital Manga Publishing. The series won the 2002 Kodansha Manga Award for shōjo manga. The manga was adapted as a Japanese TV drama, with the title Antique or Antique Cake Store, that was broadcast on Fuji TV in 2001, an anime TV series, airing on July 3, 2008 on noitaminA, and a Korean live-action movie.


Cake Boss

Cake Boss 2009


Follows the operations of Carlo's Bakery, a family-owned business in Hoboken, New Jersey owned and operated by siblings Buddy Valastro, Lisa Valastro, Maddalena Castano, Grace Faugno and Mary Sciarrone. The show focuses on how they make their cakes, and the interpersonal relationships among the various family members and other employees who work at the shop.


Antique: Western Antique Cake Shop

Antique: Western Antique Cake Shop 2001


This story is about four men who work in a confectionary. Tachibana Keiichiro (Shiina Kippei) is the owner; Ono Yusuke (Fujiki Naohito) is the superb baker that has a mysterious and mesmerizing aura; Kobayakawa Chikage (Abe Hiroshi) is the waiter and close bodyguard of Tachibana; and last but not least is Kanda Eiji (Takizawa Hideaki), the ex-boxer who loves cake so much that he becomes a waiter at 'Antique'. This is a refreshing, yet heartfelt comedy about the 4 very unique personalities that work until the wee hours of the night at the small confectionary. The series follows the romance, family life, and most importantly friendship that these 4 men from different generations experience. This is a confectionary with a "flavor" not like most. Located in the middle of an ordinary residential area, "Antique" stays open until 2 a.m. Every single thing in the shop is antique, in fact even the sherry glasses that water comes in look like they would cost 50,000 yen. On top of this, all the sweets that are sold are unbelievably delicious. The thing that is most peculiar about "Antique" though is that all 4 of the men that work here are very handsome, and each has an interesting past. Those that frequent the store also have a story to tell. Edited Excerpt from JDorama.com



Chocolat 2014


A Japanese college student runaway gets involved with a reformed Taiwanese hoodlum who was recently released after serving five years in jail.


Sweet Diva

Sweet Diva 2019


Maria da Paz is a committed baker who becomes a wealthy businesswoman twenty years after a tragedy strikes on the day of her wedding to Amadeu. From this broken union a baby is born, Jô, who seeks power and despises her mother’s humble origins. Afraid that her parents’ reunion might spoil her plans, Jô starts an alliance with the charming Régis to convince Maria to marry him and, together, they plan to steal all of Maria’s fortune. In this exciting telenovela written by Emmy Awards winner Walcyr Carrasco, Maria’s optimism must be stronger than Jô’s ambition when the baker finds out about the betrayal and her own daughter’s dangerous secrets.


The Gâteau Affairs

The Gâteau Affairs 2005


Ko Gan was a very talented cake master. Because of his dedication to making cakes, he neglected his family which caused his wife and son to leave him. While he rushed to the airport to see his wife and son, Ko Gan got into a car accident and was caught by the police when he lied about the cake for his son being a bomb so he could get to the airport on time. Two years later, Ko Gan is released from jail and is once again in the cake business, being a chief chef at Gateaux, a cake shop owned by Sabayung. Ko Gan acts coldly and is strict on the shop's employees, plus having to face all sorts of hardship in new cake creations and competitions from cake masters from all over the world; not to mention meeting hotheaded girl, Tong Sheung, who has a passion for baking. From her, he learns new things as well as with her around Ko Gun turns into a gentler man. But something huge stands in their way that causes their relationship to waver... and it has something to do with Kuk Kei.


Wuju Bakery

Wuju Bakery 1970


A small bakery was re-established by Wuju after all kinds of hardship in a small old town that holds precious memories with his parents before his long-awaited opening ceremony. A spaceship crash-landed, and the bakery was ruined... An alien and the handsome boss sat down in the bakery where a chaotic living together had begun. At the same time, the aliens who have been hiding in various parts of the city in search of them are revealed.


The Baker and the Beauty

The Baker and the Beauty 2020


Daniel Garcia is working in the family bakery and doing everything that his loving Cuban parents and siblings expect him to do. But on a wild Miami night he meets Noa Hamilton, an international superstar and fashion mogul, and his life moves into the spotlight. Will this unlikely couple upend their lives to be together and pull their families into a culture clash?


Maybe This Time

Maybe This Time 1995


Julia Wallace, a recently divorced woman with a precocious young daughter named Gracie, helps her mother, Shirley, run a family-owned coffee shop in a small town. Logan is the cafe's baker and Kay Ohara runs a nearby pawn shop.


Paul Hollywood City Bakes

Paul Hollywood City Bakes 2016


Renowned baker and star of the Great British Bake-Off travels to cities around the globe in search of amazing bakes.


Victorian Bakers

Victorian Bakers 2016


Four professional bakers leave their modern businesses behind to bake their way through the Victorian era. They set up shop in 1837, when their trade was vital to the survival of the nation.


Project Bakeover

Project Bakeover 2021


In Project Bakeover renowned pastry chef, master chocolatier and entrepreneur Steve Hodge throws a lifeline to struggling bakery businesses on the brink of losing it all. Drawing on his finely honed chef skills, his passion for desserts and his business acumen, Steve reinvigorates and inspires the desperate bakery owners, while design guru Tiffany Pratt transforms their tired, uninspired bakeries into warm and welcoming spaces. Together they get these businesses turned around and on the road to success.


How She Rolls

How She Rolls 2021


Meet Carrie Morey --an award-winning baker, cookbook author and entrepreneur who is growing a tiny made-by-hand mail order biscuit company into a booming business with a ravenous following.


Hot Cakes

Hot Cakes 2022


It's picture perfect cakes, the people who make them and the emotional stories behind the epic treats. Life is sweet at Gareth and Ryan's warm-hearted insta-bakery in Cardiff.