Trencant les onades

Trencant les onades 1996


A principis dels anys 70, Bess, una jove ingènua d'un poble costaner d'Escòcia, s'enamora de Jan, un home que treballa en una plataforma petrolífera. Tot i l'oposició de la rígida comunitat puritana a què pertany, Bess i Jan es casen.


Spacey Unmasked

Spacey Unmasked 2024


In 2023, Kevin Spacey was acquitted of sexual offences against four men in a UK trial. This documentary investigates Spacey's conduct and talks to multiple men, unconnected to that case, about their experiences with Kevin Spacey, almost all of whom have never spoken before.


See What You Made Me Do

See What You Made Me Do 2021


A 3-part documentary series that explores one of the most complex and urgent issues of our time - domestic abuse. Presented by investigative journalist Jess Hill, this series examines the fine lines between love, abuse and power.