Paraula clau Engagement
Fair Play 2023
Kyss mig 2011
Encís de lluna 1987
Loretta Castorini és una jove vídua italoamericana, encara atractiva, que accepta casar-se amb Johnny Cammareri, un bon jan més gran que ella. Encara que el troba agradable i el respecta, en realitat no l'estima. Quan falta poc per al casament, en Johnny es veu obligat a viatjar a Sicília perquè la seva pobra mare està a punt de traspassar. Abans d'agafar l'avió, li demana a la Loretta que convidi al casament al seu germà petit Ronny perquè, a causa d'una disputa, fa anys que no el veu i vol aprofitar l'ocasió per fer-hi les paus.
Extraterrestrial 2014
The Barbarian 1933
One True Loves 2023
L'Emma i en Jesse viuen una vida perfecta junts, fins que en Jesse desapareix en un tràgic accident d'helicòpter en el primer aniversari de casament. Quatre anys després, l'Emma ha tornat a trobar la felicitat i està a punt de casar-se amb el seu millor amic quan en Jesse reapareix, posa el seu món de cap per avall i la deixa dividida entre dos grans amors.
Middle of the Night 1959
Perseguint un somni 2002
Després de cinc anys de festeig, David rep una mena d'ultimàtum de la seva núvia Sarah, que pensa que ha arribat el moment de casar-se. Quan el seu vell amic Tyler, un faldiller empedreït, anuncia el seu casament, David se sent encara més pressionat.
An Inspector Calls 1954
El pare de la núvia 1950
Un pare s'enfronta a un dels moments més naturals i temuts de la seva vida: el casament de la seva filla. I els problemes no són només de caire sentimental: l'abandó de la llar per part de la noia; sinó també de caràcter econòmic: l'organització d'un casament costos que el portarà de cap.
とある飛空士への追憶 2011
Un engany de luxe 2006
En Jean, un humil cambrer d'un luxós hotel, es fa passar per multimilionari davant la Irene. Ella el rebutja quan descobreix qui és en realitat, però en Jean s'ha enamorat. Boig d'amor, no està disposat a deixar-la escapar i la persegueix fins a la Costa Blava.
Two Much 1995
The Razor's Edge 1946
Una trobada prometedora 2013
La Molly i el Josh, dos amics de la infantesa, van cap a Chicago al casament de la mare d'ella. Abans de pujar a l'avió, el pare del Josh li diu per telèfon que té un càncer terminal i que el que més greu li sap és no haver conegut la seva futura jove. El Josh, commogut, li diu que s'acaba de prometre amb la Molly. La noia, per pena, accepta seguir-li el joc, però la història del seu fals compromís s'anirà complicant cada cop més amb el pas dels dies.
Her Majesty, Love 1931
Love Is Blind 2020
Nick and Vanessa Lachey host this social experiment where single men and women look for love and get engaged, all before meeting in person.
Love Is Blind: UK 2024
Emma and Matt Willis host a social experiment where British singles look for love and get engaged before meeting in person. But who will say "I do"?
Love Is Blind: Sweden 2024
The unique dating experiment lands in Sweden as local singles seek true love and propose marriage — all before seeing each other in person.
Cosmic Love 2022
In this one-of-a-kind social experiment, four individuals attempt to find their perfect spouse via astrological matchmaking. Their romantic adventure takes place at a retreat run by a mystical guide, the Astro Chamber. They mingle, match, date, eliminate, and eventually make the biggest decision of their lives… will they marry their match based solely on their astrological compatibility?
Never Give Up, Dodo 2013
A raunchy romantic comedy about a couple, Duo Duo and Xu Fei, who decide to get married but face many obstacles to happiness. Dodo is engaged to her former co-worker Xu Fei but she is afraid this engagement won't last since her previous two engagements ended in disaster with her groom-to-be always leaving her for someone else just when they're about to get married. When Dodo was younger she reported a fortune teller to law enforcement's saying the fortune teller was a fraud, the fortune teller was arrested and cursed that Dodo well never get married. Dodo and Xu Fei move in together before their marriage, each guest that stays over at their home is a test to their relationship. Will Dodo and Xu Fei make it to their wedding day?
Family or Fiancé 2019
"Family or Fiancé" follows the dynamics between engaged couples who bring their disapproving families together under one roof. The families only spend 3 days with each other, and the clock is ticking as the couples decide if they're going to tie the knot. It's a no-holds-barred look at what it's really like when the people closest to you have major issues with the one you want to marry. Serving as the voice of reason is relationship expert Tracy McMillan, who helps the couple confront their families' concerns. She works with the newly engaged couple on ways to strengthen their bond, air their differences and reveal their true selves to their families, for better or worse. At the end of the third and final day, the families are given their chance to speak now or forever hold their peace leaving the couple to make the ultimate choice — "I do" or "I don't."
I Love You 2018
As Per travels to Focus and Ball's wedding in the countryside, Per remembers their time in high school. Per was a new transfer student who was immediately attracted to Ball. Although Ball seemed to have a liking for Per, Focus and Ball had already established a solid friendship and Focus was in love with Ball. Will the wedding go through or will Ball choose Per in the end? ** The drama series is incomplete. "All of the old files could not be found, so we created a movie version that will show in theaters. The content is the same as the series, but the series will have some scenes that have been removed and added to expand the understanding. The movie's content remains the same, not much different." **