Sol a casa 4

Sol a casa 4 2002


Després del divorci recent dels seus pares, Kevin decideix passar el Nadal a casa de Natalie, la nova núvia del seu pare, una casa equipada amb la més moderna tecnologia. Amb l'ajuda d'aquesta tecnologia i fent ús del seu enginy habitual, Kevin haurà de fer front a uns lladres, a més d'intentar aconseguir que els seus progenitors es reconciliïn. Nova entrega de la popular saga de "Sol a casa", que en aquesta ocasió, i després de perdre progressivament qualitat i taquilla a les anteriors, ja es va fer directament per a la televisió i el mercat de vídeo.


Find Me Falling

Find Me Falling 2024


Després d'un àlbum de tornada fallit, l'estrella de rock John Allman escapa a una illa de somni a la Mediterrània, només per descobrir que la seva nova casa amb un penya-segat té una desafortunada notorietat que atrau visitants no desitjats i un vell amor.


La nit dels morts vivents

La nit dels morts vivents 1968


La radiació d'un satèl·lit causa el despertar dels morts, que surten de les seves tombes i ataquen els éssers vius per alimentar-se. L'acció se situa al camp de Pennsilvània, on Bàrbara és inicialment atacada al cementiri per un mort vivent i fuig cap a una granja. Allí es troba amb Ben, i ambdós construiran barricades per sobreviure a la temorosa nit, ja que a fora hi ha una multitud de despietats zombis que només poden ser vençuts amb un cop al cap.



Mare! 2017


A una dona (Jennifer Lawrence) li agafa per sorpresa que el seu marit (Javier Bardem) deixi entrar a casa unes persones a qui no havia convidat. A poc a poc el comportament del seu marit va sent més estrany, i ella comença a estressar-se i a intentar fer fora tothom.


No us l’endureu pas

No us l’endureu pas 1938


Alice Sycamore, l'única persona amb una mica de seny en una família plena de llunàtics, s'enamora del seu cap, Tony Kirby, que pertany a una família molt rica i molt cursi. La diferència entre l'estil de vida i la mentalitat d'ambdues famílies s'aguditzen quan els pares en soparan a casa, i el sopar acaba amb l'arribada de la policia i la detenció de tots els presents, acusats d'anarquistes.


Zathura: Una aventura espacial

Zathura: Una aventura espacial 2005


El Danny i en Walter són dos germans que sempre s'estan barallant o buscant aventures perquè s'avorreixen. Els nanos viuen amb el seu pare i la seva germana gran. Un dia el Danny s'amaga en un petit muntacàrregues i en Walter el fa baixar fins al soterrani, un lloc que els dos nens temen.


Casa de sorra i boira

Casa de sorra i boira 2003


Dues persones entren en conflicte a causa de la propietat d'una casa al nord de Califòrnia. Per a Kathy Nicolo, és no només la casa de la seva infància, sinó també la darrera esperança que li queda per reintegrar-se a una vida que gairebé perd per la seva addicció a les drogues. Quan rep una ordre de desnonament per impagament d'impostos, es queda al carrer i no pot impedir que la casa sigui venuda a un preu irrisori. Pel nou propietari, Massoud Amir Behrani, la casa és la plasmació del somni americà que porta perseguint des que va sortir de l'Iran amb tota la família. Antic coronel de les Forces Aèries iranianes, Behrani s'ha vist obligat a treballar en feines molt modestes per poder mantenir les aparences. Ara ha invertit fins a l'últim cèntim en la compra de la casa que, per fi, tornarà a la família la seva antiga prosperitat.


The possession (L’origen del mal)

The possession (L’origen del mal) 2012


Una dona gran resulta malferida després d'un incendi produït a casa seva. A l'hospital només aconsegueix balbucejar l'odi que té cap a "la caixa". Dies després al jardí de casa seva se celebra un mercat de segona mà. La petita Emily i el seu pare compren "la caixa", i a partir d'aquest moment estranys successos comencen a passar: la casa s'omple de bestioles, la petita cada vegada té pitjor aspecte, les rates ataquen a un dels seus professors... El pare sospita que la caixa té alguna cosa a veure, i visiten un rabí que els diu que conté un esperit demoníac que consumirà la seva filla si no aconsegueixen tornar-lo a la caixa mitjançant un exorcisme.


Dexter's Laboratory

Dexter's Laboratory 1996


Dexter, a boy-genius with a secret laboratory, constantly battles his sister Dee Dee, who always gains access despite his best efforts to keep her out, as well as his arch-rival and neighbor, Mandark.


Big Brother

Big Brother 2000


A British reality television game show in which a number of contestants live in an isolated house for several weeks, trying to avoid being evicted by the public with the aim of winning a large cash prize at the end of the run.


Big Brother

Big Brother 2000


American version of the reality game show which follows a group of HouseGuests living together 24 hours a day in the "Big Brother" house, isolated from the outside world but under constant surveillance with no privacy for three months.


Baby Looney Tunes

Baby Looney Tunes 2002


The world's most beloved animated characters as precocious preschoolers, discovering the world one baby step at a time.


Being Human

Being Human 2009


Deciding to turn over a new leaf, a group of friends who also happen to be vampires and werewolves move into a house together, only to find that it is haunted by ghosts of people who have been killed under mysterious circumstances. As they deal with the challenges of being supernatural creatures, their desire to be human bonds them.


Mickey Mouse Funhouse

Mickey Mouse Funhouse 2021


Mickey Mouse, and his friends – Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Daisy and Pluto – to Funny, an enchanted talking playhouse, who takes the Sensational Six on adventures of all types to unique worlds that inspire the imagination.


Grand Designs

Grand Designs 1999


British television series which features unusual and often elaborate architectural homebuilding projects.


Big Brother Canada

Big Brother Canada 2013


A Canadian reality television show in which a group of contestants, known as "house guests", are sequestered in the Big Brother House, under the surveillance of cameras and microphones, for the chance to win a grand prize of $100,000 by being the last remaining house guest. Each week, the house guests vote to evict one of their own until two house guests remain on finale night. The winner is decided by the last seven evicted house guests, known as the Big Brother Jury.


Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse

Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse 2012


The series is set as a reality TV-esque show following Barbie, her sisters and her friends in the day-to-day activities that take place in the Dreamhouse and surrounding areas. Much of the humor in the show derives from parodying and lampooning both the traditional reality TV format and the Barbie franchise itself.



Jumanji 1996


Judy and Peter Shepherd are two kids that found a board game called "Jumanji". With each turn, the two of them are given a "game clue" and then sucked into a dangerous jungle until they solve their clue. There they meet Alan Parrish, who was trapped in the Jumanji jungle because he had never seen his clue.


Salem's Lot

Salem's Lot 1979


Ben Mears has returned to his hometown to write a book about the supposedly haunted Marsten House. When people around the Marsten House start dying mysteriously, Mears discovers that the owner of the mansion is actually a vampire who is turning them into an army of undead slaves.


A Place in the Sun

A Place in the Sun 2002


The programme that helps house-hunters find their dream holiday home in the sun.


Grand Designs Australia

Grand Designs Australia 2010


Follows intrepid individuals as they try to design and construct the home of their dreams.


Property Brothers

Property Brothers 2011


Brothers Jonathan and Drew Scott help home buyers to purchase renovation projects.


Secrets of the National Trust with Alan Titchmarsh

Secrets of the National Trust with Alan Titchmarsh 2017


Alan Titchmarsh and a host of familiar faces have a privileged insider’s view into some of Britain’s most intriguing historical homes and gardens. Alan visits a number of fascinating buildings including Hardwick Hall, Kingston Lacy and he even sets foot inside a notorious Workhouse. Throughout the series, Alan will be joined by the likes of Dan Jones, Angellica Bell, Suzannah Lipscomb and more famous faces.


Ju-On: Origins

Ju-On: Origins 2020


A paranormal researcher searches obsessively for a cursed home where something terrible happened to a mother and her child long ago.


Rilakkuma and Kaoru

Rilakkuma and Kaoru 2019


Kaoru's unexpected new roommate is Rilakkuma, a bear with a zipper on its back that spends each day just lazing around -- but is impossible to hate.


The House at Christianshavn

The House at Christianshavn 1970


Huset på Christianshavn was an 84-part television drama series broadcast in Denmark between 1970 and 1977. It was produced by the Nordisk Film company for the national broadcasting corporation, Denmarks Radio. 48 of the episodes were also shown in the German Democratic Republic. The series portrays the lives of the residents of a block of flats on Amagergade, Christianshavn, an old part of Copenhagen.


Through the Keyhole

Through the Keyhole 1987


David Frost wanders into celebrities' houses and a panel of celebrities has to guess who the famous homeowner is.