
Anora 2024


L'Anora, una jove prostituta de Brooklyn, té l'oportunitat de viure una història de la Ventafocs quan coneix i impulsivament es casa amb el fill d'un oligarca. Quan la notícia arriba a Rússia, el seu conte de fades es veu amenaçat, ja que els pares surten cap a Nova York per intentar aconseguir l'anul·lació del matrimoni.


Viure el moment

Viure el moment 2024


L'Almut i el Tobias es coneixen en una trobada inesperada que canvia les seves vides. A través de passatges de la seva vida en comú –s'enamoren, construeixen una llar, formen una família– se'ns revela una difícil veritat que amenaça de sacsejar els seus fonaments. A mesura que emprenen un camí que els límits del temps desafien, els protagonistes aprendran a apreciar cada moment del camí inusual que ha pres la seva història d'amor, que abasta una dècada.


La núvia cadàver

La núvia cadàver 2005


Ambientada en un poblet europeu en el segle XIX, aquesta pel·lícula d'animació fotograma a fotograma conta la història de Victor (a qui posa veu Johnny Depp), un jove que és portat de sobte a l'infern, on es casa amb una misteriosa Núvia Cadàver (amb la veu d'Hel·lena Bonham Carter), mentre que la seva vertadera núvia, Victòria (a qui posa veu Emily Watson) espera en el món dels vius. Malgrat que la terra dels morts resulta ser més colorista que la seva estricta educació victoriana, Victor aprèn que no hi ha res en aquest món, ni en el següent, que pugui separar-lo del seu únic i vertader amor.


Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Shut 1999


Bill Harford és un metge de Nova York a qui la vida li va molt bé. Té una dona preciosa, una filla i una feina que l'omple. Una nit, Alice, la seva dona, li explica les seves fantasies sexuals i també que va estar a punt de deixar-ho tot i marxar amb un altre home. William queda aclaparat amb la confessió d'Alice i busca respostes.



Casino 1995


Las Vegas, 1973. Sam "Ace" Rothstein, un professional de les apostes, és l'eficaç director d'un important casino que pertany a un grup de mafiosos. La seva missió és controlar el funcionament del negoci i garantir que el corrent de diners que pararà a les mans dels seus caps segueixi fluint. Las Vegas és un lloc ideal per a milionaris i polítics, però és també lloc de pas de tafurs, prestadors, traficants de drogues i matons. Un dia el violent Nicky Santoro, a qui els seus caps han encarregat que tingui cura de Sam, arriba a Las Vegas amb la intenció de quedar-s'hi.


Hotel Transsilvània 2

Hotel Transsilvània 2 2015


L'avi vampir està amoïnat perquè no s'acaba de veure si en Dennis ha sortit humà o vampir, i ja té cinc anys. Però potser això dels ullals tardans és una tradició familiar.


Contes de Tòquio

Contes de Tòquio 1953


Un matrimoni ja gran decideix visitar els fills a Tòquio i comprova amb tristesa que només són una càrrega per a ells. El viatge, que té com a objectiu la reunificació d’una família , es converteix, per contra, en el detonant que obre fissures irreparables i mostra dues concepcions de l’existència humana diametralment oposades.


La cosa més dolça

La cosa més dolça 2002


L'atractiva Christina Walters, inesperadament i després d'anys d'evitar relacions serioses amb els homes, coneix durant una nit de festa que sembla la seva mitja taronja, Pete. Però quan Christina s'assabenta l'endemà al matí que Pete ha deixat la ciutat, ella i la seva millor amiga, Courtney, surten a la recerca i es troben amb una sèrie de contratemps durant el seu viatge.


Quatre bodes i un funeral

Quatre bodes i un funeral 1994


Charles és un home solter que en un casament coneix a la Carrie, de qui s'enamora a primera vista. Tot i passar la nit junts, no es tornen a veure fins al següent casament.


El discurs del rei

El discurs del rei 2010


El duc de York va esdevenir rei d'Anglaterra amb el nom de George VI (1936-1952), després de l'abdicació del seu germà gran, Edward VII. La seva tartamudesa, que era un gran inconvenient per l'exercici de les seves tasques, el va portar a buscar l'ajuda de Lionel Logue, un expert logopeda que va intentar eliminar aquest defecte de la parla del monarca.


Sex Tape: Problemes al núvol

Sex Tape: Problemes al núvol 2014


Quan en Jay i l'Annie es van conèixer i van començar a sortir, l'atracció mútua era molt intensa. Deu anys més tard i ja amb dos fills, s'adonen que han de fer alguna cosa per fer reviure la flama de la passió. Llavors decideixen gravar-se en vídeo mentre mantenen una maratoniana sessió sexual. El problema sorgeix quan descobreixen que, per error, han enviat el vídeo als seus amics i familiars.


Déu meu, però què t’hem fet?

Déu meu, però què t’hem fet? 2014


En Claude i la Marie Verneuil, un matrimoni catòlic i molt conservador, tenen quatre filles a les que han tractat d'inculcar els seus valors i principis. Les filles, però, només els han donat disgustos: La més gran està casada amb un musulmà; la segona, amb un jueu i la tercera, amb un xinès. El matrimoni deposita totes les seves esperances en la filla menor, esperant que, com a mínim ella, es casi per l'església catòlica.


Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather 1989


Birds of a Feather is a British sitcom that was broadcast on BBC One from 1989 until 1998 and on ITV from 2013. Starring Pauline Quirke, Linda Robson and Lesley Joseph, it was created by Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran, who also wrote some of the episodes along with many other writers. The first episode sees sisters Tracey Stubbs and Sharon Theodopolopodos brought together when their husbands are sent to prison for armed robbery. Sharon, who lived in an Edmonton council flat, moves into Tracey's expensive house in Chigwell, Essex. Their next-door neighbour, and later friend, Dorien Green is a middle-aged married woman who is constantly having affairs with younger men. In the later series the location is changed to Hainault. The series ended on Christmas Eve 1998 after a 9-year-run.


What An Annoying Neighbour!

What An Annoying Neighbour! 2014


Tetangga Masa Gitu? is a sitcom genre soap opera that airs on NET. Starring Dwi Sasono, Sophia Latjuba, Deva Mahenra, and Chelsea Islan, this series shows the daily lives of two married couples who live next door. The first couple has been married for about 10 years, while the second couple has only been married for 8 days. This series was nominated twice at the Asian Television Awards in the Best Comedy Program category.


Marry Me, Marry You

Marry Me, Marry You 2021


A couple navigates the traditional expectations attached to marriage — that it extends beyond one’s partner, and includes their friends and family, too.


The King of Queens

The King of Queens 1998


Life’s good for deliveryman Doug Heffernan, until his newly widowed father-in-law, Arthur, moves in with him and his wife Carrie. Doug is no longer the king of his domain, and instead of having a big screen television in his recently renovated basement, he now has a crazy old man.


Jodha & Akbar

Jodha & Akbar 2013


Jodha Akbar is an epic drama about a sixteenth century story of the political marriage of convenience between a Mughal emperor Abu'l-Fath Jalal ud-din Muhammad Akbar and a Rajput princess Jodha Bai. The show focuses on how their political marriage brings love between them to an extent that it changed the fate of India. This period drama also portrays the wars of that time along with the relations between the Mughals and the Rajputs. The drama also focuses on the functioning of the queens, the courts, courtesans, the ministers and their influence on the love story of Jalal ud-din Muhammad Akbar and Jodha Bai. The show also highlights on how Mughal emperor Jalal ud-din Muhammad acquires the title of Akbar from the people.


The Story of Ming Lan

The Story of Ming Lan 2018


The Story of Ming Lan, based on the novel written by Guan Xin Ze Luan, follows our heroine through her youth, into her adulthood, and well into her marriage life as well. She’s the 6th child of the Sheng household. Though she is an intelligent and beautiful child, she was not loved by her family (her dad, her sisters, her mom dies early.) She has to hide her intelligence and suffers through the years, hoping to avenge for her mom. During this process she will meet many friends and foes, one of which is our male lead, Gu’s second son, Gu Ting Ye. He has helped and mistreated her before, but also the one to witness her sharp wits and lonely soul. After they get married, they will work together as a power couple, managing the new King’s regime as well as harvesting a world of happiness on their own.



Heartland 2007


Life is hard on the Flemings' ranch in the Alberta foothills where abused or neglected horses find refuge with a kind, hard-working family. Debts abound and the bank is about to foreclose. Can they keep the ranch running?


Mad About You

Mad About You 1992


Young, urban newlyweds Paul and Jamie Buchman try to sustain their marital bliss while sidestepping the hurdles of love in the '90s.


Dharma & Greg

Dharma & Greg 1997


Dharma & Greg is an American television sitcom that aired from September 24, 1997, to April 30, 2002. It stars Jenna Elfman and Thomas Gibson as Dharma and Greg Montgomery, a couple who got married on their first date despite being complete opposites. The series is co-produced by Chuck Lorre Productions, More-Medavoy Productions and 4 to 6 Foot Productions in association with 20th Century Fox Television for ABC. The show's theme song was written and performed by composer Dennis C. Brown. Created by executive producers Dottie Dartland and Chuck Lorre, the comedy took much of its inspiration from so-called culture-clash "fish out of water" situations. The show earned eight Golden Globe nominations, six Emmy Award nominations, and six Satellite Awards nominations. Elfman earned a Golden Globe in 1999 for Best Actress.


Love is Drop By Drop

Love is Drop By Drop 2016


Eun Bang Wool falls in love with Park Woo Hyuk who received a heart transplant from her ex-boyfriend.


Married at First Sight

Married at First Sight 2014


The cart comes way before the horse in the reality series "Married at First Sight." Based on a hit Danish format, "Married..." features people who agree to participate in an extreme experiment: Each covenants legal marriage with a complete stranger. Specialists -- including a spiritualist, a relationship coach and a sociologist -- use scientific matchmaking methods to determine each couple, who will not have met or had contact with each other until the wedding day. The series then documents the relationships, including honeymoons and other relatable events of married life. After several weeks, each couple must decide whether to remain together or go their individual ways.


Casados à Primeira Vista

Casados à Primeira Vista 2018


By scientists and relationship specialists, some Portuguese singles are placed in couples and meet for the first time in their own marriage. After that, they will go on a honeymoon, they will live together in a house and they are going out together and with their families and friends for the purpose of testing their relationship and discovering if love arises between them. In the end, the ultimate decision will be made: will they continue their lives together and married, or will their ways separate and divorce?


For Better or Worse

For Better or Worse 2011


Follow the the ups-and-downs of Angela Williams, the owner of a successful beauty salon, and her husband of 13 years, Marcus, a former professional football player who has recently partnered with Richard Ellington and Joseph Jetson on a new sports news program called "C-Sports Now."


I Believe in Love

I Believe in Love 2011


The story of Vice-Principal Kim and his wife, and the trials and tribulations they face in order to create a warm and happy family.


Family Ties

Family Ties 2000


A mature and successful woman, Helena becomes involved with Edu, who is twenty years her junior. She battles prejudice in order to live her love, but their romance fizzles out when she realizes that her daughter Camila has also fallen in love with him. Her dilemma grows even worse when she discovers that the girl has leukemia. Helena must disclose the real identity of Camila‘s father in order to try and find a compatible bone marrow donor. In order to save her, she decides to give up her new love and have another baby with her daughter‘s father.


The Promise

The Promise 2016


Na-Yeon is a bright woman. She supports her boyfriend Tae-Joon, who is from a poor background, and has even given up entering a university. But Tae-Joon dumps her for his success and goes with Se-Jin, who is a granddaughter of Baekdoo Company president. Do-Hee is Na-Yeon’s twin sister. She is arrogant and tough. Do-Hee works as a reporter at a weekly magazine. After Na-Yeon’s death, Do-Hee decides to take revenge. She takes on the identity of her sister Na-Yeon. Do-Hee then meets Hwi-Kyung, who is successor of Baekdoo Company.


How to Survive a Marriage

How to Survive a Marriage 1974


How to Survive a Marriage is an American soap opera which aired on the NBC television network from January 7, 1974 to April 17, 1975. The serial was created by Anne Howard Bailey, with much input from then-NBC Vice President Lin Bolen. The show's working title was From This Moment and was an in-house NBC production.


Tyler Perry's If Loving You Is Wrong

Tyler Perry's If Loving You Is Wrong 2014


Follow the relationships of a group of husbands and wives that live and love on the same street. While the neighbors come from very different backgrounds, their lives are similar – raising children, dealing with exes, worrying about money and keeping romance in their relationships. But just below the surface — secrets, lies and deception threaten to destroy what they have built.


Mulheres Apaixonadas

Mulheres Apaixonadas 2003


The series surrounds the damaged relationship between a saxophonist and a woman who falls in love for a former boyfriend, whom she had left to marry him.