12 micos

12 micos 1995


L'any 2035, el condemnat James Cole es proposa de mala gana per ser enviat en el temps per descobrir l'origen d'un virus mortal que va acabar amb gairebé tota la població de la terra i va obligar els supervivents a entrar en comunitats subterrànies. Però quan Cole és enviat per error al 1990 en lloc del 1996, és arrestat i tancat en un hospital psiquiàtric. Allà coneix la psiquiatra Dra. Kathryn Railly i el pacient Jeffrey Goines, fill d'un famós expert en virus, que pot tenir la clau del misteriós grup canalla, l'Exèrcit dels 12 Micos, que es creu que és el responsable de desencadenar la malaltia assassina.


Pacific Rim: Insurrecció

Pacific Rim: Insurrecció 2018


Un futur proper. Després de la primera invasió que va patir la humanitat, la lluita encara no s'ha acabat. El planeta torna a ser assetjat pels Kaiju, una raça d'alienígenes colossals que emergeixen des d'un portal interdimensional, amb l'objectiu de destruir la raça humana. Davant aquesta nova amenaça per a la qual els humans no estan preparats, els Jaegers, robots gegants de guerra pilotats per dues persones per suportar la immensa càrrega neural que comporta manipular-los, ja no estan a l'alçada del que se'ls ve a sobre. Serà llavors quan els supervivents de la primera invasió, a més de nous personatges com el fill de Pentecost (John Boyega), hauran d'idear la manera de sorprendre l'enorme enemic, apostant per noves estratègies defensives i d'atac. Amb la Terra en ruïnes i intentant reconstruir-se, aquesta nova batalla pot ser decisiva per al futur.


Els nois de la coral

Els nois de la coral 2004


El 1948 Clément Mathieu, professor de música aturat, accepta un lloc com a professor vigilant en un internat de reeducació de menors. El sistema repressiu aplicat pel director commociona Mathieu. Ensenyant música i cant coral a aquests nens tan difícils, Mathieu transformarà les seves vides quotidianes.


21 Black Jack

21 Black Jack 2008


Aventures d'un grup de joves que es converteixen en experts en l'art de comptar cartes com a estratègia per guanyar en els casinos. Ben Campbell troba la solució a la seva manca de diners jugant a cartes. Ben s'uneix a un grup d'estudiants que viatgen a Las Vegas cada cap de setmana usant identitats falses i amb els coneixements necessaris per tenir èxit jugant al Black Jack. Els joves actuen amb l'ajuda del seu professor de matemàtiques, Micky Rosa. Però Cole Williams, un policia dels casinos, els vigila de prop.


4 mesos, 3 setmanes i 2 dies

4 mesos, 3 setmanes i 2 dies 2007


Romania, 1987. El país es troba sota el ferri règim comunista de Ceaușescu. Otilia i Gabita són estudiants i comparteixen habitació en una residència. Gabita està embarassada, però no vol tindre-ho. Les joves acorden una trobada amb un tal Sr. Bebe perquè li practique un avortament il·legal a l'habitació d’un hotel.



Dormitory 2024


El cineasta turc Nehir Tuna es basa en l’experiència pròpia amb aquesta pel·lícula situada a la Turquia de 1997 i protagonitzada per un adolescent de catorze anys que és enviat pel seu pare a un internat islàmic. Allà coneixerà un noi orfe i experimentat que l’ajudarà a trampejar la rigidesa de la institució. La cinta es fixa en l’ascens de la religió en la política de l’època; a través d’un relat humanista i rebel.


Run with the Wind

Run with the Wind 2018


Kakeru, a former elite runner at high school, is chased for stealing food. He is saved by Kansei University student Haiji, who is also a runner. Haiji persuades Kakeru to live in the old apartment "Chikuseisou" where he plans to team up with fellow residents to enter Hakone Ekiden Marathon, one of the most prominent university races in Japan. Kakeru soon finds out that all of the residents except for Haiji and himself are complete novices.


Boarding School Juliet

Boarding School Juliet 2018


Grigio Academy Boarding School. Students who attend this school in two countries and reside in their own dormitories. Inazuka and Persia are rival dormitory leaders, but in secret they love each other. Now, they have to keep their relationship a secret from their dorm mates, or ruined things will happen to them.


The Pet Girl of Sakurasou

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou 2012


Sorata Kanda, a high school sophomore living in Sakurasou, the den of their academy's problem children, spends his days being dragged around by the strange residents, swearing he's going to escape Sakurasou one day.


Binary Love

Binary Love 2022


Struggling student Zhou Linlin follows a study plan from top student Fang Yuke, earning a spot at the country’s top university. Amid college life, unexpected entanglements and friendships shape her journey, while her enduring romance with Fang Yuke faces challenges that test their love.



Snowdrop 2021


In 1987, bloodied man Soo-ho jumps into a women's university dormitory in Seoul. Yeong-ro, a female student who fell in love with him at a group blind date, tends to his wounds as the dormitory is ensnared in intense surveillance. As Soo-ho's secrets unravel, he must eventually face the conflict between his heart to Yeong-ro and responsibility to his comrades, as well as to his sibling who awaits him in his home country. What will be of their fate?


Vampire Dormitory

Vampire Dormitory 2024


After Mito loses her parents and is fired from her job, she must fend for herself on the streets disguised as a boy. She comes across a stranger named Ruka and learns his dark secret—he's a vampire! Ruka invites Mito, still in disguise, to live in an all-boys dorm. Mito exchanges her blood for a place to stay, but a budding romance and her true identity threaten all that hangs in the balance.


So Not Worth It

So Not Worth It 2021


New friends, new loves and new experiences mix together inside a colorful college dormitory in Korea that's home to students from around the world.


Almost Famous

Almost Famous 2022


The drama revolves around a group of aspiring musical actors, and their stories of love, youth and friendship.


The X-Dormitory

The X-Dormitory 2014


Xiong Ge starts a new life following the disappearance of her sons and ex-husband. She opens a hostel called The X-Dormitory, in which she treats her tenants like her family. When Room 206 mysteriously appears out of no where and out walks her ex-husband, she gets a terrible feeling in her gut that something bad is about to happen.


Girls Dormitory

Girls Dormitory 2006


Zeynep relatives come to the land of Fikriye and win the love of the girls with purity. Ati, Zafer and Umutcan decide to keep the house overlooking the Girls Dorm. Men are living inside while girls are strolling in the yard. Insurances and electricity are cut off during the downturn. The plumber Ozgur, who is admired by all the girls, is called to dorm.



Zambi 2019


After the school bus breaks, the Freesia Academy students end up spending the night in a village in the middle of nowhere. But back at school, sinister things begin to happen. "In 7 days, we will be gone from this world".


Hana Kimi

Hana Kimi 2006


After watching a high jump competition on TV, Lu Rui Xi was so inspired by a jumper named Zuo Yi Quan that she decides to transfer to his school, which happened to be an all-boys school; therefore, she disguises herself as a boy to get accepted. At the school, Rui Xi befriends Jin Xiu Yi. One day during a friendly soccer match, Rui Xi is knocked unconscious by Xiu Yi. Quan carries her to the infirmary and realizes that Rui Xi is in fact a girl! However, Quan keeps her identity a secret. At the same time, Xiu Yi starts to question his own sexual orientation when he finds himself having feelings towards Rui Xi.


Be Yourself

Be Yourself 2021


Four women from varying walks of life meet as journalism majors and develop a lasting friendship that guides them through the journey of growing up.



Dear.M 2022


Campus life at Seoyeon University has always been relatively peaceful, but when an anonymous post pops up on the school’s online community, the entire campus is flipped upside down.


První krok

První krok 2009


TV series full of music, dance, passion and emotions featuring everything from ballet to hip hop. Featuring love, machinations and relationships in dance college environment.


No Home

No Home 2024


Haejoon Goh, who ran from home, and Eunyung Baek, the problem child who lives in a tent. These two, who met under terrible circumstances, are forced to live together in an abandoned dormitory. This is a story of difficult growth between two people who hate both the dorm and each other.


The Black Devil and the White Prince

The Black Devil and the White Prince 2015


Yū Akahane moves to a dormitory room after her father's transfer at work. She and Haruto, aka "Black Devil", have the worst meeting. Since then, Haruto treats her like his slave. The only person who is kind to her is Takumi, aka "White Prince". Haruto orders Yū to go to her middle-school reunion, but Yū, who doesn't want to remember her middle school days, refuses. At this time, Suzune appears. She is a childhood friend of both Haruto and Takumi. Due to her, the relationship between Yū, Haruto and Takumi changes.


Girls Dorm

Girls Dorm 2022


Adult animation about four girls, one dorm room, and a lifetime of hormones, heartbreak, and friendship.