
Aladdin 2019


Aladdin és un adorable però desafortunat lladregot enamorat de la filla del Sultà, la princesa Jasmine. Per intentar conquerir-la, accepta el desafiament de Jafar, que consisteix a entrar a una cova a la meitat del desert per trobar un llum màgic que li concedirà tots els seus desitjos. Allà és on Aladdin coneixerà el Geni, donant inici a una aventura com mai abans havia imaginat.


Joc de murris

Joc de murris 1983


Dos homes de negocis sostenen diferents tesis sobre les condicions de la naturalesa humana. Per a un és qüestió de genètica, per a l'altre, és qüestió d'educació. Per corroborar les seves teories fan una aposta per a això canvien les destinacions de dues persones socialment antagòniques.


The Greatest Showman

The Greatest Showman 2017


Biopic sobre Phineas Taylor Barnum (1810-1891), un empresari circense nord-americà que va fundar el "Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus", conegut com "l'espectacle més gran a la terra".


Boogie Nights

Boogie Nights 1997


Als 17 anys, un jove sexualment ben dotat (Mark Wahlberg) és descobert per un director veterà (Burt Reynolds), que el transforma en una celebritat de la subcultura del món del porno en ple apogeu dels 70. No obstant, la fama sobtada pot passar factura.



Ray 2004




Gegant 1956


Jordan "Bick" Benedict, un jove terratinent, arriba al seu immens ranxo de Texas amb la seva flamant dona Leslie Benedict, una rica i bella noia de l'Est. No triguen gaire a descobrir que pertanyen a mons radicalment oposats i que els separa un abisme. Jett Rink és un arrogant i jove empleat dels Benedict que té la sort de trobar petroli en unes terres que li ha deixat al seu testament Luz, la germana de Jordan; però, malgrat la seva immensa fortuna, no aconsegueix allò que realment li importa: Leslie.



Cocktail 1988


Brian Flanagan (Tom Cruise), un jove ambiciós acabat de llicenciar de l'exèrcit, treballa com a cambrer en un local de copes de Nova York per costejar-se els estudis. Gràcies als consells del cap Douglas Coughlin (Brian Brown), es converteix en l'atracció del local. Però ell aspira a obrir el seu propi local amb el nom de "Coktails i Somnis". Per aconseguir els diners necessaris se'n va a Jamaica a treballar de cambrer. Allà coneix Jordan Mooney (Elisabeth Shue), una ingènua jove que està de vacances a l'illa.


Tigre blanc

Tigre blanc 2021


Narra l'ascens èpic i carregat d'humor fosc d'un poble pobre a empresari reeixit a l'Índia moderna. Astut i ambiciós, el nostre jove heroi s'obre camí per convertir-se en xofer d'Ashok (Rao) i Pinky (Chopra-Jonas), que acaben de tornar dels Estats Units. La societat ha entrenat Balram per ser una sola cosa, un servent, per la qual cosa es torna indispensable per als seus rics amos. Però després d'una nit de traïció, s'adona dels extrems corruptes a què arribaran per atrapar-lo i salvar-se ells. A punt de perdre-ho tot, Balram es rebel·la contra un sistema manipulat i desigual per aixecar-se i esdevenir un nou tipus d'amo.



Tina 2021


"Tina" és un retrat íntim, dur i revelador de la vida de la llegendària Tina Turner. Estrenat al Festival de Cinema de Berlín, el documental exposa la capacitat de resiliència i l'energia inesgotable d'una artista que va saber reinventar-se musicalment mil cops i va aconseguir sobreviure a una vida marcada pels abusos.


Cims borrascosos

Cims borrascosos 1939


Entre els isolats erms rocallosos de Yorkshire s'alça l'ombrívola mansió Cims Borrascosos. Perdut enmig d'una tempesta, un foraster es veu forçat a trucar a la seva porta. Desprès d'una freda rebuda, sentirà per boca d'una vella criada, la turbulenta història d'amor entre en Heathcliff i la Cathy. Quan Heathcliff només era un noiet brut que malvivia pels carrers de Liverpool, va ser acollit a la mansió pel pare de la Cathy.


The Book of Clarence

The Book of Clarence 2024


El film barreja el que és irreverent i el que és sagrat tenint com a protagonista un murri i endeutat jove que, al Jerusalem de l'any 33 dC, veient l'ascens de Jesucrist, fingeix ser un nou Messies per deslliurar-se del seu deute. La pel·lícula es divideix en tres capítols, o "llibres", en què la tipografia dels títols fa una picada d'ullet als de grans produccions com "Els deu manaments" (1956) o "Ben-Hur" (1959).


Segrest infernal

Segrest infernal 2000


Després de segrestar una mare de lloguer, dos freds professionals del crim es veuen embolicats en una espiral creixent de confusió i violència.


Fighting Spirit

Fighting Spirit 2000


Makunouchi Ippo is an ordinary high school student in Japan. Since he spends most of his time away from school helping his mother run the family business, he doesn't get to enjoy his younger years like most teenagers. Always a target for bullying at school (the family fishing business grants him a distinct odor), Ippo's life is one of hardship. One of these after-school bullying sessions turns Ippo's life around for the better, as he is saved by a boxer named Takamura. He decides to follow in Takamura's footsteps and train to become a boxer, giving his life direction and purpose. Ippo's path to perfecting his pugilistic prowess is just beginning...


Sparkling Girls

Sparkling Girls 2012


"Sparkling Girls" centers around three young and beautiful, hard-working housekeepers who reach stardom instantly when an online video clip of them singing, surprisingly becomes a hit. Their success provokes the wrath of a glamorously gaudy and outspoken famous singer who will do anything to ruin the girls' friendship and career. With humor, romance, over the top characters, and bright, glittery stage performances set to catchy tunes, "Sparkling Girls" delivers all of the expected delights and shows that dreams really do come true.


Sweet Diva

Sweet Diva 2019


Maria da Paz is a committed baker who becomes a wealthy businesswoman twenty years after a tragedy strikes on the day of her wedding to Amadeu. From this broken union a baby is born, Jô, who seeks power and despises her mother’s humble origins. Afraid that her parents’ reunion might spoil her plans, Jô starts an alliance with the charming Régis to convince Maria to marry him and, together, they plan to steal all of Maria’s fortune. In this exciting telenovela written by Emmy Awards winner Walcyr Carrasco, Maria’s optimism must be stronger than Jô’s ambition when the baker finds out about the betrayal and her own daughter’s dangerous secrets.



Bakekang 2006


A loving heart trapped beneath an ugly facade, ignored and unappreciated by those who fail to see beyond what is skin-deep. She is a woman whose only desire is to feel a little affection from the world that has deprived her of everything she has always longed for.


Legend of Lu Zhen

Legend of Lu Zhen 2013


To escape her cruel stepmother, Lu Zhen enters the palace and rises through the ranks with her pottery skills. Despite capturing the heart of Crown Prince Gao Zhan, social barriers and jealous enemies prevent their union. She dedicates herself to politics, helping him thwart a coup, and is eventually honored with the position of female prime minister.


Pasan Ko Ang Daigdig

Pasan Ko Ang Daigdig 2007


Pasan Ko Ang Daigdig is a Philippine drama that airs on GMA Network. This is the fourth instalment of Sine Novela. The original movie was released back in 1987. For the TV remake of the movie GMA negotiated with Viva films that they would keep the elements of the old movie but use the comic elements of Pablo Gomez to make the story more fitting for its TV remake.


Love, Just Come

Love, Just Come 2017


From when she was young, Qing Ling grew up in an orphanage. She is a kind, cheerful and helpful girl with a perfect sense of smell. Due to her sensitivity to smells, she started to develop perfume. Qing Ling's dream is to create a perfume to pay back the orphanage and help society. In order to realize this dream, Qing Ling persevered through all sorts of adversity. While chasing her dream, she received Xu Qinglun, Duan Tian Lang, Duan Yi Hua and others help. With Duan Tian Lang, they went from friends to lovers. During this period, she also found her family and reconnected with them. After experiencing lots of frustration, she finally, with her own effort and everyone's help, produced her own perfume brand, realized her dream and obtained love.


Record of Youth

Record of Youth 2020


In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.


Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nothing Gold Can Stay 2017


Zhou Ying is sold to the powerful Shen family by her foster father, yet successfully escapes by sneaking into merchant Wu Ping’s palanquin. The Wu family agreed to take her in after witnessing her remarkable business acumen, and she ends up marrying Wu Ping. The drama will chronicle the life of the Qing Dynasty's richest female merchant, and her struggles to keep the Wu family business afloat during the last years of the Qing Dynasty. Shen Xingyi is a happy-go-lucky young sir who has never known hardship in his life. After meeting Zhou Ying, he eventually decides to change his ways and becomes a mature noble who is willing to protect his country and family from disaster. He has a seemingly unrequited love for Zhou Ying.


Great Expectations

Great Expectations 1981


Violence and Victorian gentility meet in this powerful adaptations of one of Dickens's greatest creations, his most piercing examination of upward mobility.


Itaewon Class

Itaewon Class 2020


In a colorful Seoul neighborhood, an ex-con and his friends fight a mighty foe to make their ambitious dreams for their street bar a reality.


Love is Full of Jiudaowan

Love is Full of Jiudaowan 2023


Set in Jiudaowan, this story follows a group of young people over 40 years of reform and opening up. Through life's struggles, the twists and turns of love, and the challenges of their careers, these true friends face it all together, growing and maturing into adulthood.


Killing It

Killing It 2022


Craig Foster, a Miami bank security guard, enters a state-sponsored snake-hunting contest to achieve his American dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.


The Miracle We Met

The Miracle We Met 2018


A man dies in a car crash, but awakes with the spirit of another person. He becomes the head of two families and he agonizes over his two different wives.


Mildred Pierce

Mildred Pierce 2011


Mildred Pierce depicts an overprotective, self-sacrificing mother during the Great Depression who finds herself separated from her husband, opening a restaurant of her own and falling in love with a man, all the while trying to earn her spoiled, narcissistic daughter's love and respect.


Great Expectations

Great Expectations 2011


The life of an orphan is changed by the providential intervention of a mysterious benefactor.


The Hardacres

The Hardacres 2024


The sweeping rags to riches story of the Hardacres, a working-class family in 1890s Yorkshire who strike it rich and move from a grimy fish dock to a vast estate.