Brokeback mountain

Brokeback mountain 2005


Estiu de 1963. Dos vaquers, Ennis del Mar i Jack Twist, es coneixen mentre fan cua per ser contractats pel criador de bestiar Joe Aguirre. Tots dos aspiren a aconseguir una feina estable, casar-se i formar una família. Quan Aguirre els enviar a cuidar ovelles a la majestuosa muntanya de Brokeback, entre tots dos sorgeix un sentiment de companyonia que deriva cap a una relació íntima. Quan s'acaba l'estiu hauran de marxar de Brokeback i seguir camins diferents. La seva relació continua, a intervals, amb els problemes que vivien en aquella època les persones que tenien relacions homosexuals als Estats Units.


Ballant amb llops

Ballant amb llops 1990


Al voltant de 1860, en vigílies de la Guerra de Secessió ia punt d'acabar el període de colonització de l'Oest (1785-1890), el tinent John J. Dunbar es dirigeix ​​a un llunyà lloc fronterer que ha estat abandonat pels soldats. La seva solitud l'impulsa a entrar en contacte amb els indis sioux i, gràcies a això, coneix 'En peu amb el puny enlaire', una dona blanca que va ser adoptada per la tribu quan era nena. De mica en mica, entre Dunbar i els sioux s'estableix una relació de respecte i admiració mutus.



Emma. 2020


Guapa, intel·ligent i rica, la jove Emma Woodhouse és una reina sense rival en el seu petit poble.


Arma fatal

Arma fatal 2007


Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) és, sens dubte, el millor policia de Londres. Les seves detencions superen un 400% el segon millor agent del Cos. És tan bo que, comparat amb ell, qualsevol poli és dolent. Per això els seus superiors decideixen traslladar-lo a un lloc on el seu talent no posi ningú en evidència, a Sandford, un aparentment adormit i pacífic poblet.


Bona nit Mama

Bona nit Mama 2014


És ple estiu i dos germans bessons esperen pacientment que la seva mare torni a casa després d'una operació de cirurgia plàstica. Quan arriba amb la cara completament embenada, es mostra freda, distant i obsessiva. El canvi en la seva personalitat farà que els nens es preguntin si la dona que ha arribat és realment la seva mare o és una impostora.



Hero 2002


La Xina feudal estava dividida en set estats. Durant dècades, els diferents regnes lluitaven entre ells. Qin, el rei d'un dels estats de l'oest, estava obsessionat a conquerir tot el país per convertir-se en el primer emperador, però molts guerrers dels altres regnes el volien assassinar perquè per allà on passaven les seves tropes només quedava mort i destrucció. Tres d'aquests guerrers eren tan perillosos i tan eficaços que es van convertir en llegenda.



Burning 2018


Un noi es retroba casualment amb una amiga de la infància. Ell s'enamora però ella marxa de viatge i, quan torna, ho fa acompanyada d'un noi adinerat i enigmàtic.


Sentit i sensibilitat

Sentit i sensibilitat 1995


Anglaterra, segle XIX. Dues germanes completament diferents: una, pura raó i sentit comú; l'altra, pura sensibilitat i passió, s'enfronten a l'amor i les adversitats de la vida. En morir el seu pare, han d'abandonar casa seva, que passa a mans d'un germanastre, fill del primer matrimoni del seu pare. Es muden al camp i, allà, tindran experiències amoroses que hi produiran un canvi profund.


Records gota a gota

Records gota a gota 1991


El film narra la història de la Taeko Okajima, una dona de 27 anys que treballa en una oficina d'una empresa a Tòquio. Decideix anar-se'n de vacances, fugint de la gran ciutat, a una zona rural, amb la família del seu cunyat. Durant la seva estada, experimentarà com és la feina dura al camp, però també l'acompanyaran en el viatge els seus records de quan anava a cinquè de primària. Uns records que l'ajudaran a reflexionar i qüestionar el camí que ha seguit fins ara.


El setè segell

El setè segell 1957


Suècia, mitjans del segle XIV. La Peste Negra assola Europa. Després de deu anys d'inútils combats a les Croades, el cavaller suec Antonius Blovk i el seu lleial escuder tornen de Terra Santa. Blovk és un home turmentat i ple de dubtes. Pel camí es troba amb la Mort que ho reclama. Aleshores ell li proposa jugar una partida d'escacs, amb l'esperança d'obtenir d'Ella respostes a les grans qüestions de la vida: la mort i l'existència de Déu.



Avions 2013


En Dusty és un avió que somia participar en una competició aèria d'alta volada. El problema és que resulta que li fan por les altures.


Like a Flowing River

Like a Flowing River 2018


The story of Song Yunhui, Lei Dongbao, and Yang Xun as they take part in China’s economic reform from the 1980s to the 1990s.


Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice 1995


Set in England in the early 19th century, Pride and Prejudice tells the story of Mr and Mrs Bennet's five unmarried daughters after the rich and eligible Mr Bingley and his status-conscious friend, Mr Darcy, have moved into their neighbourhood. While Bingley takes an immediate liking to the eldest Bennet daughter, Jane, Darcy has difficulty adapting to local society and repeatedly clashes with the second-eldest Bennet daughter, Elizabeth.


Welcome Home, Mone

Welcome Home, Mone 2021


Born in September of 1995, Momone Nagaura lived with her parents, grandfather, and sister in Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture. After failing her college entrance exams, she went to live in Tome City with an acquaintance of her grandfather's. Momone's life changes when she meets a popular weather forecaster from Tokyo, who teaches her how weather forecasts can predict the future. She decides to study to become a weather forecaster.


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 2018


37-year-old corporate worker Mikami Satoru is stabbed by a random killer, and is reborn to an alternate world. But he turns out to be reborn a slime! Thrown into this new world with the name Rimuru Tempest, he begins his quest to create a world that’s welcoming to all races. Broken free from ordinary, stale past life, his fresh adventure in a fantasy world as a slime monster with unique abilities begins.


Everybody Say Kungdari

Everybody Say Kungdari 2019


Kungtari is a small village at the border between North and South Koreas. Those that are exhausted, worn out or hurt people come here to find hope. Lee Bo Mi was enjoying her life as a New Yorker until she was deported due to her criminal history. She is forced to settle down in Kungtari when she moves back to Korea. Han Soo Ho is a legend in the New York financial market, but is now retired and making eco-friendly compost in Kungtari. Various stories of people’s lives unravel as they gather in Kungtari, including Bo Mi, who was adopted at a young age and has a secret behind her birth, and Soo Ho, who was once a top notch man in the financial industry, but settled down in Kungtari to save his daughter.


Shaun the Sheep

Shaun the Sheep 2007


Shaun the Sheep thinks and acts like a person in a barnyard, which usually gets him into trouble. The farmer's sheepdog, Bitzer, tries to keep Shaun and his friends out of trouble. The farmer is oblivious to the humanlike features of his flock, who are like one big, happy family.


My Liberation Notes

My Liberation Notes 2022


Three siblings, exhausted by the monotony of day-to-day adulthood, seek to find fulfillment and freedom from their unremarkable lives.


Flying Witch

Flying Witch 2016


Makoto Kowata is a little flighty, in multiple ways. With no sense of direction, but the ability to fly on a broom, this witch-in-training has a lot to learn; about magic, her relatives, and the world around her.


Meet Yourself

Meet Yourself 2023


Because of the death of her best friend, Xu Hongdou's life and work falls into a slump. She goes to the "windy courtyard" in Yun Miao Village, Dali, to recuperate by herself. There, she meets Xie Zhiyao, a local who quit his high-paying job and has returned to his hometown to start a business, with a group of peers from big cities. Xie Zhiyao begins to see Xu Hongdou's kindness and seriousness. He invites her to use her years of experience in the hotel industry to help local employees improve their service awareness and help develop Yun Miao Village's cultural tourism business. At the same time, Xu Hongdou is moved by Xie Zhiyao's ideal of building a hometown so that the villagers can be independent and lead a purposeful life. The two fall in love and finally came together. As they work together they re-examin their past, help and inspire each other, start to heal and gain the strength to begin their lives again in this "windy place".


Aussie Gold Hunters

Aussie Gold Hunters 2016


Three hard-core crews of gold prospectors take the gamble of a lifetime and battle to strike it big, deep in the wild west of outback Australia. The soaring highs and the crushing lows of the gold season are revealed as the crews pursue their all-important targets - braving brutal heat, punishing conditions, mechanical breakdowns and constant pressure.


To Be With You

To Be With You 2021


Six stories exploring family, love, and friendship across diverse ages and settings. Tied to the goal of building a well-off society by 2020, it highlights how individuals fulfill personal and communal promises, reflecting shared aspirations and connections.


Garden of the Wind

Garden of the Wind 2008


The lead, Dr. Sadami Shiratori worked in the operating room at a famous Tokyo hospital was around death on a daily basis. His own father, Teizo Shiratori is also a doctor, called Grandfather as he raised the estranged children of his wayward son, he practiced medicine in a small town on Hokkaido, Japan’s most northern island. His practice was limited only to terminal patients…in their own homes. He cared for them and helped both them and their families prepare for the ‘final journey’.


The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns

The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns 1999


In a land of myth and magic, a forbidden love affair ignites an ancient war between the leprechauns and the trooping fairies. Jack Woods is appointed to restore harmony...but will peace prevail before the unthinkable happens?


Interlocking Hearts on Chao Phraya

Interlocking Hearts on Chao Phraya 2023


Srinuan is the daughter of the village headman of Laantey, Ayudhaya. She is extremely beautiful and gifted in martial arts. These qualities lead to a continuous line of men who are always willing to win the heart of Srinuan. One of these suitors is Saming. Lersun, a military cadet and son of the governor, decides to one day travel to Laantey during his school break. This is where he happens to see Srinuan for the first time while she is performing the traditional dance. It is love at first sight. This love is soon reciprocated and both Lersun and Srinuan quickly lose themselves to the depths of love and passion.


Haibane Renmei

Haibane Renmei 2002


A dream of falling from the sky...and then birth. Rakka is born from a large cocoon into the Old Home, greeted by a group of females with small wings on their backs and shining halos above their heads. Soon Rakka’s own wings grow, a halo is placed on her head and she is told that she must work in the nearby town of Grie. She soon realizes that the town and the entire world they live in are confined behind the Wall, a tall, impenetrable wall that none except the mysterious Toga are allowed to exit.


In laws from Tirana

In laws from Tirana 2021


Follows the love of a Greek girl and an Albanian boy and the reactions around their relationship in a "typical" Greek village