Brave (Indomable) 2012
Una jove i valenta princesa guerrera de les Terres Altes escoceses s’enfronta a la tradició per combatre amb el seu arc les bèsties més ferotges.
Una jove i valenta princesa guerrera de les Terres Altes escoceses s’enfronta a la tradició per combatre amb el seu arc les bèsties més ferotges.
El que en el passat van ser els Estats Units, ara és una nació anomenada Panem: un fastuós Capitoli exerceix un control rigorós sobre els dotze districtes que l'envolten i que estan aïllats entre si. Cada districte es veu obligat a enviar anualment un noi i una noia entre els dotze i els divuit anys perquè participin en els Jocs de la Fam, que són transmesos en directe per la televisió. Es tracta d'una lluita a mort, en la qual només pot haver-hi un supervivent. Katniss Everdeen, una jove de setze anys, decideix substituir a la seva germana en els jocs; però per a ella, que ja ha vist la mort d'aprop, la lluita per la supervivència és la seva segona naturalesa.
When Minato Narumiya joins Prefectural Kazemai High School, he is quickly invited to join the archery club by the club's advisor, Tommy-sensei. His childhood friends Seiya Takehaya and Ryohei Yamanouchi swiftly agree to join, but Minato is hesitant at first. Because Minato is the rare student with experience in archery, Tommy-sensei orders him to give a demonstration, which Minato does... except his arrow doesn't hit the target. It is revealed that Minato has developed a terrible dysfunction regarding archery.
Lin Xi Chi is a college student majoring in veterinary medicine. She is well-liked and known for being bright and cheerful, although, on the inside, she is more insecure than she would like to let on. Also attending the same university is her childhood friend, avid archer, and national defense student Xu Fang. He has had a crush on Lin XI Chi since they were both at school but has never plucked up enough courage to let her know. Although he can be quick-tempered with others, he always treats Lin Xi Chi with great tenderness.
At school, Lee Da Yeol spends most of his time living as an outsider. Not popular by any stretch of the imagination, Da Yeol’s only real joy comes from his time spent with the archery club. A talented archer whose skills have earned him a scholarship to the school, Da Yeol doesn’t mind being an outsider, so long as he’s free to pursue his greatest passion. But an ill-timed run-in with a devilishly handsome classmate lands him in trouble and places his precious scholarship in jeopardy.
Set in 1940s China, Manchuria has been invaded- now a puppet state under the Empire of Japan. Xu Yi Hang and her two siblings are skilled archers from a military family who, after facing tragedy at the hands of invading Japanese, travel to the city of Chang De to avenge their family. Rong Shi is from an influential family who has surrendered to Japanese control and branded a traitor by his city. Soon Xu Yi Hang and Rong Shi and find themselves in the midst of a desperate resistance between Japanese control and the people of Chang De.
Han Jung-Rok is a former national archer and current deliveryman from 2019. He ends up traveling to the past with his first love, Lee Hye-Jin and meets Im Kkeok-Jeong, a famous thief from the Joseon dynasty. Together, they struggle to survive, put their lives at stake for the people they love, and share a strong friendship.
Hong Shi Ah wants to become a successful webtoon artist but is stumped for good material for her comics. When she stumbles upon the Boys Archery Club, she is mesmerized by all the good-looking boys who belong to the club. She decides to join the club as the team manager to find inspiration for her work, only to become entangled with two of its members, Joo Seung Joon and Yoo Ji Wan.