Joc de lladres

Joc de lladres 2018


Cada dia, el banc de la Reserva Federal de Los Angeles treu de la circulació 120 milions de dòlars en efectiu. Un grup d'experimentats lladres planeja el seu gran atracament final: robar aquests 120 milions, però el departament del Xèrif de Los Angeles, la brigada més temuda de la ciutat liderada per 'El gran Nick' (Gerard Butler), no està disposat a posar-ho fàcil .



Seven 1995


El tinent Somerset, del departament d'homicidis, és a punt de jubilar-se i ser reemplaçat per l'ambiciós i brillant detectiu David Mills. Tots dos hauran de col·laborar en la resolució d'una sèrie d'assassinats comesos per un psicòpata que pren com a base la relació dels set pecats capitals: gola, mandra, supèrbia, avarícia, enveja, luxúria i ira. Els cossos de les víctimes, sobre els quals l'assassí s'acarnissa de manera impúdica, es convertiran per als policies en un enigma que els obligarà a viatjar a l'horror i la barbàrie més absoluta.



Perduda 2014


El dia del seu cinquè aniversari de casament, Nick Dunne informa que la seva dona Amy ha desaparegut misteriosament. Aviat la pressió policial i mediàtica fa que el retrat de felicitat domèstica que ofereix Nick comenci a trontollar. A més, la seva estranya conducta el converteix en sospitós, i tothom comença a preguntar-se si Nick va matar la seva dona...


Shutter Island

Shutter Island 2010


Estiu de 1954. Els agents judicials Teddy Daniels i Chuck Aule són destinats a una remota illa del port de Boston per investigar la desaparició d'una perillosa assassina reclosa a l'hospital psiquiàtric Ashecliffe, un centre penitenciari per a criminals pertorbats dirigit pel sinistre doctor John Cawley . Aviat descobriran que el centre guarda molts secrets, i que l'illa amaga una mica més perillós que els pacients.


Punyals per l'esquena

Punyals per l'esquena 2019


Un autor de novel·les de misteri molt famós apareix mort a la seva mansió just després de celebrar amb la família el seu 85è aniversari. Aparentment, s'ha suïcidat tallant-se el coll, però la policia té certs dubtes. També apareix a la mansió un detectiu privat que diu que l'ha contractat una persona anònima perquè investigui les causes de la mort. La gran fortuna de l'escriptor i el seu testament deixen els fills com a principals sospitosos, però no són els únics: també hi ha implicada una altra persona amb un possible mòbil: la infermera personal de l'escriptor.



Presoners 2013


El Dover i els Birch són dues famílies veïnes que es reuneixen per celebrar el dia d'Acció de Gràcies. Després de dinar, descobreixen amb horror que les filles petites dels dos matrimonis han desaparegut després d'haver estat jugant al carrer a prop d'una misteriosa autocaravana. L'inspector de policia encarregat del cas trobarà estranys vincles entre la desaparició de les menors i altres casos de segrestos de nens i haurà de fer front a la incomprensió del pare d'una de les nenes, un home profundament religiós que decidirà actuar pel seu compte caient en una espiral d'autodestrucció.


Jack Reacher

Jack Reacher 2012


Jack Reacher, un antic policia militar que viu semi-amagat com un rodamón i que treballa pel seu compte, decideix investigar el cas d'un franctirador que ha estat acusat de matar, per pur atzar, cinc persones en un tiroteig. En ser interrogat, el franctirador es declara innocent i, a més, exigeix ​​la presència de Jack Reacher.


Ara em veus

Ara em veus 2013


Un agent de l'FBI i un detectiu de la Interpol segueixen un equip d'il·lusionistes que fan robatoris bancaris durant les seves actuacions i premien el seu públic amb els diners.



Zodíac 2007


L'Assassí del Zodíac va matar, entre el 1966 i el 1978, nombroses persones a San Francisco, alhora que enviava als mitjans de comunicació cartes amb pistes. L'acció se centra en les llargues indagacions de dos detectius que van intentar caçar-lo i en les investigacions de dos periodistes que van intentar esbrinar la seva identitat...


Punyals per l’esquena: El misteri de Glass Onion

Punyals per l’esquena: El misteri de Glass Onion 2022


Quan el multimilionari Miles Bron (Edward Norton) convida alguns dels seus familiars a una escapada a la seva illa grega privada, aviat queda clar que no tot és perfecte al paradís. I quan algú apareix mort, qui millor que Benoit Blanc per desentranyar totes les capes del misteri? Seqüela de "Punyals per l'esquena".


Millennium: Els homes que no estimaven les dones

Millennium: Els homes que no estimaven les dones 2011


Tot esperant poder distanciar-se de l'acusació de difamació que pesa sobre ell, el periodista Mikael Blomkvist es trasllada a una illa remota al nord de Suècia on la mort encara no resolta d'una jove turmenta el seu oncle quaranta anys després. Allotjat en una cabana de l'illa on l'assassí encara pot estar rondant, la investigació de Blomkvist el porta a dibuixar els secrets i les mentides d'aquesta poderosa i rica família al costat d'una rara aliada, la tatuada i hacker punki, la Lisbeth Salander...


Wind River

Wind River 2017


Una jove agent de l'FBI s'alia amb un veterà rastrejador local per investigar l'assassinat d'una jove ocorregut en una reserva de nadius americans...


Decision to leave

Decision to leave 2022


Hae-Joon, un veterà detectiu, investiga la sospitosa mort d'un home al cim d'una muntanya. Aviat començarà a sospitar de Sore, la dona del difunt, mentre l'atracció que sent per ella el desestabilitzarà.


Guardians of the Dafeng

Guardians of the Dafeng 2024


Xu Qi’an, a recent police academy graduate, awakens in a strange world filled with Confucians, Taoists, Buddhists, demons, and warlocks. Facing imminent exile to a remote frontier town, he seizes the chance to change his fate by joining a powerful organization of guardians.


The Blacklist

The Blacklist 2013


Raymond "Red" Reddington, one of the FBI's most wanted fugitives, surrenders in person at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. He claims that he and the FBI have the same interests: bringing down dangerous criminals and terrorists. In the last two decades, he's made a list of criminals and terrorists that matter the most but the FBI cannot find because it does not know they exist. Reddington calls this "The Blacklist". Reddington will co-operate, but insists that he will speak only to Elizabeth Keen, a rookie FBI profiler.


Secrecy of the investigation

Secrecy of the investigation 2000


In the center of the plot is a senior investigator named Masha Shvetsova and her male colleagues. The plot is the most vital, but, like in “Streets of Broken Lanterns,” it is seasoned with a fair amount of humor - otherwise, how can the audience (and the heroes) endure countless morgues, identifications and other “cute” charms of the investigative routine?


True Detective

True Detective 2014


An American anthology police detective series utilizing multiple timelines in which investigations seem to unearth personal and professional secrets of those involved, both within or outside the law.



Elementary 2012


A modern-day drama about a crime-solving duo that cracks the NYPD's most impossible cases. Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare - a sober companion, Dr. Watson.



FBI 2018


The New York office of the FBI brings to bear all their talents, intellect and technical expertise on major cases in order to keep their city and the country safe.


Death in Paradise

Death in Paradise 2011


A brilliant but idiosyncratic British detective and his resourceful local team solve baffling murder mysteries on the fictional Caribbean island of Saint-Marie.


The X-Files

The X-Files 1993


The exploits of FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully who investigate X-Files: marginalized, unsolved cases involving paranormal phenomena. Mulder believes in the existence of aliens and the paranormal while Scully, a skeptic, is assigned to make scientific analyses of Mulder's discoveries that debunk Mulder's work and thus return him to mainstream cases.


Uppdrag granskning

Uppdrag granskning 2001


Swedish investigative journalism series known for the use of concealed cameras and microphones.


Storm Eye

Storm Eye 2021


A story about a team of agents is told from the perspective of An Jing and Ma Shang. Showing no fear in their mission to uphold justice, these officers work hard to protect national interests.


Case File N° 221: Kabukicho

Case File N° 221: Kabukicho 2019


Shinjuku Ward, east side… The center of the street with the most chaos, there's Kabuki-chō, full of neon lights. When the light is stronger, the shadow is deeper. The story begins when certain bizarre murder happens one night! Suspense? Or Comedy? Drama that cannot be identified begins!


Rizzoli & Isles

Rizzoli & Isles 2010


Perhaps their strikingly different personalities make the relationship between detective Jane Rizzoli and medical examiner Maura Isles so effective. Jane, the only female cop in Boston's homicide division, is tough, relentless and rarely lets her guard down, while the impeccably dressed Maura displays a sometimes icy temperament — she is, after all, more comfortable among the dead than the living. Together, the best friends have forged a quirky and supportive relationship; they drop the protective shield in each other's company, and combine their expertise to solve Boston's most complex cases.


Come and Hug Me

Come and Hug Me 2018


When they were children, Yoon Na Moo and Gil Nak Won were each others first love. They are forced to break apart when Na Moo's father Yoon Hee Jae, a psychopath serial killer, murders Nak Won's parents. 9 years later Yoon Na Moo is known as Chae Do Jin, a passionate and kind rookie detective wishing to atone for his father's sins. And Gil Nak Won is now Han Jae Yi, an aspiring actress following in the footsteps of her mother. She suffers from a panic disorder but still has a good outlook on life. However, the sadness of their past comes to light again and their short-lived encounter is over before it began. Another three years on, Jae Yi has become a popular actress and Do Jin is now an experienced detective. When their fate becomes connected once more, will their love prove to be stronger than their past?



C.I.D. 1998


The first thrilling investigative series on Indian Television, is today one of the most popular shows on Sony Entertainment Television. Dramatic and absolutely unpredictable, C.I.D. has captivated viewers over the last eleven years and continues to keep audiences glued to their television sets with its thrilling plots and excitement. Also interwoven in its fast paced plots are the personal challenges that the C.I.D. team faces with non-stop adventure, tremendous pressure and risk, all in the name of duty.The series consists of hard-core police procedural stories dealing with investigation, detection and suspense. The protagonists of the serial are an elite group of police officers belonging to the Crime Investigation Department of the police force, led by ACP Pradyuman.



Lupin 2021


Inspired by the adventures of Arsène Lupin, gentleman thief Assane Diop sets out to avenge his father for an injustice inflicted by a wealthy family.



Voice 2017


It's 3 minutes for hearers, but a life for the callers. A crime thriller chasing even the slightest sounds to rescue people's lives calling for urgent help.


Game of Hunting

Game of Hunting 2017


Headhunter Zheng Qiu Dong doesn’t know the meaning of defeat. There is no limit to how much he is willing to do to succeed in the hunting ground that is the world of business. He is also incredibly close to his girlfriend, Luo Yi Ren, and truly cares for his best friend from college, Bai Li Qin. Along with the guidance of his mentor Lin Bai, Zheng Qiu Dong tries to rise to the top and goes to war with other headhunters and businessmen. These include the shady and relentless Yuan Kun and the very capable and very dangerous Chen Xiu Feng. It’s a battle of quick wits, and Zheng Qiu Dong slips up. He loses it all. Now out of both time and luck, Zheng Qiu Dong is in prison and at the end of his rope. But if there’s one thing Zheng Qiu Dong doesn’t know, it’s how to give up. With the help of his prison comrade Liu Liang Ti, the once successful Zheng Qiu Dong has to get it all back. But as the former headhunter soon learns, this hunt quickly becomes a game of death.



Dark 2017


A missing child causes four families to help each other for answers. What they could not imagine is that this mystery would be connected to innumerable other secrets of the small town.


Partners for Justice

Partners for Justice 2018


Baek Beom has worked as a forensic doctor for 10 years. He has a bad personality, but he is excellent with his work. Baek Beom does not open his mind to other people. Eun Sol is a rookie prosecutor with a warm heart. She has a bright personality and she comes from wealth family background. The forensic doctor and prosecutor work together to solve cases.