
Annie 2014


Els pares de l'Annie la van abandonar quan era molt petita en un restaurant, i ara viu en una casa d'acollida amb quatre nenes més que estan en la mateixa situació, sota la custòdia de Coleen Hannigan, una ex-estrella del rock frustrada que els fa la vida impossible. L'Annie sempre ha tingut la il·lusió de trobar els seus pares biològics, però tot canvia el dia que ensopega literalment amb William Stacks, un multimilionari infeliç en plena campanya per convertir-se en alcalde de Nova York. De la nit al dia, l'Annie passa a ser el centre de la campanya política d'en William i, de mica en mica, també comença a ser una part molt important de la seva vida.


Pactar amb el diable

Pactar amb el diable 1997


Kevin Lomax és un brillant i jove advocat que mai ha perdut un cas. Conviu feliçment amb la seva atractiva i jove esposa, Mary Ann, i ambdós viuen una vida tranquil i feliç. Un dia, Lomax rep la visita d'un advocat de Nova York que li explica que el seu poderós bufet té la intenció de contractar-lo. Al capdavant de la prestigiosa signatura es troba John Milton, un home de món, brillant i carismàtic, que te "diabòliques" intencions per al protagonista.


The Black Phone

The Black Phone 2022


En una ciutat de Colorado, als anys 70, un emmascarat segresta Finney Shaw, un noi tímid i intel·ligent de 13 anys, i el tanca en un soterrani insonoritzat on no serveixen de res els seus crits. Quan un telèfon trencat i sense connexió comença a sonar, Finney descobreix que a través seu pot sentir les veus de les víctimes anteriors, les quals estan decidides a impedir que Finney acabi igual que elles.



Múltiple 2017


Tot i que Kevin ha demostrat al seu psiquiatre de confiança, la Dra. Fletcher, que posseeix 23 personalitats diferents, encara en queda una per emergir, decidida a dominar totes les altres. Obligat a raptar tres noies adolescents encapçalades per la decidida i observadora Casey, Kevin lluita per sobreviure contra totes les seves personalitats i la gent que l'envolta, a mesura que les parets dels seus compartiments mentals s'ensorren.


La resplendor

La resplendor 1980


Cercant tranquil·litat per poder escriure una novel·la, Jack Torrance es trasllada amb la seva dona Wendy i el seu fill Danny, de set anys, a l'impressionant hotel Overlook, a les muntanyes de Colorado, per encarregar-se del manteniment de les instal·lacions durant la temporada hivernal. Poc després de l'arribada, en Jack comença a patir inquietants trastorns de personalitat sota la influència ominosa de l'hotel. La Wendy i el nen, que posseeix una capacitat extrasensorial de telepatia i premonició anomenada "la resplendor", hauran d'enfrontar-se a estranys i esgarrifosos fenòmens paranormals.



Pinotxo 1940


Un avi anomenat Geppetto fabrica una marioneta de fusta que anomena Pinotxo, amb l'esperança que es converteixi en un nen de veritat. La Fada Blava fa realitat el seu desig i dóna vida a Pinotxo, però conserva el cos de fusta. Pepito Grillo, la consciència de Pinotxo, haurà d'aconsellar-ho perquè s'allunyi de les situacions difícils o perilloses fins a aconseguir que el ninot es converteixi en un nen de carn i ossos.



Annie 1982


Annie, una inquieta nena òrfena, ha estat seleccionada entre les companyes per viure uns dies a casa d'un multimilionari. Tot i que, al principi, l'únic objectiu d'aquest era muntar una campanya publicitària per millorar la seva imatge, inesperadament s'acaba encarinyant amb la nena i decideix ajudar-la a trobar els seus veritables pares.


Les dues cares de la veritat

Les dues cares de la veritat 1996


Martin Vail (Richard Gere) és un ambiciós advocat de Chicago, capaç d'acceptar qualsevol cas per sortir a la premsa. Un dia accepta un cas en aparença impossible de guanyar: la defensa d'Aaron (Edward Norton), un jove acusat d'assassinar l'arquebisbe de Chicago després de ser detingut fugint del lloc del crim. El cas sembla fàcil, però el malson per a Martin acaba de començar.


El sisè sentit

El sisè sentit 1999


El Dr. Malcolm Crowe, un reconegut psicòleg infantil de Filadèlfia, rep un atac d'un antic pacient que el culpa per no haver-lo ajudat durant la seva infantesa. Mesos després de patir aquest assalt, en Malcolm comença a treballar amb un altre pacient, un nen de nou anys que pateix ansietat i trastorns emocionals. Com creu que és un cas similar al del seu agressor, en Malcolm dubta de tenir prou capacitat per guarir-lo. Mentrestant, s'adona que el seu matrimoni se'n va en orris perquè la seva esposa es mostra cada vegada més distant.


El cap de la por

El cap de la por 1991


En Max Cady, un perillós criminal psicòpata, surt de la garjola després de complir una condemna de catorze anys per haver violat salvatgement una noia de setze. La seva única obsessió és venjar-se de l'advocat Sam Bowden, a qui culpa d'amagar un informe que li podria haver reduït considerablement la sentència. Amb aquest propòsit, en Cady comença a empaitar i aterrir en Bowden, la seva dona i la seva filla, de només quinze anys. En Sam haurà de prendre iniciatives dràstiques si vol salvar la família de l'assetjament d'en Cady.


El laberinto de Alicia

El laberinto de Alicia 2011


Alicia Molinari, the psychologist of an upper-class School discovers a rugged case of sexual child abuse towards one of the students, unleashing a spiral of doubts between the parents and teachers.



Goblin 2016


In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.


Meri Guriya

Meri Guriya 2018


The story revolves around the social and economic issues of citizens in Pakistani society alongside highlighting deeply rooted problems in Pakistan including and particularly child rape.


Outer Banks

Outer Banks 2020


A tight-knit group of teens unearths a long-buried secret, setting off a chain of illicit events that takes them on an adventure they'll never forget.


The Promised Neverland

The Promised Neverland 2019


Surrounded by a forest and a gated entrance, the Grace Field House is inhabited by orphans happily living together as one big family, looked after by their "Mama," Isabella. Although they are required to take tests daily, the children are free to spend their time as they see fit, usually playing outside, as long as they do not venture too far from the orphanage — a rule they are expected to follow no matter what. However, all good times must come to an end, as every few months, a child is adopted and sent to live with their new family... never to be heard from again. However, the three oldest siblings have their suspicions about what is actually happening at the orphanage, and they are about to discover the cruel fate that awaits the children living at Grace Field, including the twisted nature of their beloved Mama.


If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord

If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord 2019


Dale is a cool, composed, and highly skilled adventurer who's made quite a name for himself despite his youth. One day on a job deep in the forest, he comes across a little devil girl who's almost wasted away. Unable to just leave her there to die, Dale takes her home and becomes her adoptive father. Devil or not, Latina is beyond adorable, and the adventurer soon finds himself head over heels with being a parent. But why was she out in the forest to begin with, and why does she carry the mark of a criminal?





Satoru Fujinuma is a struggling manga artist who has the ability to turn back time and prevent deaths. When his mother is killed he turns back time to solve the mystery, but ends up back in elementary school, just before the disappearance of his classmate Kayo.


Somewhere Boy

Somewhere Boy 2022


Danny was a baby when his mother was killed in a car crash. Overcome with grief, his father locked him away in a house, telling him the outside world is full of monsters that will spirit him away like his mother.


Great Expectations

Great Expectations 2011


The life of an orphan is changed by the providential intervention of a mysterious benefactor.


Elfen Lied

Elfen Lied 2004


The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possesses two horns in their heads, and has a "sixth sense" which gives it telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murder most of the guards in the laboratory, only to get shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenagers named Kouta and Yuka discovers her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the evil "Lucy" is not dead just yet...



Fractale 2011


Clain lives quietly amongst doppels—holograms that replace his parents and friends. Alone on a typical day, he saves a shrine maiden from pursuers and treats her wounds. He’s mystified by her worldly charms, but she disappears—leaving only a pendant behind. When a curious girl emerges from the amulet, Clain’s life takes a chaotic turn as he seeks to unlock the secrets his new friend holds.


The Missing

The Missing 2014


A gripping anthological relationship thriller series exploring the emotional fallout of a child's abduction not only on the family but on the wider community, told over two time frames.


Kill Me, Heal Me

Kill Me, Heal Me 2015


Cha Dohyeon is a rich heir to a family company with one major problem. Due to suppressed childhood trauma, he suffers from dissociative identity disorder manifested in seven unique personalities who are out of his control. In order to overcome this disorder in secret, he hires a first-year medical resident to help him heal by killing off each personality one by one.


The Virtues

The Virtues 2019


Joseph falls into despair when his nine-year-old son Shea leaves for Australia with his ex Debbie. Suffering the hangover from hell, he walks away from his present life and boards a boat bound for Ireland to confront memories from his childhood.


Beautiful Bones: Sakurako’s Investigation

Beautiful Bones: Sakurako’s Investigation 2015


Shōtarō Tatewaki is a normal high school student with a serious demeanor hangs around with Sakurako Kujō. Sakurako is an extraordinarily beautiful woman in her mid-20s from a rich family who loves "beautiful bones." The two live in the city of Asahikawa in Hokkaido, and they get involved in various incidents regarding bones.


Aishiteruze Baby

Aishiteruze Baby 2004


Kippei is a ladies man. Always in trouble for flirting in class, after class, anytime he can. So it is some big surprise to him when he gets saddled with watching Yuzuyu, a cute little girl.Yuzuyu`s mother has gone missing, and so Kippei`s family is watching her until her mother can be found. Of course, since Kippei could use a few lessons in responsibility, he is the "best" choice for the job.This story is working out to be very cute. Kippei`s natural "mother" instinct is really brought to the front while trying to to his best for Yuzuyu, but he is a boy. His ineptitude regarding the smallest things a mother would need to know [like packing a lunch for school] are endearing rather than hokey, and the character of Yuzuyu is cute, without being overly so.



Mother 2018


A young girl named Hye-Na is abused by her mother, Ja-Young. Although she is not okay, she tells other people she is alright. Soo-Jin is a temporary teacher at the elementary school where Hye-Na attends. Soo-Jin is aware of her situation and decides to become her mother.


Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets

Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets 2023


A limited docuseries exposing the truth beneath the wholesome Americana surface of reality tv’s favorite mega-family, The Duggars, and the radical organization behind them: The Institute in Basic Life Principles. As details of the family and their scandals unfold, we realize they’re part of an insidious, much larger threat already in motion, with democracy itself in peril.


Les Misérables

Les Misérables 2018


France, 1815. Jean Valjean, a common thief, is released from prison after having lived a hell in life for 19 years, but a small mistake puts the law again on his trail. Ruthless Inspector Javert pursues him thorough years, driven by a twisted sense of justice, while Valjean reforms himself, thrives and dedicates his life to good deeds. In 1832, while the revolution ravages the streets of Paris, Valjean and Javert cross their paths for the last time.