El club dels poetes morts

El club dels poetes morts 1989


En un elitista i estricte col·legi privat de Nova Anglaterra, un grup d'alumnes descobrirà la poesia, el significat de Carpe Diem -aprofitar el moment- i la importància de perseguir els somnis, gràcies a un excèntric professor que desperta les seves ments pel mig de mètodes poc convencionals.


El conseller

El conseller 2013


Un respectat advocat (Michael Fassbender) del sud-oest dels Estats Units decideix participar per primera vegada en una operació de tràfic de drogues a la frontera mexico-nord-americana. El seu principal motiu és obtenir diners ràpids i poder casar-se amb la seva estimada núvia, la dolça Laura (Penélope Cruz). La seva connexió amb els càrtels són Reiner (Javier Bardem), un ostentós capo de la droga irremeiablement enamorat de la seva noia, la sexi i ambiciosa Malkina (Cameron Diaz), i Westray (Brad Pitt), un intermediari amic seu.


Les hores

Les hores 2002


Les Hores és una tragèdia malenconiós, basada en el llibre de Virginia Woolf "Mrs. Dalloway", sobre tres dones condemnades a la depressió. Stephaen Daldry, el director, presenta la vida i els canvis psicòtics de l'excepcional autora anglesa interpretada per Nicole Kidman, que va guanyar l'Oscar a la millor actriu.



Paterson 2016


Història sobre un conductor d'autobús i poeta aficionat a les petites coses anomenat Paterson, que viu a Paterson, New Jersey.



Wit 2001



A la recerca d’en Forrester

A la recerca d’en Forrester 2000


Conegut al seu barri per la seva condició d'esquerp solitari,... Forrester és un home el misteri i l'excentricitat del qual són gairebé mítics. Quan Jamal, un destacat estudiant negre, aconsegueix colar-se al seu apartament amb una cartera plena de treballs literaris, de manera inesperada i insòlita, s'hi estableix una relació altament profitosa.


BBC Television Shakespeare

BBC Television Shakespeare 1978


The BBC Television Shakespeare is a series of British television adaptations of the plays of William Shakespeare, created by Cedric Messina and produced by BBC Television. It was transmitted in the UK from 3 December 1978 to 27 April 1985 and spanned seven series. Development of the series began in 1975 when Messina saw that Glamis Castle would make a perfect location for an adaptation of Shakespeare's play As You Like It. On returning to London, he envisioned an entire series devoted exclusively to the dramatic works of Shakespeare. After encountering numerous problems trying to produce the series, Messina eventually pitched the idea to the BBC’s departmental heads and the series was greenlighted. The series as a whole received generally negative reviews from critics.


The tiniest man in the world

The tiniest man in the world 2016


What would it be to be just 15 cm tall?... The answer is in each episode of The Tiniest Man, a formal and serious guy that is only a bit taller than the height of a shoe, that lives in the real world, in a real size house, using mostly normal size objects, ignoring its real condition. Along 53 episodes x 1 minute, The Tiniest Man faces daily tasks, like taking a bus, drinking coffee, going to the cinema, or planning holidays. Of course, everything becomes a big adventure to him. He will deal to solve his scale issues in very unusual ways, stressing the comedy and the wit of the series.



Dickinson 2019


Emily Dickinson. Poet. Daughter. Total rebel. In this coming-of-age story, Emily’s determined to become the world’s greatest poet.


Six Centuries of Verse

Six Centuries of Verse 1984


Sir John Gielgud is joined by an outstanding repertory of actors in this pioneering, imaginative series demonstrating the immense variety and emotional impact of English-language poetry, from the fourteenth century to the contemporary era.


Crash Course Literature

Crash Course Literature 2012


John Green teaches you literature in an exciting, entertaining, and endlessly informative manner.


When the Weather Is Fine

When the Weather Is Fine 2020


Drained from her life in the city, a young cellist moves to a quiet small town, where she encounters an old friend who helps her heal and remake herself.


A Poem A Day

A Poem A Day 2018


Story follows a group of physical therapists, nurses, radiological technologists and trainees. Ye Jae-Wook works as a physical therapist and also teaches in the same field. He begins to work as a team leader at a hospital. Woo Bo-Young has been working as a physical therapist for 3 years. She wanted to become a poet, but due to her poor family background she studied to become a physical therapist. Shin Min-Ho is a trainee, but he isn't interested in physical therapy. His grades weren't good enough for medical school and his parents, who are both doctors, made him study physical therapy.


Affairs of a Drama Queen

Affairs of a Drama Queen 2022


A young star finds herself acting in her own play, becoming its heroine Su Xiang Wan. With her warm and sunny personality, she strives to change the plot to give it the ending she always thought it should have. Throughout this process, she meets Zhao Rong Xian, the King of Yu. He is originally a villain of the play, whose dark and cold world transforms thanks to this bright and lovely heroine. (Source: Chinese = 163.com || Translation = MyDramaList)



Insubmissa 2021


With Botequim, in the Lisbon neighborhood of Graça, as a starting point, we will remember the Portuguese writer, poet, and great figure of the capital’s literary salons. During a long period od the her life, especially in latter years, Botequim was the centre of the writer's life, with her being the greatest personality of the salon that gathered around her.



English 1970


"The Montice Harmon Show" appears to be an endeavor that seeks to explore the complex issues of today's society, politics, and Black culture, while also highlighting the importance of complying with the laws of love and unity.



Hachiro 2005


A story of Sato Hachiro, poet in the Showa period who is known for his lyric poems and songs for children. Despite the delicate and sensitive style of his works, he and his family spent a life full of ups and downs. Based on a novel by his half-sister Sato Aiko, the drama describes the thrilling life of the poet who played an important role in the popular culture of the Showa era by focusing on his love and hate relationship with his family. (Source: DramaWiki)


Filíocht Anois

Filíocht Anois 2014


Animated shorts exploring the meanings behind poems.