TMNT: Tortugues Ninja Joves Mutants

TMNT: Tortugues Ninja Joves Mutants 2007


Després de derrotar el seu gran enemic, Shredder, el mestre de les joves tortugues intenta mantenir-les juntes. Però comencen a succeir estranys esdeveniment a Nova York.


Caça a l’espia

Caça a l’espia 1995


Max Kirkpatrick (William Baldwin) és un brillant agent de policia que es veu obligat a protegir l'atractiva Kate McQuean (Cindy Crawford), una advocada prestigiosa de drets civils de Miami que veu la seva vida amenaçada per una banda d'antics agents del KGB liderada per un home important de negocis de l'antiga Unió Soviètica.


Lladres d’estar per casa

Lladres d’estar per casa 2000


Ray Winkler és un ex-convicte que està fart del seu treball de rentaplats, però acaba d'ocórrer-se-li una idea brillant: obrir una botiga de galetes, contigua a un banc, amb l'ajuda de la seva dona i un parell de lladregots d'estar per casa. Mentre la seva dona atén el negoci, ell i els seus socis excaven un túnel que condueix a l'interior del banc. Aviat es faran rics, sí, però no de la manera que havien pensat.


T’estimo fins a la mort

T’estimo fins a la mort 1990


Joey Boca, un italià casat i amo d'una pizzeria, és un faldiller empedreït a qui la seva dona, Rosalie, decideix assassinar quan s'assabenta de totes les seves infidelitats.


La recerca

La recerca 1985


Un jove (Matthew Modine) aspira a ser el millor lluitador de l'escola i, per això, s'entrena durament i segueix una rígida dieta per perdre els quilos que li sobren. Mentrestant, l'amor adolescent truca a la porta.


The Skulls. Societat Secreta

The Skulls. Societat Secreta 2000


Luke McNamara, un estudiant universitari pertanyent a la classe treballadora, s'uneix a una fraternitat elitista i secreta coneguda com "The Skulls", esperant aconseguir ser acceptat a l'escola de dret de Harvard. La seva fascinació inicial es veurà enterbolida per una sèrie d'incidents, entre ells el suïcidi del seu company d'habitació, un estudiant de periodisme.



Cop 1988




Pizza 2000


Pizza was an Australian television series on the Australian television network SBS. The series has a spin-off feature length movie, Fat Pizza, released in 2003, and a best-of highlights video/DVD that featured previously unreleased footage and a schoolies exposé, released in 2004. In addition to this, a theatre show entitled "Fat Pizza", starring several characters from the show, has toured the Australian east coast. Through ironic and self-conscious references, Pizza involves themes of ethnicity and stereotypes, cars, sex, illicit drugs, and violence to produce its sometimes mean-spirited dark humour. The television program is noted for its frequent cameo appearances of numerous Australian celebrities of all varieties, including actors, comedians, professional athletes, and other public figures.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987


Four turtles fall into the sewers and are befriended by Hamato Yoshi a Japanese man sent to New York who was forced to live in the sewers. One day he sees a strange green glow which transforms the four turtles into human-like creatures. Hamato (now Master Splinter) changes into a giant rat from the green glow and teaches the turtles the skills of the ninja as they team up with news reporter April O'Neil to battle against Yoshi's arch enemy Shredder and Krang, an alien warlord from Dimension X.


Best in Dough

Best in Dough 2022


In a world where there seems to be little agreement on anything, there is one great unifier… the universal love of pizza. This reality brings together pizza obsessed competitors from all walks of life to showcase their pizza slinging skills and battle it out for a cash prize. Fire up the oven, the first ever pizza competition is on!


Chef's Table: Pizza

Chef's Table: Pizza 2022


Dig into the best pizzas from around the world, prepared by renowned chefs who bake passion, creativity and hard work into every slice.


The Pizza Show

The Pizza Show 2016


Host Frank Pinello—owner of Best Pizza in Williamsburg, Brooklyn—travels around the world eating great pizza and meeting even greater people. From Brooklyn to Seoul, Chicago to New Haven, there's pizza culture everywhere, but it's the people we're most excited about.