Harry Potter i el pres d'Azkaban

Harry Potter i el pres d'Azkaban 2004


En el seu tercer any a Hogwarts en Harry te un nou professor de defensa contra les arts fosques, que es troba en problemes.


Harry Potter i la cambra secreta

Harry Potter i la cambra secreta 2002


Harry es fa el sord davant el avisos de que no torni a Hogwarts, i quan hi arriba troba que ha sofert una sèrie de misteriosos atacs.


Wish: el poder dels desitjos

Wish: el poder dels desitjos 2023


La petita Asha somnia tenir la seva pròpia estrella i, contra tot pronòstic, el seu desig es fa realitat quan un estel busca-raons baixa del firmament per unir-se a ella. Aviat es veurà que, quan la força de voluntat i la valentia d’un humà connecten amb la màgia dels estels, passen coses meravelloses.


Harry Potter i el calze de foc

Harry Potter i el calze de foc 2005


En Harry Potter és seleccionat gairebé sense desitjar-ho per a participar en una competició perillosa de bruixots de vàries escoles.


Harry Potter i l'orde del Fènix

Harry Potter i l'orde del Fènix 2007


Les avorrides vacances a casa dels seus oncles encara no han acabat i Harry es troba més inquiet que mai. Tot just ha tingut notícies de Ron i Hermione, i pressent que una cosa una mica estranya està succeint en Hogwarts. En efecte, quan per fi comença altre curs en el famós col·legi de màgia i bruixeria els seus temors es tornen realitat. El Ministeri de Màgia nega que Voldemort hagi regressat, iniciant una campanya de desprestigi contra Harry i Dumbledore, per a això ha assignat a l'horrible professora Dolors Umbridge la tasca de vigilar tots els seus moviments. Així doncs, a més de sentir-se sol i incomprès, Harry sospita que Voldemort pugues endevinar els seus pensaments, i intueix que el temible mag tracta d'apoderar-se d'un objecte secret que li permetria recuperar el seu poder destructiu...


Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes 2009


Sherlock Holmes i el seu incondicional company Watson hauran d'usar la seva aguda intel·ligència i tota mena de recursos per enfrontar-se a un nou enemic i desmuntar un complot que podria destruir el país.


L’últim caçador de bruixes

L’últim caçador de bruixes 2015


El món modern amaga molts secrets, però el més sorprenent de tots és el de les bruixes que segueixen vivint entre els humans. Es tracta de cruels criatures sobrenaturals que tenen la intenció d'alliberar la Mort Negra sobre el món.


Conan el Bàrbar

Conan el Bàrbar 1982


A la història de la humanitat, els temps més recordats són aquells de les grans gestes i fantàstiques aventures. Aquesta és l'època de Conan el Bàrbar. Conan és capturat quan només era un nen després que els seus pares fossin assassinats pel malvat Thulsa Doom, el capitost d'una secta d'adoradors a la Serp. Quinze anys d'agonia van forjar Conan com un guerrer insuperable. Alliberat pel seu amo, Conan, en companyia dels seus amics Subotai, Mongol i Valeria, Reina dels Lladres, emprenen un viatge a la recerca de venjança i saviesa.


Conan el destructor

Conan el destructor 1984


Conan viatja amb un grup de buscavides per tal de rescatar la princesa Jehnna de les mans d'un màgic poderós.



Blancaneu 2012


Nova versió en clau de comèdia del conte de la Blancaneu narrat des del punt de vista de la malvada madrastra. Set valerosos i rebels nans ajudaran a Blancaneu a reclamar els seus drets al tron que li pertany per naixement, i a conquistar al Príncep amb el qual pretén casar-se la temible Reina.



Eragon 2006


Al regne llegendari d'Alagaësia la guerra s'està gestant. Els Genets protectors de la pau de l'Imperi i els únics capaços de controlar els intel·ligents dracs, s'han extingit o han passat a formar part de les tropes del malvat rei Galbatorix. Fa temps que els elfs s'han exiliat a un lloc ocult i els vardens, un grup dissident, s'amaguen a ciutats protegides. Quan Eragon, un jove de 15 anys que viu en un petit llogaret, es troba amb una pedra preciosa al mig del bosc on ha anat a caçar, poc s'espera que aquest succés canviï la seva vida i el destí d'Alagaësia. L'únic que voleu és vendre-la per així assegurar la subsistència de la seva família durant el dur hivern. No obstant, una nit la gemma es trenca i el que en surt el portarà a un viatge que el convertirà en heroi. Podrà Eragon prendre la responsabilitat dels llegendaris genets de dracs? L'esperança de l'Imperi descansa a les mans...


Xena: Warrior Princess

Xena: Warrior Princess 1995


Xena is an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent. Accompanied by her comrade-in-arms Gabrielle, the campy couple use their formidable fighting skills to help those who are unable to defend themselves.


Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 2018


As her 16th birthday nears, Sabrina must choose between the witch world of her family and the human world of her friends. Based on the Archie comic.


Suhagan Chudail

Suhagan Chudail 2024


A witch with an insatiable appetite to gain power and beauty aims to sacrifice 16 men to attain her goal.


Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful 2014


Some of literature's most terrifying characters, including Dr. Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, and iconic figures from the novel Dracula are lurking in the darkest corners of Victorian London. Penny Dreadful is a frightening psychological thriller that weaves together these classic horror origin stories into a new adult drama.


American Gothic

American Gothic 1995


Everything is not what it seems in Trinity, South Carolina. Sheriff Lucas Buck develops a sinister interest in Caleb. Caleb's cousin Gail tries to protect him, but that's complicated since she has feelings for Sheriff Buck. And Caleb's dead sister, Merlyn, returns as an angel, warning him that Buck is an incarnation of evil - and may not be human.



Majika 2006


Majika is a Filipino fantasy-themed television series about wizards, known as Salamangka, that inhabit the world of Saladin, where magic is the way of life. The series was produced by GMA Network. It first aired on March 20, 2006 and officially ended on September 29, 2006. The cast was led by Dennis Trillo as Argo & Angel Locsin as Sabina. The series was successfully aired worldwide, with a three-week delay on GMA Pinoy TV.


The Pale Horse

The Pale Horse 2020


After a list of names is found in the shoe of a dead woman, one of the named people begins investigating and is drawn to the The Pale Horse, the home of a trio of rumored witches living in a small village. Word has it that the witches can do away with wealthy relatives using dark arts.


Secret Healer

Secret Healer 2016


Seo-Ri's mother Queen Sim was unable to have a child. She went to a shaman to help her have a child. With the help of shaman Hong-Joo's black magic, Queen Sim was able to have a boy and girl twins. The girl, Seo-Ri, was put under a curse and abandoned deep in the mountains. She meets Heo Jun, a young man, there.


The Master and Margarita

The Master and Margarita 2005


The Master and Margarita is a Russian television production of Telekanal Rossiya, based on the novel The Master and Margarita, written by Soviet writer Mikhail Bulgakov between 1928 and 1940. Vladimir Bortko directed this adaptation and was also its screenwriter.


Midnight Museum

Midnight Museum 2023


Dome, a barista at a café on the verge of closure, receives an unexpected job offer. The offer comes from a café regular, Khatha, who orders coffee he never drinks. The job is at an odd museum open only after sunset. With few choices, Dome accepts Khatha's offer. On his first day, an employee tells him the museum is haunted. Forbidden by the overseer from entering Zone 16, Dome is tempted inside. Khatha attempts to contain the damage, but Dome has unintentionally awakened things and nearly everything inside manages to slip out. Dome takes responsibility and, with Khatha, attempts to hunt down what went missing in order to return them to where they belong.


Sakho & Mangane

Sakho & Mangane 2019


Two cops with very different methods, solving mysterious murder cases surrounded by black magic.


Phetra Naruemit

Phetra Naruemit 2023


A young woman gets transported back almost 200 years by a spell through a magical vessel where she meets her soulmate and uncovers secrets that connect to the future.


The Look-See

The Look-See 2017


A tragic event draws a group of troubled people together, bonded by their shared pasts and dirty secrets. However, one by one they are visited by a demonic entity known as the Look-See, which forces them to confront their grief and trauma, or suffer a gruesome fate...


Marvellous Love

Marvellous Love 2023


Born with psychic powers, Cho-ueang is vilified as a bad omen against the community. When she is only small, her father performs a spell to keep her hidden and Cho-ueang winds up travelling hundreds of years into the future. There, a family takes her in and renames her Panruethai. Unexpectedly, Panruethai is returned to her original era, an era she has no memory of. All she knows is her powers have strengthened. Confused, she comes across a young man, Singkham, who mistakes her for a thief and apprehends her. However, she finds herself staying with him.


Art of The Devil

Art of The Devil 2020


Stakes are high on the cheerleading team, as every member is competing for the chance to become this year's center position. However, when Praewa, a talented nobody joins the team, the other members are threatened by her and constantly terrorize her hoping she'll leave. However, when they break an important bottle of magic that Praewa had been protecting, she decides to make them pay. She summons spirits and demons using her blood, writing the message that they must die. As the other members are terrorized by ghouls and demons out to kill them, she trains even harder to take on the center position so she can have the last laugh. However, they will not give up so easily and will fight to the last minute to survive and achieve their goal. Can they manage this when their lives are threatened every night?


Shadow Enemy

Shadow Enemy 2022


When evil rises, there is a great need for the devilish flames to be extinguished. When danger trembles Ban Pha Fa Rong, help is needed urgently. However, this time it is not easy because the opponent has black magic on their side to help. Two young men with divine powers must join forces with the beautiful daughter of a notable man and fight the evil that threatens to ruin Ban Pha Fa Rong.


The Hidden Force

The Hidden Force 1974


In the sweltering Dutch East Indies, the European colonizers are plagued by a hidden force; a combination of tropical magic, Eastern inscrutability and mutual incomprehension. Blind and deaf to the slumbering powers of the East Indian people, resident Van Oudyck, his son, daughter and seductive wife slowly but surely fall prey to this mysterious force...


Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy

Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy 2017


Muyun Sheng, born from a spirit mother, is the unfavoured sixth son of the reigning Emperor Ming of Duan. Discovering an ancient painting by chance, he is captivated by the spirit locked inside (Panxi), and together, they promise to search for the most beautiful places on Earth. Muru Hanjiang, friend of Muyun Sheng, is the son of General Muru Shuo, famous for conquering the Eight Tribes of Han Province. Many years later, the descendant of the Eight Tribes Shuofeng Heye sows discord between the Muyun and Muru families. Only when the friendship and loyalty between these two families is rebuilt will the Duan Dynasty be safe from invasion by the Eight Tribes. This drama tells of the loyalty, friendship, enmity and romance between the young descendants during the twilight years of the Duan Dynasty.