Paraula clau Gambling
Babylon 2022
Ambientada a Los Angeles durant els anys 20, explica una història d'ambició i excessos desmesurats que recorre l'ascensió i caiguda de múltiples personatges durant una època de desenfrenada decadència i depravació a les albors de Hollywood.
Una història del Bronx 1993
Al Bronx dels anys 60, un adolescent es debat entre el seu pare de classe treballadora i un cap del crim organitzat, violent, però carismàtic.
Snatch (porcs i diamants) 2000
Franky és una lladre de diamants que ha de lliurar una enorme peça al seu cap Avi, però pel camí és temptat per Boris per apostar en un combat il·legal de boxa. En realitat, és un parany per atracar-lo pel que, quan Avi se n'assabenta, contracta Tony per trobar Franky i el diamant. Aviat es descobreix el trist destí de Franky, i la caça i captura de la gemma desapareguda porta a tothom a un joc de bojos que corre el risc de descontrolar-se, on l'engany, el xantatge i el frau es barregen de forma sagnant amb gossos, diamants, boxejadors i gran varietat d'armes en un caòtic berenar de negres.
Una proposició indecent 1993
En David i la Diana són un matrimoni feliç amb un futur ple d'il·lusions. Ell és un arquitecte amb molta projecció que està dissenyant la casa dels seus somnis, i ella fa d'agent immobiliària i ha trobat el solar ideal per construir-la. Per fer realitat el somni decideixen endeutar-se, amb la mala sort que un bon dia arriba la crisi, es queden sense feina i no poden pagar la hipoteca. Llavors decideixen anar-se'n a Las Vegas a fer fortuna amb els últims diners que els queden. Allà coneixen en John Gage, un multimilionari que els ofereix un milió de dòlars a canvi de passar una nit amb la Diana, una prova d'amor i de confiança que els marcarà de per vida.
Wild Card 2015
Un ex-addicte al joc fa de guarda-espatlles en el món de les apostes. No fa servir armes de foc, però comença a tenir problemes quan defensa a una antiga amiga que està sent maltractada per un important mafiós.
墮落天使 1995
Casino 1995
Las Vegas, 1973. Sam "Ace" Rothstein, un professional de les apostes, és l'eficaç director d'un important casino que pertany a un grup de mafiosos. La seva missió és controlar el funcionament del negoci i garantir que el corrent de diners que pararà a les mans dels seus caps segueixi fluint. Las Vegas és un lloc ideal per a milionaris i polítics, però és també lloc de pas de tafurs, prestadors, traficants de drogues i matons. Un dia el violent Nicky Santoro, a qui els seus caps han encarregat que tingui cura de Sam, arriba a Las Vegas amb la intenció de quedar-s'hi.
Uncut Gems 2019
21 Black Jack 2008
Aventures d'un grup de joves que es converteixen en experts en l'art de comptar cartes com a estratègia per guanyar en els casinos. Ben Campbell troba la solució a la seva manca de diners jugant a cartes. Ben s'uneix a un grup d'estudiants que viatgen a Las Vegas cada cap de setmana usant identitats falses i amb els coneixements necessaris per tenir èxit jugant al Black Jack. Els joves actuen amb l'ajuda del seu professor de matemàtiques, Micky Rosa. Però Cole Williams, un policia dels casinos, els vigila de prop.
Wyatt Earp 1994
Wyatt Earp i els seus germans s'internen per l'Oest salvatge i l'experiència converteix el que era un xicot innocent i aventurer en un dels pistolers més temuts. Les armes de Wyatt estan dedicades a mantenir la pau, però a partir del combat d'O.K. Corral, l'home que havia destacat com a xèrif, passa a convertir-se en un venjador.
Rounders 1998
Mike McDermott, a més d'estar estudiant dret, és un rounder, és a dir, un jugador de cartes dels que mai no perden. Quan el seu millor amic, Les "Cuc" Murphy, surt de la presó i descobreix que segueix devent una important quantitat de diners a un perillós delinqüent, decideix tornar a jugar, malgrat els advertiments de la seva núvia i del seu mentor a la Universitat . La partida de pòquer en què es proposa participar per ajudar el seu amic es disputarà amb alguns dels jugadors més sinistres de la ciutat, entre els quals hi ha el pèrfid Teddy KGB.
타짜: 신의 손 2014
Barry Lyndon 1975
Segle XVIII. El jove Redmond Barry, orfe de pare, s'ha enamorat de la seva cosina, que també pretén el Capità John Quin. L'assumpte es resol per mitjà d'un duel, del qual Redmond en resulta vencedor. A continuació se'n va a Dublín i decideix allistar-se a l'exèrcit anglès, on comença a desenvolupar les seves extraordinàries habilitats per sobreviure. Estant a Alemanya, se li presenta la possibilitat de desertar, però és capturat pel Capità Potzdorf, un oficial prussià que li ofereix la possibilitat d'unir-se a les tropes o ser penjat per desertor. Un cop a l'exèrcit prussià, té la fortuna de salvar la vida a Potzdorf, cosa que li obre les portes del servei secret prussià.
El riu de la vida 1992
Tot i que Norman i Paul Mclean, fills d'un pastor protestant, van rebre una educació rígida, també van gaudir de llibertat. Norman, un jove assenyat i reservat, és professor i està enamorat. Paul, en canvi, és extravertit, es dedica al periodisme i porta una vida desordenada. Tot i així, hi ha alguna cosa que sempre els mantindrà units: el riu salvatge que travessa Montana, on van aprendre a pescar.
The Gambler 2014
The Gambler 1974
El tinent corrupte 2009
Un policia que té al seu servei a tota mena de traficants, prostitutes i delinqüents es troba amb un cas que el marca profundament: haurà de trobar els culpables de la violació d'una jove novícia.
La quadrilla dels onze 1960
Onze amics, companys d'armes a la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), planegen robar, en una sola nit, cinc dels casinos més grans de Las Vegas. L'any 2001 Steven Soderbergh va fer un remake amb un gran repartiment: George Clooney, Brad Pitt i Julia Roberts.
Kakegurui 2017
Hyakkaou Private Academy. An institution for the privileged with a very peculiar curriculum. You see, when you're the sons and daughters of the wealthiest of the wealthy, it's not athletic prowess or book smarts that keep you ahead. It's reading your opponent, the art of the deal. What better way to hone those skills than with a rigorous curriculum of gambling? At Hyakkaou Private Academy, the winners live like kings, and the losers are put through the wringer. But when Yumeko Jabami enrolls, she's gonna teach these kids what a high roller really looks like!
Mr. Lucky 1959
Mr. Lucky is a CBS adventure/drama television series that aired from October 24, 1959, to June 18, 1960, with repeats until September 3. Blake Edwards developed the program as a retooling of his Willie Dante character from Four Star Playhouse, where the role was played by studio boss Dick Powell. In the 1960–1961 season, Howard Duff assumed the role of Willie Dante in the NBC adventure/drama series Dante. Mr. Edwards directed and co-wrote the first episode of Mr. Lucky, and the credits of the first eighteen episodes included "Entire production supervised by Blake Edwards." Jack Arnold produced the show and directed fifteen of the thirty-four episodes. Henry Mancini's smooth theme music for the show reached Number 21 in the US singles charts. He released two successful LP's based on the show, Mr. Lucky and Mr. Lucky Goes Latin.
Kaiji 2007
Kaiji Itou is a good-for-nothing loiterer who spends his days drinking beer and stealing hubcaps—that is, until he ends up being tricked by his former co-worker. Unable to suddenly repay his friend's huge debt all by himself, Kaiji is offered a shady deal to participate in an illegal underground gamble on a cruise ship. This turns out to be nothing more than the beginning of his new life of hell—thrown headlong into a life-threatening roller coaster of mind games, cheating, and deceit.
Deadwood 2004
The story of the early days of Deadwood, South Dakota; woven around actual historic events with most of the main characters based on real people. Deadwood starts as a gold mining camp and gradually turns from a lawless wild-west community into an organized wild-west civilized town. The story focuses on the real-life characters Seth Bullock and Al Swearengen.
Kakegurui 2018
Children from influential families in politics and businesses attend the Hyakkaou Private Academy. There, the hierarchy of the students are classified by a series of games. Students that win the games are on the ruling side and the students who lose become slaves. One day, a mysterious girl, Yumeko Jabami (Minami Hamabe), is transferred to Hyakkaou Private Academy. She looks pure and pretty, but she is actually a compulsive gambler and seeks out the thrill of taking calculated risks.
Pachinko 2022
Follow the hopes and dreams of four generations of a Korean immigrant family beginning with a forbidden love and crescendos into a sweeping saga that journeys between Korea, Japan and America to tell the unforgettable story of war and peace, love and loss, triumph and reckoning.
No Game No Life 2014
Online gamer siblings are thrust into a new realm where they must play to take over the world.
Akagi 2005
Nangou is a compulsive gambler who has accumulated debt over three million yen. In a last ditch attempt to clear his record, he decides to wager his life on a game of mahjong with the mafia. Unfortunately, as the game progresses, Nangou only moves further from the prize and closer to death. When all hope seems lost, the game parlor is suddenly intruded upon by Shigeru Akagi, a young boy on the run from the police. Desperate to turn the game around, Nangou hands the game over to Akagi after teaching him a few of the rules. The mafia can only smirk as Akagi sits down to play. However, they soon come to learn that Akagi is a natural born gambler. An imposing figure who does not fear death. One who is destined to become a legend.
Death Parade 2015
There is a place after death that’s neither heaven nor hell. A bar that serves you one chance to win. You cannot leave until the game is over, and when it is, your life may be too.
ZERO -The Bravest Money Game- 2018
The winner of a secret survival game stands to win a large sum of money. However, one player does not seem to be in the game for the money.
Cashing In 2009
Set on Stonewalker First Nation, nestled comfortably beside an affluent beach community in Southern Manitoba.
The Ghost Bride 2020
In 1890s Malacca, Li Lan finds herself in the afterlife and becomes mired in a mystery linked to the sinister, deceased son of a wealthy family.
Fourland Kingdom is an island nation in the North Atlantic. In this country, there are 52 X-Playing Cards, considered the origin of playing cards. A card with a unique supernatural ability can gift its abilities to a qualified person: the player. One day, the X-Playing Cards in government's custody were spread all over Fourland leading to troubles caused by the supernatural abilities of the players with cards across the country. The king secretly assigns Pinochle, one of the top corporations of the nation, to a mission, to collect the cards that are causing all the chaos in the country.
Stan Lee's Lucky Man 2016
London cop and compulsive gambler Harry Clayton is on the verge of losing everything. On the night when his huge debts are to be called in, he meets the enigmatic Eve, who gives him a mysterious bracelet said to endow the wearer with immense luck. Harry's fortunes suddenly begin to shift, but he also soon finds himself sucked into a sinister crime wave sweeping through the city.
The Player 2015
An action-packed Las Vegas thriller about a former military operative turned security expert who is drawn into a high-stakes game where an organization of wealthy individuals gamble on his ability to stop some of the biggest crimes imaginable from playing out. Can he take them down from the inside and get revenge for the death of his wife, or is it true what they say: the House always wins.
Dicey Business 2006
Chai Foon-Cheung has not won a single game since his defeat in the World Poker Championship twenty years ago. It is the bad luck he has had all these years that has earned him a job in the casino. Ironically, the man who hires him is one of his then competitors Kiu Ching-Cho.
Insider 2022
When a judicial apprentice goes behind bars while on an undercover job, he plays the hand he’s dealt to survive prison and get his payback.
[C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Control 2011
Kimimaro works two jobs to make ends meet. He could go from pauper to prince in a parallel world called the Financial District—if he’ll invest his future as collateral in a dangerous game. Winning gets you more wealth, but losing could erase you from existence. When the destructive forces at play compel Kimimaro to confront the most powerful player, can he save the real world from total collapse?
Bet On Best Bet 1991
After a 20-year prison sentence in the Philippines, gambling king Gao Zhang returns to Hong Kong hoping to reunite with his family. However, his wife He Qi Jiao refuses to forgive him and demands that he leave immediately. Gao Zhang's sincere efforts eventually touch Qi Jiao's heart, and she allows him to stay at home for a month on the condition that he doesn't reveal his true identity as a gambler. Gao Zhang is relieved to see his eldest son Zhi Jun, twin daughters Bao Bao, and third son Yao Jiu successful in their careers. But he can't shake off his resentment towards the persistent advances of their landlord, Wen Tian Xiang, who has pursued Qi Jiao for 20 years. Gao Zhang tries various methods to prove that he has changed and hopes to rekindle their family bonds. During this time, Zhi Jun, driven by his pursuit of glamour, engages in speculative business ventures and accumulates a massive debt...