Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 2013


El descarat però brillant empresari Tony Stark s'enfronta a un malvat amb un poder sense límits. Quan l'Stark comprèn que el seu enemic ha destruït el seu univers personal, s'embarca en una recerca angoixant per trobar els responsables. Aquest viatge posa a prova la seva enteresa una vegada i una altra. Acorralat, l'Stark ha de sobreviure tot sol confiant en el seu enginy i el seu instint per protegir les persones que estima. Durant la seva lluita, l'Stark coneix la resposta a la pregunta que el turmenta en secret.


San Andreas

San Andreas 2015


En Ray Gaines és un membre del cos de bombers de Los Angeles especialitzat en rescats perillosos, amb una llarga experiència a l'exèrcit, però viu turmentat per no haver pogut salvar una de les seves filles mentre feien ràfting, un fet que a la llarga el va portar a separar-se de la seva dona. La vida, però, li donarà una segona oportunitat quan un seguit de terribles terratrèmols sacsegin tot l'estat de Califòrnia i es trobi que ha de rescatar la seva exdona a Los Angeles i després la seva altra filla a San Francisco, on al terratrèmol inicial s'hi sumarà un tsunami devastador.



V3njança 2014


Tercer lliurament de la trilogia iniciada el 2008 amb 'Venjança' i que compta amb una seqüela el 2012 sota el títol 'Venjança: Connexió Istambul', on Liam Neeson torna a ficar-se a la pell de Bryan, un espia retirat que no dubtarà a fer el que sigui necessari a favor de la justícia i la supervivència.


Tu a Londres i jo a Califòrnia

Tu a Londres i jo a Califòrnia 1998


Hallie i Annie, dues bessones que s'assemblen com dues gotes d'aigua, van ser separades poc després de néixer, a causa del divorci dels seus pares. Hallie viu a Napa Valley amb el seu pare, que és viticultor. Per la seva banda, Annie viu a Londres amb la seva mare, una famosa dissenyadora de vestits de núvia. Cap de les dues no coneix l'existència de l'altra, però el destí fa que es trobin per casualitat a Maine, en un campament d'estiu. Abans de tornar a casa, les nenes ordeixen un pla per aconseguir reunir els seus pares, però hi ha un inconvenient amb què no comptaven: el seu pare projecta casar-se amb una altra dona.



Nope 2022



Pur vici

Pur vici 2014


Mentre es disposa tranquil·lament a encendre l'enèsim porro del dia, l'investigador privat Doc Sportello rep la visita sorpresa de la seva ex, la Shasta Fay, que li explica que l'esposa del seu amant actual, un poderós promotor immobiliari, trama fer tancar el marit en un manicomi. En la seva investigació, en Doc recorrerà la Califòrnia dels primers anys 70, uns anys que marquen el final d'una era de somnis de llibertat, amb la cultura hippy agonitzant i el fum de la marihuana com una boira que ho cobreix tot. I trobarà la fauna de l'època: surfistes il·luminats, polis corruptes, especuladors, ionquis, dentistes cocaïnòmans, motoristes nazis, panteres negres... Totes les proves i testimonis apunten a un nom enigmàtic: L'Ullal d'Or.



Hulk 2003



Training day: Dia d’entrenament

Training day: Dia d’entrenament 2001


Jake Hoyt vol ser agent de policia de Los Angeles en l'especialitat de persecució del tràfic de drogues. Fa una pràctica de 24 hores amb un agent veterà, Alonso Harris, que ja porta deu anys en la feina i que es caracteritza per uns mètodes molt discutibles. Al llarg d'un dia sencer, Hoyt s'ha de plantejat tota mena de dilemes ètics davant la duresa i la complexitat d'aquesta feina.


Retorn al futur 3

Retorn al futur 3 1990


El Marty McFly torna al 1985 amb l'ajuda del Doc del 1955, que no entén com, immediatament després que hagi marxat la màquina del temps, el Marty aparegui de nou. El noi li explica que, efectivament, ha anat al futur i que té una carta escrita pel Doc l'any 1885 des d'un poble de l'Oest americà, amb instruccions perquè trobi i repari el DeLorean i pugui tornar un altre cop al futur. Quan van a buscar el cotxe, amagat en una mina, passen per un cementiri on hi ha una làpida dedicada a l'Emmett Brown, que va morir només una setmana després d'haver escrit la carta a mans d'un perillós pistoler, Buford Tannen. El Marty decideix retrocedir en ell temps i anar al poble del salvatge Oest on viu el Doc per evitar que mori.



Zodíac 2007


L'Assassí del Zodíac va matar, entre el 1966 i el 1978, nombroses persones a San Francisco, alhora que enviava als mitjans de comunicació cartes amb pistes. L'acció se centra en les llargues indagacions de dos detectius que van intentar caçar-lo i en les investigacions de dos periodistes que van intentar esbrinar la seva identitat...


Pous d'ambició

Pous d'ambició 2007


Texas, principis del segle XX. Una història sobre la família, l'avarícia i la religió. Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis) es trasllada a una miserable ciutat amb el propòsit de fer fortuna, però a mesura que es va enriquint, els seus principis i valors desapareixen i acaba dominat per l'ambició. Després de trobar un ric jaciment de petroli el 1902, es converteix en un acabalat magnat. Quan, anys després, intenta apoderar-se d'un nou jaciment, s'ha d'enfrontar al predicador Eli Sunday (Paul Dano). Adaptació de la novel·la d'Upton Sinclair "Petroli", escrita el 1927.


La màscara del Zorro

La màscara del Zorro 1998


Mèxic, 1821. Un emmascarat i romàntic heroi popular, conegut com El Guineu, lluita valentament contra el domini colonial espanyol a l'Alta Califòrnia. No obstant això, la vigília de l'alliberament de Mèxic, el despòtic governador don Rafael Montero descobreix que la Guineu és don Diego de la Vega. Un atac contra la casa del rebel, se salda amb la captura, la mort de la seva dona, el segrest de la seva única filla Elena i la destrucció de les seves propietats. Vint anys després, Montero torna de l'exili amb Elena, que ignora la identitat del seu pare, i es proposa comprar Califòrnia al president de Mèxic, el General Santa Anna.


Instint bàsic

Instint bàsic 1992


Un antic cantant de rock ha estat brutalment assassinat. L'última vegada que se'l va veure estava acompanyat per la seva novia. A la comissaria, al departament d'Afers Interns, Nick Curran rep l'encàrrec de vigilar Catherine Tromell, la suposada núvia assassina.


La llegenda del Zorro

La llegenda del Zorro 2005


Després de lluitar perquè Califòrnia es converteixi en un estat de la Unió, el Zorro ha de complir la promesa que li va fer a la seva dona Elena: abandonar la seva identitat secreta i portar una vida normal amb ella.


The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful 1987


Continuing drama combining romance and intrigue set against the glittering backdrop of Beverly Hills and the American fashion industry.


Two and a Half Men

Two and a Half Men 2003


A hedonistic jingle writer's free-wheeling life comes to an abrupt halt when his brother and 10-year-old nephew move into his beach-front house.


The Real McCoys

The Real McCoys 1957


The Real McCoys is an American situation comedy co-produced by Danny Thomas' "Marterto Productions", in association with Walter Brennan and Irving Pincus' "Westgate" company. The series aired for five seasons on the ABC-TV network from 1957 through 1962 and then for its final year on CBS from 1962 to 1963. The series, set in the San Fernando Valley of California, was filmed in Hollywood at Desilu studios.


The Mentalist

The Mentalist 2008


Patrick Jane, a former celebrity psychic medium, uses his razor sharp skills of observation and expertise at "reading" people to solve serious crimes with the California Bureau of Investigation.


Falcon Crest

Falcon Crest 1981


Falcon Crest is an American primetime television soap opera which aired on the CBS network for nine seasons, from December 4, 1981 to May 17, 1990. A total of 227 episodes were produced. The series revolves around the feuding factions of the wealthy Gioberti/Channing family in the Californian wine industry. Jane Wyman starred as Angela Channing, the tyrannical matriarch of the Falcon Crest Winery, alongside Robert Foxworth as Chase Gioberti, Angela's nephew who returns to Falcon Crest following the death of his father. The series was set in the fictitious Tuscany Valley northeast of San Francisco.



Monk 2002


Adrian Monk was once a rising star with the San Francisco Police Department, legendary for using unconventional means to solve the department's most baffling cases. But after the tragic (and still unsolved) murder of his wife Trudy, he developed an extreme case of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Now working as a private consultant, Monk continues to investigate cases in the most unconventional ways.



Psych 2006


Thanks to his police officer father's efforts, Shawn Spencer spent his childhood developing a keen eye for detail (and a lasting dislike of his dad). Years later, Shawn's frequent tips to the police lead to him being falsely accused of a crime he solved. Now, Shawn has no choice but to use his abilities to perpetuate his cover story: psychic crime-solving powers, all the while dragging his best friend, his dad, and the police along for the ride.



9-1-1 2018


Explore the high-pressure experiences of police officers, paramedics and firefighters who are thrust into the most frightening, shocking and heart-stopping situations. These emergency responders must try to balance saving those who are at their most vulnerable with solving the problems in their own lives.


The People's Choice

The People's Choice 1955


The People's Choice is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC from 1955 to 1958, primarily sponsored by The Borden Company. It stars Jackie Cooper as Socrates "Sock" Miller, an ex-Marine and a young politician in fictitious New City, California. Sock has a basset hound named "Cleo", whose thoughts, as she balefully observes Sock's dilemmas, are recorded on the soundtrack for the viewers' amusement. Cleo's real name was Bernadette. Much of Cleo's dialog consists of wisecracks. The popularity of the basset hound breed increased markedly with the run of the show. During the last season of The People's Choice, Croft began her eight-year role as Clara Randolph on ABC's The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. The versatile Croft had also been a semi-regular on Our Miss Brooks and I Love Lucy and a regular on The Lucy Show and Here's Lucy.


Melrose Place

Melrose Place 1992


Follow the lives of a group of young adults living in a brownstone apartment complex on Melrose Place, in Los Angeles, California.


Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210 1990


Follow the lives of a group of teenagers living in the upscale, star-studded community of Beverly Hills, California and attending the fictitious West Beverly Hills High School and, subsequently, the fictitious California University after graduation.


Cobra Kai

Cobra Kai 2018


This Karate Kid sequel series picks up 30 years after the events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament and finds Johnny Lawrence on the hunt for redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai karate dojo. This reignites his old rivalry with the successful Daniel LaRusso, who has been working to maintain the balance in his life without mentor Mr. Miyagi.


Sunset Beach

Sunset Beach 1997


Sunset Beach is an American television soap opera that aired on NBC from January 6, 1997 to December 31, 1999. The show follows the loves and lives of the people living in the Orange County coastal area named Sunset Beach, on the coast of California. Although there is a town in California called Sunset Beach, the show's beach scenes were shot on nearby Seal Beach. The show was co-produced by NBC and Spelling Television. Sunset Beach won two Daytime Emmy Awards and was nominated another eleven times. The show also received twenty-two nominations for various other awards.


The O.C.

The O.C. 2003


Ryan Atwood, a teen from the wrong side of the tracks, moves in with a wealthy family willing to give him a chance. But Ryan's arrival disturbs the status quo of the affluent, privileged community of Newport Beach, California.



Mom 2013


Aan irreverent and outrageous take on true family love‐and dysfunction. Newly sober single mom Christy struggles to raise two children in a world full of temptations and pitfalls. Testing her sobriety is her formerly estranged mother, now back in Christy's life and eager to share passive-aggressive insights into her daughter's many mistakes.


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 2015


Rebecca Bunch is a successful, driven, and possibly crazy young woman who impulsively gives up everything - her partnership at a prestigious law firm and her upscale apartment in Manhattan - in a desperate attempt to find love and happiness in that exotic hotbed of romance and adventure: suburban West Covina, California.


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 1990


Will, a street-smart teenager, moves from the tough streets of West Philly to posh Bel-Air to live with his Uncle Philip, Aunt Vivian, his cousins — spoiled Hilary, preppy Carlton and young Ashley — and their sophisticated British butler, Geoffrey. Though Will’s antics and upbringing contrast greatly with the upper-class lifestyle of his extended relatives, he soon finds himself right at home as a loved part of the family.



Fury 1955


Fury is an American western television series that aired on NBC from 1955 to1960. It stars Peter Graves as Jim Newton, who operates the Broken Wheel Ranch in California; Bobby Diamond as Jim's adopted son, Joey Clark Newton, and William Fawcett as ranch hand Pete Wilkey. Roger Mobley co-starred in the two final seasons as Homer "Packy" Lambert, a friend of Joey's. The frequent introduction to the show depicts the beloved stallion running inside the corral and approaching the camera as the announcer reads: "FURY!..The story of a horse..and a boy who loves him." Fury is the first American series produced originally by Television Programs of America and later by the British-based company ITC Entertainment.


Sweet Valley High

Sweet Valley High 1994


Sweet Valley High is an American comedy-drama series


Even Stevens

Even Stevens 2000


The Stevens are a middle-class family living in Sacramento, CA. Husband and father Steve is a successful attorney. Wife and mother Eileen is a state Senator. Their oldest child Donnie ia a high-school sports legend. Ren, an 8th-grader, is just about the perfect daughter. She makes the best grades, she's popular, she does volunteer work and other extracurricular tasks by the score. Her brother Louis, in the 7th grade, is her opposite. He likes to sleep late, he's messy, his grades are not good, he's frequently in detention and he seems to take nothing seriously. But he is serious about finding something of his own that he can do to put himself on a par with the rest of his overachieving family. Though he and Ren occasionally soften their attitudes toward each other, at any given moment the're likely to be fighting like mongoose and cobra.