Kill Bill: Volum 1

Kill Bill: Volum 1 2003


Uma Thurman és una assassina que, el dia del seu casament, és atacada pels membres de la banda del seu cap, Bill (David Carradine). Assoleix sobreviure a l'atac, encara que queda en coma. Cinc anys després desperta amb un tros de metall al cap i un gran desig de venjança al seu cor.


Quatre bodes i un funeral

Quatre bodes i un funeral 1994


Charles és un home solter que en un casament coneix a la Carrie, de qui s'enamora a primera vista. Tot i passar la nit junts, no es tornen a veure fins al següent casament.


Set núvies per a set germans

Set núvies per a set germans 1954


Els germans Pontipee són set rudes llenyataires, tots solters, que viuen en una cabana a les muntanyes. La seva vida canvia radicalment quan Adam, el germà gran, troba núvia al poble i se la porta a viure a la cabana. Els altres germans decideixen, aleshores, fer el mateix i van a la ciutat a la recerca de núvia. Tan entestats estan a casar-se que no dubten a segrestar set noies i se les porten a viure amb ells.


27 vestits

27 vestits 2008


La Jane està molt enamorada del seu cap, el George, un home atractiu, amb molt d'èxit i molt bona persona. Una de les grans passions de la Jane és organitzar casaments i anar-hi, amb l'esperança que, tard o d'hora, a ella també li arribarà el moment. Un dia, coneix un periodista en un casament i ell li comença a anar al darrere. Mentrestant, el George coneix la germana de la Jane, s'enamoren i es volen casar.



Rebeca 1940


Al cap de poc temps de perdre la seva dona Rebeca, l'aristòcrata anglès Maxim De Winter coneix a Montecarlo una jove humil, dama de companyia d'una senyora americana. De Winter i la jove es casen i es viuran a la mansió anglesa de Manderley, residència habitual de De Winter. Aviat la senyora Winter s'adona que no pot esborrar al seu marit el record de la seva esposa difunta.


El jove Frankenstein

El jove Frankenstein 1974


El jove doctor Frederick Frankenstein, un neurocirurgià nord-americà, intenta escapar de l'estigma llegat pel seu avi, que va crear anys enrere una horrible criatura. Però, quan hereta el castell de Frankenstein i descobreix un estrany manual científic en què s'explica pas a pas com retornar la vida a un cadàver, comença a crear el seu propi monstre. Ajudat pel geperut Igor i la curvilínia Inga, el doctor crea un ser amb un únic propòsit: ser estimat.


El pare de la núvia

El pare de la núvia 1991


George Banks és un home madur, però d'esperit jove, que no acaba d'acceptar que la seva filla de 22 anys, per a ell encara una nena, es casarà. Encara que tots creuen que el nuvi és un noi fantàstic, això el converteix en el seu enemic per por de perdre la seva petita per sempre. Això per no parlar del cost del casament...


A les seves sabates

A les seves sabates 2005


La Rose trenca relacions amb la Maggie, la seva germana petita, a causa d'una indiscreció relacionada amb el nuvi de Rose. L'ambient enrarit es normalitza amb l'arribada d'Ella, l'àvia que cap de les dues germanes no sabia que existia.


Bride of Beirut

Bride of Beirut 2019


Thuraya a simple girl living a modest life with her aunt, her life changes forever when she meets Faress a young and ambitious young man.


Taisho Era Contract Marriage ~ The Substitute Bride and a Soldier's Fierce Love

Taisho Era Contract Marriage ~ The Substitute Bride and a Soldier's Fierce Love 2024


I used to think there was no love in marriage... Until I met a fierce and passionate soldier! Despite being the daughter of a viscount, Asako is rejected by high society and treated as a nuisance by her parents. When a marriage proposal arrives suddenly for Asako's younger sister from none other than Captain Kido, a soldier known for his coldness, she doesn't hesitate for a moment. To protect her precious younger sister, Asako volunteers as... a substitute bride!


Ladoon Mein Pali

Ladoon Mein Pali 1970


Laraib is a beautiful young woman in a loving family who meets a stylist named Wahaj and they fall in love and eventually marry. However, Wahaj is also loved by his cousin, Bishma, who has loved him since they were children. Wahaj does not feel the same about Bishma but she is determined to split him from Laraib so she can have him to herself.


Bride & Prejudice: Forbidden Love

Bride & Prejudice: Forbidden Love 2016


Meet three couples as they decide to make a life-long commitment and get married in the face of staunch opposition from their family and friends. From an interfaith couple in Baltimore, to a gay couple in Boston, and an interracial couple from Houston - these people are all striving to show doubtful loved ones how differences in race, religion and sexual preference do not affect their ability to love and be loved. As they announce their engagements and meet the in-laws, emotions run high. Will familial pressure impact their upcoming nuptials, or will love of a potential spouse outweigh love of family? Will they go through with the weddings if family members don't ultimately approve? Against all odds and in the face of bigotry, these couples will aim to prove that their relationship has what it takes to build the foundation for a long lasting marriage.


The Wedding Coach

The Wedding Coach 2021


Former bride and forever comedian Jamie Lee shares her irreverent yet practical tips and tricks for wedding planning with struggling lovebirds.


A Bride is needed

A Bride is needed 1990


In a comedic drama setting, the events deal with two friends who are looking for a bride, in which the qualities that each of them dreams of meet in the girl of his dreams, and indeed the two friends get to know many girls, but each time they discover that something the girl he found is missing from the specifications of the girl of his dreams he wants, and the events are followed between comedic paradoxes.


The Duel - Between Tulle and Tears

The Duel - Between Tulle and Tears 2022


Two experts can fullfill the dream of a bride with a perfect bridal dress. Each expert can propose 3 dresses. The bride decides which too choose and which expert wins the duel.


O Noivo É Que Sabe

O Noivo É Que Sabe 2020


Real couples see the dream of getting married come true. However, all details of the ceremony will be handled by the grooms ... without any contact with the brides! Do they really know the tastes of their brides? Will the brides love or loathe what should be one of the happiest days of their lives?


Perfektās kāzas

Perfektās kāzas 2021


Elsa is getting married. Both she and her mother are sure it will be a perfect wedding, but on the morning of the grand event Elza finds out that her wedding videographer is none other than her first love Henry. But what about the perfectly planned wedding and a future with Jānis, Elsa's fiancé?