El pacte

El pacte 2023


Després d'una emboscada, l'intèrpret afganès Ahmed fa tot el possible per salvar la vida del sergent de l'exèrcit nord-americà John Kinley. Quan Kinley s'assabenta que Ahmed i la seva família no se'ls va donar un passatge segur als Estats Units com van prometre, ha de pagar el deute tornant a la zona de guerra per recuperar-los abans que els talibans els persegueixin.


Rambo III

Rambo III 1988


Quan descobreix que el coronel Trautman ha caigut en mans soviètiques a l'Afganistan, Rambo torna al servei per intentar alliberar el seu amic. Després de contactar amb la resistència afganesa, entra a la zona assetjada per les tropes enemigues…


L’únic supervivent

L’únic supervivent 2013


Adaptació del llibre de Marcus Luttrell en el que ens relata les seves experiències a l'Afganistan durant el 2005. Ell i altres tres Navy SEALS havien de complir una missió que consistia a liquidar un líder terrorista de la zona. Les coses es compliquen, i cauen en una emboscada dels talibans.


12 valents

12 valents 2018


Un equip de forces especials de la CIA és enviat a l'Afganistan després dels atemptats de l'11-S per desmantellar els talibans. Després d'aconseguir introduir-se en secret al país, han de perseguir cavalcant els seus enemics pel terreny muntanyós i intentar capturar Mazar-e Xarif. Però aviat es veuen sobrepassats en nombre i embolicats en una perillosa situació, amb les seves vides corrent un perill greu.


Alta tensió

Alta tensió 1987


James Bond és l'encarregat d'ajudar el general Koskov a passar a l'Occident. Durant l'operació Bond es nega a matar Kara Milovy, agent del KGB, que vigilava el desertor. Koskov confirma als anglesos les intencions bel·ligerants de la URSS i suggereix eliminar el general Pushkin. Un assassí a sou, Necros, segresta Koskov, però Bond descobreix que tot ha estat una farsa conduïda pel traficant d'armes Brad Whitaker. Bond i Kara aniran a parar a l'Afganistan i amb l'ajuda de la resistència afganesa plantaran cara als seus enemics.



Fremont 2023


Donya, una refugiada afganesa als EUA, passa els seus dies treballant a una fàbrica de galetes de la sort xineses. L’insomni i el passat que la turmenta la porten a assistir a teràpia, l’únic espai on se’ns deixa conèixer a la protagonista a partir de les preguntes del terapeuta.



Max 2015



Lleons per xais

Lleons per xais 2007


Commovedora història de diversos individus capturats a diferents llocs en una terrorífica guerra. Un senador que intenta convèncer una última "estratègia exhaustiva" una periodista d'una televisió. Un catedràtic idealista que intenta convèncer un dels seus estudiants més promotedors que canviï el rumb de la seva vida. I dos homes joves, lluitant a les nevades muntanyes de l'Afganistan, els desitjos de viure una vida amb sentit els condueixen a unir-se a les tropes americanes i lluitar contra el terrorisme global.



211 2018




Flee 2021


Explicat principalment a través d'animacions per protegir la seva identitat, Amin rememora el seu passat com a nen refugiat de l'Afganistan mentre lluita amb un secret que ha mantingut ocult durant 20 anys.


Kaboul Kitchen

Kaboul Kitchen 2012


Kaboul Kitchen is a French comedy television series broadcast by Canal+. It was created by Marc Victor, Allan Mauduit and Jean-Patrick Benes. The series is based on the true story of Radio France Internationale journalist Marc Victor, who ran a restaurant for French expatriates in Kabul until 2008. The first series premiered on February 15, 2012 on Canal+ and ended on March 5, 2012. It set a ratings record for comedy series in the primetime slot on Canal+. A second series, which will have 12 episodes, has been commissioned. The series depicts the life of French expatriate Jacky who runs the popular restaurant Kaboul Kitchen in Kabul, Afghanistan. His daughter Sophie, who he has not seen in 20 years, arrives to do humanitarian work, while he is interested only in making money. The series won two Golden FIPA Awards at the 2012 Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels: one for Best TV Series and one for Best TV Screenplay. It was screened at MIPTV and named fourth on The Hollywood Reporter's list of "MIPTV A-List Projects" for the most promising series screened at the event.


Bluestone 42

Bluestone 42 2013


Bluestone 42 is a comedy drama about a British bomb disposal detachment in Afghanistan. So what’s the average working day for a hero? Make your keen young colleague deal with the boring paperwork? Wind up your fellow employees? Flirt with the new girl on the team? Or deal with an unseen enemy who’s trying to blow you up? Bluestone 42 is a comedy drama about a bunch of soldiers who just happen to be risking their lives diffusing hidden bombs. But who says they can’t have some fun alongside the serious professional stuff? This hilarious and often surprising series follows the adventures of a bunch of diverse characters living and working together at an army base in Afghanistan. This is a show about something easily forgotten; soldiers really enjoy being soldiers, but it’s not just a show for soldiers and it’s not just about the Army: it’s also a show for anybody who has ever fallen in love, experienced status battles at work or had a fear of failure. It is packed with the lively workmate banter and relationship minefields that most people will recognise. Even if they don’t face danger on a daily basis...


Combat Hospital

Combat Hospital 2011


The frantic lives of the resident doctors and nurses working at the only military hospital providing advanced surgical care in all of Southern Afghanistan. They navigate through the relentless life-and-death battles on the operating table as well as the never-ending conflicts that arise from working in a war zone military hospital.


68 Whiskey

68 Whiskey 2020


A dark comedy following a multicultural mix of men and women deployed as Army medics to a forward operating base in Afghanistan nicknamed “The Orphanage.” Together, they endure a dangerous and Kafkaesque world that leads to self-destructive appetites, outrageous behavior, intense camaraderie and occasionally, a profound sense of purpose.



Nobel 2016


Lieutenant Erling Riiser is on his way back to Norway after a long stay in Afghanistan. Much has gone wrong, several soldiers are missing from the Hercelus-plane. After only one day in Norway, Erling receives a text message saying an old acquaintance from Afghanistan is in Oslo - which can mean only one thing: A woman's life is in danger


Bomb Patrol: Afghanistan

Bomb Patrol: Afghanistan 2011


From the streets of Afghanistan comes an all-new series profiling the U.S. military's most dangerous job. The first of its kind, Bomb Patrol Afghanistan is a groundbreaking docu-series giving viewers an unprecedented first person view of one of the most dangerous jobs in the world in one of the most dangerous places on earth. G4 embeds viewers within the U.S. Navy E.O.D. (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) Unit as it trains state-side prior to deployment. Outside the wire in war-torn Afghanistan, helmet and body mounted cameras and state-of-the-art robotics bring you a never before seen look at the intensity of war. Viewers will witness as the elite team searches out, disarms and destroys an array of deadly explosives with one goal: to save civilian and military lives and return home safely. This is war like you've never seen before.


The Empire Files

The Empire Files 2015


From inside history's biggest empire, host Abby Martin records a world shaped by war & inequality, and explores the U.S. Empire, its rise to world hegemony and its impact on people and the planet.


Top Dogs: Adventures in War, Sea and Ice

Top Dogs: Adventures in War, Sea and Ice 2009


Three iconic adventurers - newsman John Simpson, polar explorer Ranulph Fiennes and solo yachtsman Robin Knox-Johnston - go on a newsgathering trip to war-torn Afghanistan, attempt to sail around the most notorious of all maritime landmarks, Cape Horn, situated at the southernmost tip of South America, and man-haul sledges across the frozen sea ice of the Canadian Arctic.


Afghanistan: The Lion's Last Roar?

Afghanistan: The Lion's Last Roar? 2014


This two-part series tells the story of the conflict in Afghanistan and asks what has been achieved and whether the British have the will to fight in distant lands again.


Afghanistan: Getting Out

Afghanistan: Getting Out 2022


Finding a way to end a war. Insiders tell the long and troubled story of a chaotic conflict, revealing the political pressures that helped seal the fate of Afghanistan.