
Desperado 1995


Un jove mariachi marcat per la fatalitat i el destí se submergeix al fosc món de l'hampa carregat amb un vell estoig de guitarra que amaga tota mena d'armes. El seu objectiu és seguir la sagnant pista que el porta fins a l'infame narcotraficant Bucho. Amb l?ajuda de la propietària d'un cafè d'un petit poble pres per un traficant de drogues, s'enfrontarà al bandit en un duel marcat per la pólvora, la sang i l'acció.


Dies perduts

Dies perduts 1945


Don Birnam és un escriptor alcoholitzat que mai no ha arribat a assolir l'èxit que esperava. Fa anys que ofega la seva frustració amb la beguda i Helen, la seva nòvia, i Wick, el germà, han fet mans i mànigues per redreçar-lo debades. Sembla que Don no té remei ni esperança...



Cocktail 1988


Brian Flanagan (Tom Cruise), un jove ambiciós acabat de llicenciar de l'exèrcit, treballa com a cambrer en un local de copes de Nova York per costejar-se els estudis. Gràcies als consells del cap Douglas Coughlin (Brian Brown), es converteix en l'atracció del local. Però ell aspira a obrir el seu propi local amb el nom de "Coktails i Somnis". Per aconseguir els diners necessaris se'n va a Jamaica a treballar de cambrer. Allà coneix Jordan Mooney (Elisabeth Shue), una ingènua jove que està de vacances a l'illa.



54 1998



Boiling point

Boiling point 2021


La nit més concorreguda de l'any en un dels restaurants de moda a Londres, un carismàtic cap de cuina intenta fer front a una crisi personal i professional que podria destruir el treball d'una vida. La visita inesperada d'un inspector de sanitat i seguretat alimentària augmenta la pressió sobre el personal mentre no deixen d'arribar més clients. El cap de cuina intenta fer tot el possible per dissipar les tensions i atendre les ridícules demandes dels seus clients.


Un engany de luxe

Un engany de luxe 2006


En Jean, un humil cambrer d'un luxós hotel, es fa passar per multimilionari davant la Irene. Ella el rebutja quan descobreix qui és en realitat, però en Jean s'ha enamorat. Boig d'amor, no està disposat a deixar-la escapar i la persegueix fins a la Costa Blava.



Mute 2018



Perseguint la Betty

Perseguint la Betty 2000


Una cambrera de Kansas City, sota la influència d'un culebrot televisiu, somia ser infermera. Quan el seu marit, un mediocre venedor de cotxes, resulta assassinat decideix anar-se'n a Los Angeles, convençuda que el seu xicot és el protagonista del culebrot, concretament el cardiòleg (Kinnear). Mentrestant, els assassins del seu marit no aconsegueixen trobar la droga que aquest va amagar al cotxe abans de morir.


Baby Reindeer

Baby Reindeer 2024


When a struggling comedian shows one act of kindness to a vulnerable woman, it sparks a suffocating obsession which threatens to wreck both their lives.


Call Me Kat

Call Me Kat 2021


Kat is a woman who struggles every day against society and her mother to prove that she can still live a happy and fulfilling life despite still being single at 39. Which is why she recently spent her entire savings to open a cat café in Louisville, Kentucky.


Witches of East End

Witches of East End 2013


The adventures of Joanna Beauchamp and her two adult daughters Freya and Ingrid -- both of whom unknowingly are their family's next generation of witches -- who lead seemingly quiet, uneventful modern day lives in Long Island's secluded seaside town of East Haven. When Freya becomes engaged to a young, wealthy newcomer, a series of events forces Joanna to admit to her daughters they are, in fact, powerful and immortal witches.


You Me Her

You Me Her 2016


An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart, grounded indie rom-com with a distinctive twist: one of the two parties just happens to be a suburban married couple.



Bartender 2006


A genius bartender uses his talents to ease the worries and soothe the souls of troubled customers.



XX 2020


Yoon Na Na is a well-regarded bartender at XX bar. She takes pride in her work and position as the head bartender. She involves herself in other parts of XX like selecting menu items or setup of the interior. Her dream is to own XX bar. One day, the new owner of XX appears. She is Lee Roo Mi. The two women were best friends 5 years ago, but something happened between them. Yoon Na Na became upset at Lee Roo Mi. Now, Lee Roo Mi tries to make up with Yoon Na Na, but it's not easy.


The Jungle

The Jungle 2023


Rendezvous is the name of a secret bar located somewhere in Thonglor. It's the gathering place of The Jungle, a group of good-looking young men often out on the hunt. They don't love and don't form attachments. Hunter is Rendezvous's feared bartender. Lead by leader lion Pine are jaguar Phethai, viper Nannam, tiger Nanfah, wolf Nathee and tarantula Hack.



Bartender 2011


Upon return from Paris, Sasakura Ryu spends some time wandering amiss, but after some time he decides to start anew by becoming a bartender. On a daily basis as a bartender, he helps solve the various problems burdening his customers, including work and love and family troubles, one cocktail at a time. Furthermore, what will happen to the romantic relationship between Ryu, who seeks the best cocktail, and Kurushima Miwa, who ispertinent to his growth as a person. Also in the drama you'll see the fateful showdown between Kuzuhara Ryuichi, referred to as Mr. Perfect, and Master Kase Goro. -- TV Asahi


Accomplishment of Fudanshi Bartender

Accomplishment of Fudanshi Bartender 2022


Soichiro Hibiki is a bartender at a bar in Shonan. He is usually cool and mysterious, but he has a secret he doesn't want people to know: he is a "secret fudanshi otaku," and he is always trying to make the customers who come to the bar for drinks into his favorite coupling, secretly fantasizing about them and worshipping their precious relationships.


Drink Masters

Drink Masters 2022


Twelve innovative mixologists from around the world infuse, stir and blend through a series of high-stakes cocktail challenges to win a life-changing prize and the title of The Ultimate Drink Master.


The Moment

The Moment "I Need You" 2020


This is the story of a young veterinarian that travels to rest his heart from love in a hotel in the midst of the mountains. But nature leads to a new moment with someone who has never thought of it before. Fresh wounds of the heart that hopes for natural healing and instead comes to meet a new moment that causes the heart to skip a beat. (Source: Star Hunter Studio)