Q 2011



El llac Eden

El llac Eden 2008


La Jenny, mestra de preescolar, i el seu nòvio Steve se'n van a passar un cap de setmana romàntic. L'Steve, que té intenció de declarar-se-li, ha trobat un lloc idíl·lic: un llac remot envoltat de bosc i aparentment desert. La pau de la parella s'acaba quan una colla d'adolescents desaprensius se'ls posen a la vora. Decidits a provocar els adults, els brètols els rebenten primer les rodes del cotxe i després els agafen les claus i els el prenen. Quan l'Steve s'hi encara i mata accidentalment el gos dels nois, els ànims de la colla s'encenen i ataquen la parella. Després d'un joc del gat i la rata brutal i sanguinari, la Jenny aconsegueix fugir i, desesperada per trobar ajuda, troba la manera de sortir del bosc.



Allied 2016


Any 1942 durant la Segona Guerra Mundial. Max és un espia del bàndol aliat que s'enamora de Marianne, una companya francesa, després d'una perillosa missió al nord d'Àfrica. La parella comença una relació amorosa fins que a ell li notifiquen que Marianne pot ser que sigui una agent doble que treballa per als nazis.


Kramer contra Kramer

Kramer contra Kramer 1979


L'executiu publicitari Ted Kramer aconsegueix el millor compte de l'agència el mateix dia que la seva dona decideix divorciar-se, deixant-lo només amb el seu fill de 7 anys. Comença així una dura etapa en què haurà d'exercir de pare solter d'un nen que troba a faltar la seva mare i, alhora, no descuidar la seva carrera professional. Quan després d'un temps sembla que la relació amb el seu fill va millorant, la mare apareix per demanar la custòdia del nen.


A la deriva

A la deriva 2018


Una veritable història de supervivència. L'encontre fortuït d'una jove parella els condueix primer a l'amor, i després a l'aventura de les seves vides quan s'han d'enfrontar a un dels huracans més catastròfics que s'hagin registrat mai.


El duc

El duc 2021


El 1961, un taxista de 60 anys va robar el retrat de Goya del duc de Wellington de la National Gallery de Londres. Va ser el primer (i continua sent l'únic) robatori a la història de la Galeria. El que va passar a continuació es va convertir en una cosa llegendària.


Barcelona, nit d'hivern

Barcelona, nit d'hivern 2015


Durant la màgica Nit de Reis, divertits i commovedors personatges viuen històries d’amor romàntiques, esbojarrades i en ocasions agredolces.


Desperate Lies

Desperate Lies 2024


Due to a rare phenomenon, a woman finds herself pregnant with twins by two men. Over time, she strives to keep her family united — and her secrets hidden.


Airoldi pour une sortie

Airoldi pour une sortie 2007


Fashion designer Jean Airoldi helps couples rekindle the flame by discovering a new look that kicks the romance up a notch.


Generation 56k

Generation 56k 2021


A chance encounter leads two 30-somethings to remember 1998, the year their teenage hormones kicked in — and the internet changed their lives forever.


That's My Boy

That's My Boy 1981


That's My Boy is a British sitcom that aired on ITV from 1981 to 1986. Starring Mollie Sugden, it was written by Pam Valentine and Michael Ashton, who later wrote My Husband and I, which also starred Mollie Sugden. It was produced by Yorkshire Television for the ITV network.


Kasia i Tomek

Kasia i Tomek 2002


Kasia and Tomek are together for nearly seven years, but have not yet decided on marriage. Each episode shows the common life of this pair of young, educated and crazy about each other people. They've formed a relationship, which seems to be guided by the idea that opposites attract each other. Their relationship often seem like "storm in a teacup", but in their case it seems to be the recipe for a successful relationship. Radically different temperaments, different views and demonstration proclamation of their own ideals, is this what they really are serving each other every day. Despite that, or perhaps thanks to that, they are crazy about each other, one can not exist without the other, that is (paradoxically) we are dealing with a harmonious and successful relationship!. [TVN]



Boomers 2014


Sitcom following the ups and downs of three retired couples living in Thurnemouth, 'Norfolk's only West-facing resort'.


The Two of Us

The Two of Us 1986


The Two of Us is an ITV comedy series starring Nicholas Lyndhurst and Janet Dibley as Ashley and Elaine, an unmarried couple living together, at a time when this was becoming increasingly common in Britain, but still considered slightly controversial in some circles. It was produced by London Weekend Television. While Ashley was keen for the pair to get married and would regularly propose, Elaine saw no reason to get married and was happy to keep her independence. Ashley's roguish grandfather Perce (played by Patrick Troughton, but later by Tenniel Evans after Troughton's death) was supportive of the couple, but Ashley's domineering mother (Jennifer Piercey) disapproved and constantly urged the pair to marry. Ashley's suppressed father (Paul McDowell) seemed less upset, but generally backed up his wife in the hope of a quiet life and the odd sherry.


Happy Together

Happy Together 2018


A thirty-something couple, tired of their mundane life, starts to reconnect with their younger, cooler selves when an emerging pop star, who is drawn to their super-normal suburban life, moves in.



Love 2016


Rebellious Mickey and good-natured Gus navigate the thrills and agonies of modern relationships.


Joseph & Lindsey

Joseph & Lindsey 2020


Joseph and Lindsey are a famous, talented, and wealthy young couple who reside in their hometown of Plotagon City, and have earned the title of Plotagon City's most famous and richest couple. They have appeared in films and television shows, including their favorite, Love Birds. Joseph's siblings and friends support him and Lindsey's relationship; however, Joseph's incarcerated and maniacal ex-girlfriend Beryl opposes the relationship.


Hold the Sunset

Hold the Sunset 2018


Edith's dreams of retirement to the sun with her long-term suitor Phil are shattered when her 50-year-old son Roger arrives home, seeking to recapture his boyhood happiness.


The Third Finger Offered to a King

The Third Finger Offered to a King 2023


Ayaka, who works at the bridal department at a hotel, has a beauty that everyone recognizes, yet her personality is the worst. Everyone calls her a "wicked woman" after the way she wraps numerous men around her finger. The one who sets his eyes on her is the hotel's new executive Togo, who is the son of a very powerful person of the town. What are the orders that this King-like man requests of her!?


Scenes from a Marriage

Scenes from a Marriage 1973


Johan and Marianne are married and seem to have it all. Their happiness, however, is a façade for a troubled relationship, which becomes even rockier when Johan admits that he's having an affair. Before long, the spouses separate and move towards finalizing their divorce, but they make attempts at reconciling. Even as they pursue other relationships, Johan and Marianne realize that they have a significant bond, but also many issues that hinder that connection.


The Secret Life of Couples

The Secret Life of Couples 2017


Sexologist and therapist Sofia Prado, director of an institute of alternative therapies, has to deal with her own emotional disorders, which she hides from everyone. From the revelation of one of her patients, the specialist becomes involved in a dangerous network of corruption.