Paraula clau Mocking
Un món de fantasia 1971
En Willy Wonka és un excèntric fabricant de xocolata que amaga cinc butlletes en cinc llaminadures a fi que els que les trobin participin en un concurs. Els participants acaben sent un noi gras que no para de menjar, una noia que sempre mastega xiclet, una noia rica i consentida, un barroer que es passa el dia mirant el televisor i un estafador que ha de cedir la seva participació a en Charlie, un noi de família humil. Les proves que han de passar tenen lloc als escenaris espectaculars de la fàbrica d'en Wonka, que ha creat un món fet de llaminadures.
Kneecap 2024
A Irlanda hi ha 80.000 parlants d'irlandès, 6.000 viuen en el nord i tres d'ells el posaran tot potes enlaire quan formin un trio de rap anomenat "Kneecap". Anàrquics, salvatges i disposats a tot per a salvar la seva llengua materna.
Marked for Death 1990
El tinent corrupte 2009
Un policia que té al seu servei a tota mena de traficants, prostitutes i delinqüents es troba amb un cas que el marca profundament: haurà de trobar els culpables de la violació d'una jove novícia.
Dear Evan Hansen 2021
L’escàndol Ted Kennedy 2018
L'estiu de 1969, dos dies abans que els astronautes nord-americans arribessin a la Lluna, el senador Ted Kennedy, germà de John i de Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy, assassinats quan el primer era president i quan el segon estava fent campanya per ser president dels Estats Units, va tenir un accident de cotxe. El seu vehicle va caure daltabaix d'un pont i va quedar submergit. Ell es va poder salvar, però la dona que l'acompanyava, Mary Jo Kopechne, una jove de 28 anys que havia treballat amb Robert Kennedy, va quedar atrapada a dins del cotxe i hi va perdre la vida. Després de la mort dels seus germans, semblava que li tocava a Ted Kennedy intentar arribar a la presidència dels Estats Units, però aquell incident ho va impedir.
Office Uprising 2018
The Hungover Games 2014
Discontinued 2022
Amazing Grace 1974
Step Aside 2023
Tire 5 Cartas 2023
Sven-Eriks Andra Akt 2021
Sama słodycz 2016
TMZ 2007
Based on the popular gossip website, this entertainment newsmagazine delivers daily updates on Hollywood's rich, beautiful and screwed-up. The program often shows highlights of the day's staff meeting during which reporters pitch ideas for stories to air that day.
The Boondocks 2005
When Robert “Granddad” Freeman becomes legal guardian to his two grandsons, he moves from the tough south side of Chicago to the upscale neighborhood of Woodcrest (a.k.a. "The Boondocks") so he can enjoy his golden years in safety and comfort. But with Huey, a 10-year-old leftist revolutionary, and his eight-year-old misfit brother, Riley, suburbia is about to be shaken up.
Black Jesus 2014
A TV series finds Jesus living in present day Compton, CA on a daily mission to spread love and kindness throughout the neighborhood with the help of his small but loyal group of downtrodden followers.
Santa Clarita Diet 2017
They're ordinary husband and wife realtors until she undergoes a dramatic change that sends them down a road of death and destruction. In a good way.
Love & Hip Hop New York 2011
When people think of the hip hop life, they think of the players - the men who shape the music and the blinged-out lifestyle that comes with success. The fact is the hip hop life is different for the women involved: the spouses, girlfriends or artists trying to define themselves in a world where men are still calling the shots.
The Carmichael Show 2015
From the comedy of Jerrod Carmichael and Nick Stoller ("Neighbors") comes an irreverent sitcom inspired by Jerrod's relationships with his say-anything, contrarian father, his therapist-in-training girlfriend, his ever-hustling brother and his mother who is always, always, always right with Jesus. Taking the next step and moving in together, Jerrod and his girlfriend, Maxine (Amber West), are your average young couple trying to make it in the city. They’re smart, motivated and looking to build a fulfilling life together. The only thing standing in their way is family. Between Jerrod's larger-than-life brother, Bobby (Lil Rel Howery), and his smothering and passionate parents (David Alan Grier, Loretta Devine), Jerrod and Maxine are put to the test navigating the boundaries of romance, family and sanity.
The Girls Next Door 2005
The Girls Next Door, also known as The Girls of the Playboy Mansion, is a reality television series which originally aired on E! from August 7, 2005 until August 8, 2010. The series was created by executive producer Kevin Burns and Hugh Hefner, founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy magazine. The show was followed by two spin-offs, Kendra and Holly's World.
Portuguese Problems 2024
Portuguese Problems is a highly anticipated six-episode sketch comedy series that is scheduled to air on March 18, 2024 on Radio Television Portugal International as well as the RTP Play App the following day). This uproarious sketch comedy show parodies well known genres and puts them through the lenses of first generation kids of immigrants, delving into the humorous and heartwarming experiences of growing up in an ethnic home.