Terrifier 2

Terrifier 2 2022


Després de ser ressuscitat per una entitat sinistra, l'Art torna al comtat de Miles, on ha de caçar i destruir una adolescent i el seu germà petit a la nit de Halloween.



Interstellar 2014


El planeta Terra s'acosta poc a poc al final dels seus dies a causa de la contaminació i del mal estat en què estan les terres, cosa que provoca una escassetat de cultius i, per tant, de menjar. Cooper ha d'escollir entre quedar-se amb la seva família o liderar una expedició d'astronautes que viatjaran a l'espai buscant una nova llar per a la raça humana. L'equip aprofitarà els últims descobriments de l'astrofísica per abandonar el sistema solar i trobar un altre planeta lliure de contaminació, que pugui albergar el futur de la humanitat.



Dune 2021


En un futur llunyà, la galàxia coneguda és governada mitjançant un sistema feudal de cases nobles sota el mandat de l'Emperador. Les aliances i la política giren al voltant d'un petit planeta, Dune, del qual extreu l'espècia "melange”, la matèria primera que permet els viatges espacials. La Casa Atreides, sota el mandat del Duc Leto Atreides rep l'encàrrec de custodiar el planeta, rellevant en la comanda als seus històrics enemics, els Harkonnen. Paul Atreides, fill del duc, es veurà atrapat a les intrigues polítiques mentre descobreix el destí que li ofereixen els deserts de Dune.


El Senyor dels Anells: La Germandat de l’Anell

El Senyor dels Anells: La Germandat de l’Anell 2001


A la Terra Mitjana, el Senyor Fosc Sàuron va crear els Grans Anells del Poder, forjats pels ferrers elfs. Tres per als reis elfs, set per als senyors nans, i nou per als homes mortals. Secretament, en Sàuron també va forjar un anell mestre, l'Anell Únic, que conté dins seu el poder per esclavitzar a tota la Terra Mitjana. Amb l'ajuda d'un grup d'amics i de valents aliats, en Frodo emprèn un perillós viatge amb la missió de destruir l'Anell Únic. Però el Senyor Fosc Sàuron, qui creà l'Anell, envia els seus servidors per perseguir al grup. Si en Sàuron aconseguís recuperar l'Anell, seria la fi de la llibertat a la Terra Mitjana.


Venjadors: Endgame

Venjadors: Endgame 2019


Després dels esdeveniments devastadors de 'Venjadors: Infinity War', l'univers està en ruïnes a causa de les accions de Thanos. Amb l'ajuda dels aliats que van quedar, els Venjadors s'hauran de reunir una vegada més per intentar desfer les seves accions i restaurar l'ordre a l'univers d'una vegada per totes, sense importar quines siguin les conseqüències... Quarta i última entrega de la saga "Venjadors".


Pobres criatures

Pobres criatures 2023


Tornada a la vida per un científic poc ortodox, una dona jove fuig amb un desenfrenat advocat en una aventura vertiginosa pels continents. Alliberada dels prejudicis del seu temps, creix ferma en el seu propòsit de defensar la igualtat i l'alliberament.


El sindicat

El sindicat 2024


En Mike, un treballador de la construcció amb els peus a terra, és ràpidament empès al món dels superespies i agents secrets quan la seva exparella de l'institut el recluta en una missió d'intel·ligència estatunidenca d'alt risc.


L’últim late night

L’últim late night 2024


En la nit de Halloween de 1977, el caos es deslliga quan el presentador Jack Delroy entrevista a una parapsicòloga i a un jove adolescent que és l'únic supervivent d'una matança massiva en una església satànica.


Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves 2023


Un lladre encantador i una banda d'aventurers increïbles emprenen un atracament èpic per recuperar una relíquia perduda, però les coses surten rematadament malament quan topen amb les persones equivocades. Adaptació cinematogràfica del primer joc de rol de la història, publicat per primera vegada el 1974.


Sound of Freedom

Sound of Freedom 2023


La increïble història real d'un agent del govern que s'embarca en una perillosa missió per rescatar centenars de nens dels traficants.


Toy Story 4

Toy Story 4 2019


Compte! Ha arribat una nova joguina a la vida de l’Andy i la Bonnie. Es diu Forky. És nova, lluent...


Godzilla: Rei dels monstres

Godzilla: Rei dels monstres 2019


Els criptozoòlegs de l'agència Monarch s'enfronten a un grup de monstres enormes: Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan i l'enemic de la humanitat, King Ghidorah. Aquestes criatures grans faran tot el possible per sobreviure, posant en risc l'existència de l'ésser humà al planeta.



Ben-Hur 1959


Judà Ben-Hur, fill d'una família noble de Jerusalem, i Mesala, tribú romà que comanda els exèrcits d'ocupació, havien estat amics de petits i ara, per qüestions polítiques, són enemics irreconciliables. Ben-Hur és acusat d'haver atemptat contra la vida del nou governador romà i Mesala el fa empresonar juntament amb la seva família. Quan s'emporten Ben-Hur a les galeres, un jove anomenat Jesús de Natzaret s'apiada d'ell i li dóna beure. En una batalla naval, Ben-Hur salva la vida de l'almirall Quinto Arrio, que l'adopta i se l'emporta a Roma. Jesús, que ara arrossega multituds, es creua en el camí de Ben-Hur quan torna a Jerusalem per veure la seva mare i la seva germana, que tenen la lepra. Finalment Ben-Hur s'enfrontarà a Mesala en una mortal carrera de quadrigues i serà un testimoni d'excepció de la passió de Crist.


El dia de demà

El dia de demà 2004


L'escalfament global comença a ocasionar desastres per tot el planeta i aboca la Terra cap a una nova era glacial. En Jack Hall, un climatòleg, prova de rescatar el seu fill que s'ha quedat atrapat a Nova York. El viatge comença a Washington, D.C.


Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins 1964


Durant el regnat d'Eduard VII (1901-1910), una família anglesa formada per un pare banquer, una mare sufragista i dos nens rebels --que pretenen cridar l'atenció del seu pare fent la vida impossible a totes les mainaderes-- es veurà alterada amb l'arribada de Mary Poppins, una institutriu molt especial, que baixa dels núvols emprant el seu paraigua com a paracaigudes. Debut i Oscar per a Julie Andrews en aquest clàssic del cinema familiar que al seu dia va batre rècords de taquilla. Una mainadera màgica i cançons enganxoses que faran les delícies dels més petits de casa.


Dan Da Dan

Dan Da Dan 2024


In a bet to prove whether ghosts or aliens exist, two high schoolers face terrifying paranormal threats, gain superpowers and maybe even fall in love?!


Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2008


Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu and other Jedi Knights lead the Grand Army of the Republic against the droid army of the Separatists.


Ted Lasso

Ted Lasso 2020


Ted Lasso, an American football coach, moves to England when he’s hired to manage a soccer team—despite having no experience. With cynical players and a doubtful town, will he get them to see the Ted Lasso Way?


Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire 2010


Atlantic City at the dawn of Prohibition is a place where the rules don't apply. And the man who runs things -- legally and otherwise -- is the town's treasurer, Enoch "Nucky" Thompson, who is equal parts politician and gangster.


Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon

Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon 2020


In feudal Japan, half-demon twins Towa and Setsuna are separated from each other during a forest fire. While desperately searching for her younger sister, Towa wanders into a mysterious tunnel that sends her into present-day Japan, where she is found and raised by Kagome Higurashi’s brother, Sota, and his family. Ten years later, the tunnel that connects the two eras has reopened, allowing Towa to be reunited with Setsuna, who is now a demon slayer working for Kohaku. But to Towa’s shock, Setsuna appears to have lost all memories of her older sister


My Happy Marriage

My Happy Marriage 2023


Miyo's abusive family deems her worthless – but together with her powerful husband-to-be, her true self and hidden powers slowly begin to shine.


Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story

Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story 2023


The story of how the young Queen Charlotte’s marriage to King George sparked both a great love story and a societal shift, creating the world of the Ton inherited by the characters in Bridgerton.


Till The End of The Moon

Till The End of The Moon 2023


In an era when the demons are in power, they are the masters of the despicable cultivators and mortals. The cultivator elders deem it necessary to send someone back in time, to determine the origin of the demon lord and to prevent his awakening. Li Su Su accepts the mission, becoming the mortal Ye Xi Wu, General Ye's third daughter who is married to Tantai Jin, the hostage prince and future demon lord. She is determined to destroy Tantai Jin, who in the future will massacre many. But as a witness to Tantai Jin's past life and rise to power, an unexpected tale emerges, one complicating her quest.


The Legend of ShenLi

The Legend of ShenLi 2024


The ancient gods died, and there is only one last god in the world - Xingzhi. Rumor has it that this God of Action has lived alone in the heavens for tens of thousands of years, ruthless and lustless. In the battle of the immortals and demons, he turned the tide by himself, and since then, Du Men has been swept away, and his traces are hard to find. Hundreds of years are just a click away. As the queen who was born with a pearl in the devil world, Shen Li's life was bright and dazzling. But on the occasion of her thousand-year-old birthday, the claws of political marriage were scratching their heads. On the way to escape from the marriage, Shen Li was beaten back to the original form of a phoenix and fell to the world with injuries. When she was seriously injured and comatose, the mortal hawker treated her as a fat chicken, plucked all the hair from her body, and locked her in a cage for sale. The fate of the two is tightly linked by a seemingly casual transaction.



Sense8 2015


One gunshot, one death, one moment out of time that irrevocably links eight minds in disparate parts of the world, putting them in each other's lives, each other's secrets, and in terrible danger. Ordinary people suddenly reborn as "Sensates."



Insecure 2016


Follows the awkward experiences and racy tribulations of a modern-day African-American woman.


Elfen Lied

Elfen Lied 2004


The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that is said to be selected by God and will eventually become the destruction of mankind, possesses two horns in their heads, and has a "sixth sense" which gives it telekinetic abilities. Due to this dangerous power, they have been captured and isolated in laboratories by the government. Lucy, a young and psychotic Diclonius, manages to break free of her confines and brutally murder most of the guards in the laboratory, only to get shot in the head as she makes her escape. She survives and manages to drift along to a beach, where two teenagers named Kouta and Yuka discovers her. Having lost her memories, she was named after the only thing that she can now say, "Nyuu," and the two allow her to stay at Kouta's home. However, it appears that the evil "Lucy" is not dead just yet...



Rectify 2013


After 19 years on Death Row for the rape and murder of his teenage girlfriend, Daniel Holden is going home. His conviction has been vacated due to new DNA evidence. Now he has to return to a world he no longer knows and his reentry into the outside world may be as unforgiving as prison. Daniel is haunted by the past, dogged by the present, and uncertain of the future. As he struggles to adapt to his new life, his homecoming reignites the fears of a small town and threatens to shatter his family’s fragile peace. Daniel’s alleged crime divided a community. Will his freedom tear it in half?



Ambulance 2016


Insight into the London, West Midlands and North West of England ambulance services, from the highly-pressurised control room to the crews on the streets. Ambulance provides an honest 360-degree snapshot of the daily dilemmas and pressures.


ARK: The Animated Series

ARK: The Animated Series 2024


In a mysterious primeval land populated by dinosaurs and other extinct creatures, people from throughout human history have been resurrected. When 21st century Australian paleontologist Helena Walker awakes there after tragedy, she must learn to survive and find new allies, or die again at the hands of ruthless warlords, all while trying to uncover the true nature of their strange new world.


Orphan Black: Echoes

Orphan Black: Echoes 2024


In the near future, a group of women weave their way into each other's lives and embark on a thrilling journey, unravelling the mystery of their identity and uncovering a wrenching story of love and betrayal.


Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Masters of the Universe: Revelation 2021


The war for Eternia begins again in what may be the final battle between He-Man and Skeletor. A new animated series from writer-director Kevin Smith.


10.5: Apocalypse

10.5: Apocalypse 2006


Deadly seismic activities that peaked with a 10.5 earthquake and devastated the West Coast have altered the core structure of the earth and now threaten to jeopardize North America and the Western hemisphere. In a desperate bid to save lives - and the country - President Hollister calls once again upon one of the nation's top seismologists, controversial scientist Dr. Samantha Hill and her supervisor and former boyfriend Dr. Jordan Fisher, to interpret the latest onslaught of quakes.


The Aquabats! Super Show!

The Aquabats! Super Show! 2012


The Aquabats! Super Show! is an American action-comedy television series which premiered on March 3, 2012 on the United States cable network The Hub. The series was created by Christian Jacobs and Scott Schultz, both the creators of the Nick Jr. series Yo Gabba Gabba!, and Jason deVilliers. Based on the superhero mythology of The Aquabats, a real-life comedy rock band which series co-creator and lead singer Jacobs formed in 1994, The Aquabats! Super Show! follows the comic adventures of a fictionalized version of the band, a musical group of amateur superheroes, as they haphazardly defend the world from a variety of villains and monsters. Styled similarly to the campy aesthetics of 1960s and 1970s children's television and Japanese tokusatsu, Super Show! utilizes various mediums of visual styles and special effects, mixing live-action storylines with cartoon shorts, parody advertisements and musical interludes.