Paraula clau Male Friendship
Snack Shack 2024
Intocable 2011
Després d'un accident de parapent, en Philippe, un ric aristòcrata, contracta a Driss com a assistent i cuidador, un jove procedent d'un barri d'habitatges públics que ha sortit recentment de la presó. En unes altres paraules, la persona menys indicada per aquest treball. Junts barregen Vivaldi i “Earth, Wind & Fire”, la dicció elegant i l'argot de carrer, els vestits i els pantalons de xandall. Dos mons que xoquen i que hauran d'entendre's per donar lloc a una amistat tan demencial, còmica i sòlida com inesperada. Una relació singular que genera energia i els fa… intocables!
Good Will Hunting 1997
రౌద్రం రణం రుధిరం 2022
Hi havia una vegada a... Hollywood 2019
Los Angeles, 1969. L'estrella de televisió Rick Dalton, un actor en hores baixes especialitzat en westerns, i el doble d'acció Cliff Booth, el seu millor amic, intenten sobreviure a una indústria cinematogràfica en canvi constant. Dalton és veí de la jove i prometedora actriu i model Sharon Tate, que acaba de casar-se amb el prestigiós director polonès Roman Polanski…
Dìdi (弟弟) 2024
21 Jump Street 2012
Old School 2003
L’irlandès 2019
Pennsylvania, 1956. Frank Sheeran, un veterà de guerra d'origen irlandès que treballa com a camioner, coneix accidentalment el mafiós Russell Bufalino. Un cop convertit en el seu home de confiança, Bufalino envia Frank a Chicago amb l'encàrrec d'ajudar Jimmy Hoffa, un poderós líder sindical relacionat amb el crim organitzat, amb qui Frank mantindrà una estreta amistat durant gairebé vint anys.
Dos policies rebels 1995
Una partida d'heroïna valorada en uns 100 milions de dòlars és robada del mateix dipòsit de la policia. El cas serà assignat als agents Burnett i Lowery, una parella molt peculiar pels mètodes que utilitzen. L'única pista que tenen per començar és la d'un testimoni que els ajudarà a identificar els atracadors i que hauran de protegir.
Dos policies rebels 2 2003
En aquesta nova aventura, els detectius de narcòtics de Miami, Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) i Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) són assignats per formar part d'un equip d'alta tecnologia que tracta de destapar la trama del disseny d'èxtasi a Miami. Però inconscientment descobreixen una conspiració mortal que involucra un despietat senyor de la droga, Johnny Tapia (Jordi Mollà), que està decidit a expandir el seu imperi i prendre el control del negoci de la venda de narcòtics a la ciutat matant qualsevol que s'interposi al seu camí. Per empitjorar les coses, la bella germana de Marcus, Syd (Gabrielle Union), una agent infiltrada de la DEA, es queda atrapada al foc creuat, forçant els nostres herois a situar-se al límit de la llei. Tot es complica encara més quan Cupido comença a sobrevolar sobre Mike i Syd, provocant les ires del seu protector germà.
El darrer duel 2021
Ambientada a França, el 1386, explica l'enfrontament entre el cavaller Jean de Carrouges i l'escuder Jacques LeGris, en acusar el primer al segon d'abusar de la seva dona, Marguerite de Carrouges. El Rei Carles VI decideix que la millor manera de solucionar el conflicte és un duel a mort. El qui venci serà el guanyador, però, si ho fa l'escuder, l'esposa del cavaller serà cremada com a càstig per falses acusacions.
Verge als 40 2005
L'Andy és un home solter de 40 anys que treballa d'encarregat de magatzem en una botiga d'electrodomèstics de Los Angeles. Col·lecciona figuretes de superherois, li encanten els videojocs i es desplaça sempre en bicicleta. Durant una partida de pòquer els seus companys de feina descobreixen que, tot i que ja té una edat, encara no ha sucat mai el melindro. Un cop passada la sorpresa i la conyeta inicials, els tres col·legues decideixen posar fi a aquesta situació i maregen el pobre Andy amb consells no gaire afortunats. En el fons el que Andy desitja és trobar la felicitat i un amor de debò.
Friday 1995
Ricky Stanicky 2024
Tres amics de la infància s'inventen un amic imaginari per sortir-se'n amb la seva sempre que ho necessitin. Quan ja són adults i la mentida del seu amic imaginari es veu compromesa, el trio es veu forçat a contractar un actor per convèncer les seves esposes que Ricky Stanicky és una persona real.
Close 2022
Dos nens de 13 anys són amics de tota la vida fins que un succés impensable els separa. L’un s’acosta llavors a la mare de l’altre per intentar entendre què ha passat.
El guru de les bodes 2015
En Doug Harris és un home encantador, però amb pocs amics, que és a punt de casar-se. En menys de dues setmanes es casarà amb la noia dels seus somnis, i en Doug es troba amb un gran problema: no té padrí. Serà llavors quan a Doug li parlen d'en Jimmy Callahan, el fundador de Padrins S.A., una companyia que ofereix padrins de lloguer.
Let's Be Cops 2014
Tolkien 2019
Berserk 1997
Guts, a man who calls himself "The Black Swordsman", looks back upon his days serving as a member of a group of mercenaries. Led by an ambitious, ruthless, and intelligent man named Griffith, together they battle their way into the royal court, and are forced into a fate that changes their lives.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 2005
Four egocentric friends run a neighborhood Irish pub in Philadelphia and try to find their way through the adult world of work and relationships. Unfortunately, their warped views and precarious judgments often lead them to trouble, creating a myriad of uncomfortable situations that usually only get worse before they get better.
Winx Club 2004
In a magical universe, witches, warriors begin fighting in the name of good .vs. evil! At a magic school, five teenage girls are selected to defend the universe with their magic.
Slam Dunk 1993
Sakuragi Hanamichi is a junior high punk used to getting into fights and being rejected by girls but upon entering high school he meets the girl of his dreams, Haruko Akagi. He will do anything in order to win her heart including joining the school basketball team that is aiming to conquer the nation lead by Haruko's brother. The problem is that Sakuragi has never played basketball before and a freshman sensation is stealing the spotlight and Haruko's affection from him.
Entourage 2004
Film star Vince Chase navigates the vapid terrain of Los Angeles with a close circle of friends and his trusty agent.
Peep Show 2003
Peep Show follows the lives of two men from their twenties to thirties, Mark Corrigan, who has steady employment for most of the series, and Jeremy "Jez" Usbourne, an unemployed would-be musician.
Boston Legal 2004
Alan Shore and Denny Crane lead a brigade of high-priced civil litigators in an upscale Boston law firm in a series focusing on the professional and personal lives of brilliant but often emotionally challenged attorneys. A spin-off of long-running series The Practice.
Franklin & Bash 2011
When they're not hanging out at their favorite hot dog stand pontificating on what they'd go through to enjoy a night with their favorite female celebrities, Jared Franklin and Peter Bash are chasing down their latest clients...sometimes literally. With business cards in hand, they're ready to nab a client within seconds after a car accident, arrest for solicitation or any other incident where their legal services may be needed. Once in the courtroom, they show their flair for the dramatic and the shocking.
The League 2009
The League is an American sitcom and semi-improvised comedy about a about a fantasy football league and its members and their everyday lives.
North and South 1985
The story of the enduring friendship between Orry Main of South Carolina and George Hazard of Pennsylvania, who become best friends while attending the United States Military Academy at West Point but later find themselves and their families on opposite sides of the American Civil War.
As If 2021
Yılmaz and İlkkan are two friends who are constantly fighting each other. Their biggest feature is always being able to do things that will turn their ordinary lives upside down. They magnify small events incredibly and give you a nervous breakdown. They are the embodiment of the misfortunes, strange events and despair we experience every day.
The Inbetweeners 2008
Those who remember the awkward years of adolescence can relive those painful days in this British comedy series, where the cringe-inducing humor arises from the ill-fated antics of its four protagonists. Suburban teenage friends Will, Simon, Jay and Neil, students at Rudge Park Comprehensive, attempt to navigate the social scene, attract members of the gentler sex, and saunter among the cool crowd. However, despite their best efforts, the four hapless lads usually end up on the side of the nerds.
Weak Hero Class 1 2022
Yeon Shi-eun is a model student, who ranks at the top at his school. Physically, he appears like a weak boy, but, by using his smarts, tools, and psychology, he fights against violence that takes place inside and outside of his school.
In an alternate New York City protected by a band of superheroes called NEXT, veteran Wild Tiger is forced to team up with rookie Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Fifty Fifty (50-50) 2005
Love, Victor 2020
Victor is a new student at Creekwood High School on his own journey of self-discovery, facing challenges at home, adjusting to a new city, and struggling with his sexual orientation. When it all seems too much, he reaches out to Simon to help him navigate the ups and downs of high school.
SKAM France 2018
Skam France follows five french girls and their friends as they go to high-school.
Holocaust 1978
Berlin, Germany, 1935. The day Karl Weiss, a Jewish painter, and Inga Helms, a Christian woman, marry, is the one in which both of them and the entire Weiss family are caught up in the maelstrom of the Nazi regime, the storms of World War II and the horrors of the criminal Final Solution, the Holocaust, the Shoah; while Erik Dorf, an ambitious lawyer, undertakes his fall into hell at the hands of the sinister Reinhard Heydrich.
Partners 1995
Partners is an American sitcom that aired on Fox from 1995 to 1996.
Set at a famous high school for the super-wealthy, this is a puppy love story centered on Tsukushi Makino, a poor girl, and the F4 gang of rich kids headed by the rough and fearless Prince Charming, Tsukasa Domyoji.