Caçafantasmes 2

Caçafantasmes 2 1989


Han passat cinc anys des que els Caçafantasmes van entrar per última vegada en acció. El doctor Peter Venkman, notable parapsicólogo de persuasius encants, ha quedat relegat a mestre de cerimònies d'un programa de televisió on es discuteixen fenòmens psíquics. Ray Stantz i el seu col·lega Winston Zeddemore es guanyen la vida entretenint a nens en festes infantils, i el mag tecnològic Egon Spengler continua les seves recerques sobre els efectes de les emocions humanes en el camp d'energia psicomagnética. La relació de Dana Barrett amb Venkman es va dissoldre; ella es va casar amb un altre home i va tenir un fill, però el matrimoni va fracassar. Ara Dana viu sola a Nova York, criant a Oscar, el seu bebè de vuit mesos, i treballant com restauradora de quadres en el Museu d'art de Manhattan, al costat d'un excèntric expert en pintures del període romàntic, Janosz Poha. Tot sembla normal fins que el cotxet d'Oscar roda per si solament i es fica entre el perillós tràfic de la ciutat.


Els caçafantasmes

Els caçafantasmes 1984


Els Drs. Venkman, Stantz i Epengler, són tres doctors en parapsicologia que es queden sense ocupació després de quedar exclosos d'una beca universitària de recerca. Llavors decideixen formar l'empresa "Els Cazafantasmas", dedicada a netejar Nova York d'ectoplasmes. L'augment sobtat d'aparicions espectrals en la Gran Poma serà el presagi de l'arribada d'un perillós i poderós dimoni.



1,7 2013



By the Grace of the Gods

By the Grace of the Gods 2020


Only 39 years into a life full of bad luck, Ryoma Takebayashi passes away in his sleep! Taking pity on him, three divine beings show compassion by reincarnating him as a young boy to a magical, new world. Now he spends his time researching and caring for slimes in the forest. But after healing an injured traveler, Ryoma decides to set out with his new friends on a journey to use his power to help others. A whole new world awaits him, where his skills as a magic user and slime tamer continue to elicit surprise and admiration.


The Slime Diaries

The Slime Diaries 2021


“Dear diary… I got reincarnated as a slime.” Even in another world, lives aren’t always on the line. There’s plenty of work to be done, from feeding the community and forging the items the community needs; as well as plenty of play …and hijinks throughout! Join Rimuru and friends as they kick back and enjoy their daily lives.


I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level

I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level 2021


After dying of overwork in the real world, I’m reincarnated as an immortal witch, and I spend 300 years enjoying a relaxing life. At some point, though, I end up at level 99! All those years spent killing slimes to make the money to pay the bills gave me a ton of experience points. Rumors of the level 99 witch spread, and soon I’m up to my ears in curious adventurers, duelist dragons, and even a monster girl calling me her mom! I’ve never been on an adventure, but I’m the strongest in the world… What’s going to happen to my relaxing life?!


Puniru is a Kawaii Slime

Puniru is a Kawaii Slime 2024


The slime created by the boy Kotarou can transform into a super beautiful girl! Kotarou is constantly getting pushed around by Puniru's freewheeling antics. It's a joyful and exciting life every day!