Atrapats en l'abisme

Atrapats en l'abisme 2024


Aquesta pel·lícula segueix a personatges d’orígens molt diferents que s'ajunten quan l’avió en el qual viatgen s'estavella en l’oceà Pacífic. Quan l'avió es deté perillosament prop de la vora d'un barranc amb els passatgers i la tripulació atrapats en una bossa d'aire, es produeix una lluita de malson per la supervivència en la qual el subministrament d'aire s'esgota i els perills s'acosten per tots costats.



V3njança 2014


Tercer lliurament de la trilogia iniciada el 2008 amb 'Venjança' i que compta amb una seqüela el 2012 sota el títol 'Venjança: Connexió Istambul', on Liam Neeson torna a ficar-se a la pell de Bryan, un espia retirat que no dubtarà a fer el que sigui necessari a favor de la justícia i la supervivència.


Naruto Shippuden: La pel·lícula

Naruto Shippuden: La pel·lícula 2007


El poderós esperit que un cop va intentar destruir el món ha tornat. La missió d'en Naruto és protegir la sacerdotessa Shion, l'única amb el poder de tornar a segellar el monstre. No obstant això, ella també té la misteriosa habilitat de predir el futur de les persones. La seva última predicció: en Naruto morirà aviat. L'únic que pot fer per fugir del seu terrible destí és abandonar la Shion, però ell no faria mai una cosa així. Finalment, decideix enfrontar-se a aquesta predicció fatal.


L’escorta del sicari

L’escorta del sicari 2017


Un escorta és contractat per protegir un assassí a sou i portar-lo a la Haia perquè testifiqui contra un exdictador bielorús al Tribunal Penal Internacional. La declaració d'aquest assassí és l'última oportunitat que hi ha per demostrar els crims de l'exdictador i impedir-ne l'absolució i el retorn al poder. Però l'expresident acusat mourà tots els fils i mitjans possibles per evitar que el condemnin.


Wild Card

Wild Card 2015


Un ex-addicte al joc fa de guarda-espatlles en el món de les apostes. No fa servir armes de foc, però comença a tenir problemes quan defensa a una antiga amiga que està sent maltractada per un important mafiós.


L’escorta del sicari 2

L’escorta del sicari 2 2021


La parella més letal del món, el guardaespatlles Michael Bryce i l'assassí a sou Darius Kincaid, estan de tornada en una altra missió que amenaça la seva vida. Encara sense llicència i sota escrutini, Bryce es veu obligat a actuar per la dona encara més volàtil de Darius, la infame estafadora internacional Sonia Kincaid. Mentre Bryce és conduït al límit pels seus dos protegits més perillosos, el trio es fica al cap en una trama global i aviat descobreix que són tot allò que s'interposa entre Europa i un boig venjatiu i poderós.



Vanguard 2020


Vanguard, una companyia de guardaespatlles, és la darrera esperança de supervivència per a un comptable que és perseguit per l'organització de mercenaris més perillosa del planeta.


El guardaespatlles

El guardaespatlles 1992


Una cantant famosa que rep constants cartes anònimes amb amenaces de mort contracta un guardaespatlles professional perquè la protegeixi. Tot i això, la cantant no està d'acord amb els mètodes emprats pel seu protector.


El poder dels diners

El poder dels diners 2013


Els dos magnats tecnològics més poderosos del món són rivals empedreïts que comparteixen un fosc passat i no s'aturaran davant res per tal de destruir-se l'un a l'altre. Un jove prometedor, Adam Cassidy, seduït pel món de riquesa i poder il·limitat que s'obre davant d'ell, es veurà atrapat entre ells i immers en un arriscat joc d'espionatge corporatiu. Però quan Adam comença a adonar-se que la seva vida corre perill, ja està ficat de ple en una teranyina de la que no podrà escapar.


Tots els homes del rei

Tots els homes del rei 2006


Remake d'una coneguda pel·lícula del 1949 que adapta una novel·la de Robert Penn Warren que va obtenir el premi Pulitzer el 1946. Ambientada a Louisiana, narra la vida d'un polític idealista que arriba al poder, però la carrera del qual es veurà afectada per la corrupció.


Transformers: El costat fosc de la Lluna

Transformers: El costat fosc de la Lluna 2011


En aquest tercer lliurament de la saga Transformers, els Autobots i els Decepticons es veuen embolicats en una perillosa carrera espacial a la Terra entre els EUA i Rússia, on un esdeveniment amenaça de provocar una guerra tan gran que ni els mateixos Transformers pot que siguin capaços de salvar el nostre planeta. I una vegada més, com gairebé sempre, Sam Witwicky es troba involuntàriament al mig del conflicte.


The Venture Bros.

The Venture Bros. 2004


Hank and Dean Venture, with their father Doctor Venture and faithful bodyguard Brock Samson, go on wild adventures facing megalomaniacs, zombies, and suspicious ninjas, all for the glory of adventure. Or something like that.



Minder 1979


This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Arthur Daley, a second-hand car dealer with an eye for a nice little earner. Alongside his many business ventures, Arthur would regularly hire Terry out as a minder or bodyguard, later replaced by nephew, Ray Daley.



V.I.P. 1998


While attending a Hollywood premiere with a famous action star, a crazed fan pulls a gun—but her movie hunk turns into a coward, and it's Vallery who becomes the hero. Suddenly, she's thrown into a world of action and danger as owner of a Hollywood protection agency, Vallery Irons Protection (V.I.P.), taking risks to protect others at a price few are willing to pay.


3Below: Tales of Arcadia

3Below: Tales of Arcadia 2018


After crash-landing on Earth, two royal teen aliens on the run struggle to blend in with humans as they evade intergalactic bounty hunters.


KinnPorsche: The Series

KinnPorsche: The Series 2022


The second son of a Mafia boss, Kinn Theerapanyakul, is fleeing from an enemy when he meets Porsche, an enterprising young bartender. Porsche agrees to help defend Kinn from his attackers for a price. Porsche's martial arts skills impress, and spurred on by his father, Kinn seeks to hire Porsche as one of his personal bodyguards. Porsche is opposed and rejects Kinn’s offer despite his attempts at intimidation. It isn't until Porsche's family home and his ability to care for his brother are threatened that he acquiesces and moves onto the Theerapanyakul property. It's not a smooth transition into the unorthodox, violent job, and his relationship with Kinn vacillates between strained and playful. When his feelings for Kinn take an unexpected turn, his work becomes even more high-stakes.


The K2

The K2 2016


A patriotic bodyguard who was abandoned by his country and colleagues, a hidden daughter of leading Presidential candidate who regards love as a tool for revenge, and the First Lady contender who hides her ambition and charisma behind a kind and friendly personality.


Human Target

Human Target 2010


It takes a brave, selfless man to make himself a "human target" in order to save the lives of those in danger. Based on the popular DC Comics comic book and graphic novel, Human Target is a full-throttle action drama centered on Christopher Chance, a unique private contractor/security expert/bodyguard hired to protect.


Lucky With You

Lucky With You 2021


Someone has broken into Hou Jue's house. In the face of inexplicable death threats, Hou Zhirong who worries for his son's safety decides to hire security. While delivering some documents, Wu Shiyi accidentally saves Hou Zhirong and gets handpicked by him to become Hou Jue's personal bodyguard. Hou Jue is immediately resistant to the idea of a female bodyguard intruding into his life. He makes things difficult for Wu Shiyi on purpose, yet she is not the type to easily back down. Over time, their relationship takes a turn for the better. Hou Jue's father becoming more controlling leads Hou Jue to finally leave and stand on his own. Now penniless, Hou Jue sinks into depression at the drastic change in his lifestyle. Yet to find the right person in a vast crowd is a fortune of three lifetimes.



Bodyguard 2018


A troubled war veteran is assigned to protect a controversial politician who may be the target of a terror plot.


Cute Bodyguard

Cute Bodyguard 2022


Two people from seemingly two different worlds are brought together when an accident leads to Su Jing Jing, a seemingly cute girl but with supernatural ability gets hired as Gu Rong's bodyguard.



Bodyguards 1997


The drama follows the Long Wind Escort Agency as they are led by young master Guo Xu to thwart the conspiracy plots. Along the way, the romantic and chivalrous Guo Xu encounters various people during their escort missions.


My Dear Guardian

My Dear Guardian 2021


A story that follows a warm and gentle military medic and the 'ice mountain' military officer as they fulfill their duties and also find love. Was it being rescued from the bandits or was it from constantly seeing others under one roof? Love enters when you least expect it. Xia Chu is a surgeon whose experiences have allowed her to stay calm in the face of life and death situations. Liang Muze is a special military officer who has fought on many battlefields. He has closed off his heart due to painful memories from the past.


T.H.E. Cat

T.H.E. Cat 1966


T.H.E. Cat is an American action drama that aired during the 1966-1967 television season on NBC, co-sponsored by R.J. Reynolds and Lever Brothers. The series was created by Harry Julian Fink, the creator of Dirty Harry . Robert Loggia starred as the title character, Thomas Hewitt Edward Cat. T. H. E. Cat is a forerunner of television characters such as The Equalizer, who skirt the edges of the law and bring skills from earlier careers on behalf of those needing more help than the police can offer. The series preceded the 1968-1970 ABC television series It Takes a Thief, which was also about a cat burglar who used his skills for good.


Inu X Boku Secret Service

Inu X Boku Secret Service 2012


Protected by the highest security, the Maison de Ayakashi is rumored to be haunted, where only eccentrics could live. In reality, it is a place for humans with non-human ancestors to live. The socially-inept Ririchiyo has come here to improve herself. She meets secret service bodyguard Soushi, who is assigned to protect residents. He has a request of her: "Please make me your dog."


Nyaruko: Crawling With Love!

Nyaruko: Crawling With Love! 2012


Mahiro Yasaka is just an ordinary high school student, until one day he is suddenly attacked by a dangerous monster. Just when everything seems to be lost, he is saved by a strange girl named Nyaruko, who claims to be the shape-shifting deity Nyarlathotep from horror author H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos.


Blood Free

Blood Free 2024


After diving down a rabbit hole of tangled leads, a former bodyguard finds himself recruited to protect the CEO of a controversial lab-grown meat company who is also a survivor of the fateful attack that changed his life.


Red Swan

Red Swan 2024


Oh Wan-soo, who married into the powerful Hwain Group, faces death threats. She crosses paths with Seo Do-yoon, a bodyguard investigating a friend's death that is tied to the Hwain Group. Together, they unravel Hwain Group's secrets tainted with desire.


Moon in the Day

Moon in the Day 2023


A famous South Korean celebrity Han Joon Oh suffers a car accident and wakes up possessed by a vengeful ancient nobleman Do Ha, seeking revenge for his past life


Wild Romance

Wild Romance 2012


Baseball player Muyeol is a star in baseball, but is known for his wild image. Eunjae is a bodyguard who is also a Diamond member of Muyeol's anti-fan club. One day, Muyeol and Eunjae get into a fight at a karaoke room, where they first meet. A video of their fight goes viral on the Internet, so in order to deal with the controversy, Eunjae has no choice but to become Muyeol's bodyguard. Originally planning to be his bodyguard for a short while, things go longer as planned when Muyeol's stalker shows up. Will the two be able to get along? 'Wild Romance' is a sweet and scary love story between Eunjae, having to protect a guy she wants to beat up, and Muyeol, who must be protected by his most dangerous anti-fan.


My Princess

My Princess 2011


Seol is an ordinary college student who was adopted but is living a happy life on her own. Working part time, she happens to have an unpleasant first encounter with Hae Young, a diplomat and the only heir of the biggest conglomerate in Korea. One day, he hears shocking news from his grandfather. The Blue House announces that they will carry out a vote on rebuilding the royal house, and his grandfather asks him to find someone urgently, who later turns out to be Seol. Against his grandfather’s wishes to donate their family’s wealth to the country, Hae Young tries to stop Seol, but she ends up moving into the palace to become a princess of the royal house.