Els pingüins de Madagascar: La pel·lícula

Els pingüins de Madagascar: La pel·lícula 2014


Skypper, Kowalsky, Rico i Cabo, els superagents pingüins, han de salvar el món en una missió per a la qual es preparen tota la vida. Aquesta missió l'hauran de fer juntament amb l'anomenat equip "Vent del nord", un comando d'elit especialitzat a salvar animals que no es poden defensar per si sols.


Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl

Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl 2024


El supergos Gromit entra en acció per salvar el seu amo quan en Wallace perd el control del seu invent sofisticat i acaba acusat d'una sèrie de crims sospitosos.


Madagascar 2

Madagascar 2 2008


Els protagonistes de la primera pel·lícula sortiran de l'illa amb avió i tindran un accident mentre sobrevolen Àfrica...


Happy feet: Trencant el gel

Happy feet: Trencant el gel 2006


Els pingüins emperador troben les seves ànimes bessones a través de la cançó. Quan neix un pingüí que no sap cantar, s’haurà d’espavilar: és un gran ballarí de claqué.


Bojos pel surf

Bojos pel surf 2007


Cody és un pingüí adolescent que competirà per primer cop de manera professional. Cody deixa la seva família per viatjar a l'illa de Pen Gu. Pel camí coneix diversos pingüins, tots relacionats amb el món del surf professional.



Madagascar 2005


Conta la història de quatre divertits animals del zoo de Central Park a Nova York (Alex el lleó, Marty la zebra, Glòria l'hipopòtam i Melman la girafa). Porten tota la seva vida tancats en captivitat sense poder experimentar la llibertat i s'han proposat idear un pla per sortir-ne junts. Un dia, una sèrie de casualitats els porten a aconseguir allò que tant anhelaven i fugen d'aquell lloc. Acaben en plena naturalesa, concretament a la idíl·lica illa de Madagascar. Allà descobriran, amb apassionants aventures, que la vida salvatge és molt diferent del que ells pensaven i que viure en llibertat no és tan fàcil com imaginaven.


Madagascar 3: De marxa per Europa

Madagascar 3: De marxa per Europa 2012


Tercera part de les animades aventures del lleó, la zebra, la girafa i l’hipopòtam. En aquesta ocasió són a Europa i han de fugir per evitar que els porten al zoo de Nova York.


The Palace

The Palace 2023


L'Hotel Palace és un extraordinari castell dissenyat a principis del segle XX i situat en plena vall nevada de Suïssa. Cada any acull a hostes adinerats de tot el món en un ambient gòtic i de conte de fades. En vespres de l'any 2000 s'han reunit tots per a un esdeveniment irrepetible. Una multitud de cambrers, porters, cuiners i recepcionistes són allí per a atendre les seves estranyes necessitats.


El misteri dels pingüins

El misteri dels pingüins 2018


Aoyama és un nen tan precoç que, a més de posseir una envejable capacitat per a l'anàlisi i la retòrica, ha comptat la quantitat exacta de dies que falten perquè es converteixi finalment en adult. Però aquesta qüestió passa a ser secundària en el moment en què el seu poble es converteix en el centre d'una invasió de pingüins tant desconcertant com meravellós.


Els pingüins del senyor Popper

Els pingüins del senyor Popper 2011


El senyor Popper és un agent immobiliari que un dia rep un paquet amb un pingüí viu que li trastoca la vida completament. És l'últim souvenir dels que li envia el seu pare des dels llocs on va de viatge. Després, rep un altre paquet amb cinc pingüins més, que es veu obligat a quedar-se per no defraudar els seus fills, que se n'encapritxen. Conviure amb els pingüins i aconseguir la compra d'un edifici per a l'empresa on treballa no serà gens fàcil.


El viatge de l’emperador

El viatge de l’emperador 2005


Documental sobre l'emigració dels pingüins a l'Antàrtida. Cada any a l'Antàrtida comença un emocionant i bell viatge. Centenars de milers de pingüins Emperador abandonen la seguretat de l'oceà per endinsar-se a la desèrtica terra gelada. Una regió tan dura i extrema que cap altre ésser viu s'atreveix a habitar. Tota la comunitat de Pingüins marxen a través d´aquest difícil paisatge de gel. Amb resolució i valentia conduïts per la necessitat de reproduir-se amb la fi de la supervivència de l'espècie. Aquesta és la història duna família de pingüins.


Adventure Time

Adventure Time 2010


Unlikely heroes Finn and Jake are buddies who traverse the mystical Land of Ooo. The best of friends, our heroes always find themselves in the middle of escapades. Finn and Jake depend on each other through thick and thin.


Frozen Planet

Frozen Planet 2011


David Attenborough travels to the end of the earth, taking viewers on an extraordinary journey across the polar regions of our planet.


The Penguins of Madagascar

The Penguins of Madagascar 2008


The Penguins of Madagascar is an American CGI animated television series airing on Nickelodeon. It stars nine characters from the DreamWorks Animation animated film Madagascar: The penguins Skipper, Kowalski, Private, and Rico; the lemurs King Julien, Maurice, and Mort; and Mason and Phil the chimpanzees. Characters new to the series include Marlene the otter and a zookeeper named Alice. It is the first Nicktoon produced with DreamWorks Animation. A pilot episode, "Gone in a Flash", aired as part of "Superstuffed Nicktoons Weekend" on November 29, 2008, and The Penguins of Madagascar became a regular series on March 28, 2009. The series premiere drew 6.1 million viewers, setting a new record as the most-watched premiere. Although the series occasionally alludes to the rest of the franchise, The Penguins of Madagascar does not take place at a precise time within it. McGrath, who is also the co-creator of the film characters, has said that the series takes place "not specifically before or after the movie, I just wanted them all back at the zoo. I think of it as taking place in a parallel universe."



Pingu 1986


Playful penguin Pingu lives with his family in Antarctica, where he often finds himself caught up in mischievous high jinks with his pal Robby.



Dynasties 2018


Follow the true stories of five of the world's most celebrated, yet endangered animals; penguins, chimpanzees, lions, painted wolves and tigers. Each in a heroic struggle against rivals and against the forces of nature, these families fight for their own survival and for the future of their dynasties.



Penguindrum 2011


A terminally ill girl named Himari Takakura is miraculously saved from death by a strange spirit who resides in a penguin-shaped hat. However, in exchange for extending her life, the spirit tasks Himari's brothers, Kanba and Shōma, to seek out an elusive item known as the Penguin Drum with assistance from a trio of strange penguins.


Life in the Freezer

Life in the Freezer 1993


Sir David Attenborough looks at the natural history of the Antarctic continent


Daimidaler the Sound Robot

Daimidaler the Sound Robot 2014


In order to stop the mysterious "Penguin Empire" from interfering with world peace, secret organization "Prince Beauty Parlor" has developed a giant robot that is powered by a rare special energy source called "Hi-ERo particles." Organization member Kyōko Sonan has located an ordinary high school student, Kōichi Madanbashi, with high amounts of Hi-ERo particles, making him a suitable candidate to pilot of the giant robot. But there is only one way to release his particles: allow Madanbashi to persuade him with lewd behavior.


Polar Bear Cafe

Polar Bear Cafe 2012


Pushed by his mother to stop lazing around the house, a Panda searches for a part-time job but has troubling finding one to accommodate his laziness. He soon stumbles upon the Shirokuma Cafe, run by a Polar Bear who is holding interviews for a part-time position with his faithful customer Penguin. Panda applies for the job but fails the interview, with the job instead going to a human girl named Sasako. However, the others soon point Panda towards a part-time job at a nearby zoo.


Penguins: Spy in the Huddle

Penguins: Spy in the Huddle 2013


Penguins - Spy in the Huddle spends nearly a year in the close company of penguins, deploying 50 spycams to capture as never before the true character of these birds.


Pororo the Little Penguin

Pororo the Little Penguin 2003


Fun adventures await in the forest named Porong Porong Village where Pororo and friends live. New friends show up in the village and many exciting things happen in the forest. Our playful little gentoo penguin Pororo, naughty spinosaurus Crong, sweet and lovely American beaver Loopy, cheerful and sporty Adélie penguin girl Petty, clever fennec fox Eddy, strong minikaniko Rody, trustworthy polar bear Poby, happy-go-lucky hummingbird Harry, magical dragon wizard Tong-Tong, and a red sedan car Tu-Tu live in this snow-covered wonderland.


The Pole

The Pole 2021


After a scandal involving Saint Nick rocks the holly jolly foundations of the North Pole, all hell breaks loose as the future of Christmas turns into a twisted power struggle for the Red Suit.


YooHoo to the Rescue

YooHoo to the Rescue 2019


In a series of magical missions, quick-witted YooHoo and his can-do crew travel the globe to help animals in need.


Welcome, Chitose-chan

Welcome, Chitose-chan 2018


Chitose-chan is a penguin who lives in Kyoto. Getting in touch with people and getting fed delicious food as she curiously walks around Kyoto streets is her favourite thing to do. The story features popular places in Kyoto like Kiyomizu Temple, Ginkaku Temple, and Gion from the Penguin's point of view. This is a short story about a penguin that is nostalgic and warm, curing and relieving the heart.



Lobo 2000


The many adventures of the Main Man Lobo, a galactic bounty hunter.


Manmaru The Ninja Penguin

Manmaru The Ninja Penguin 1997


An old man named Jiya brings a new recruit, a modest penguin named Manmaru, to join in on a 300-year battle between the three Ninja clans living in the mountains he owns. But the others, the cowardly Tsuenjiro (fox) and quick-tempered Tanutaro (racoon), are disappointed when they learn the newest trainee is nothing other than a polite, if not flaky penguin. And not just any penguin, but a penguin with dreams to become a professional soccer player! Will Manmaru be the one that helps bring an end to the 300-year battle?


The Paz Show

The Paz Show 1970


Paz is an American television show produced by Telescreen BV, Egmont Imagination, King Rollo Films, Open Mind Productions, Discovery Kids, and DreamWorks Classics. The series runs as 80 eight-minute shows, each of which combines both a five-minute animation with live action before and after. The show integrates the live action with the animation so that the story flows and continues throughout. In the US it airs on Discovery Kids and on TLC on Ready Set Learn between shows. The title theme was composed by Art Labriola and all the incidental music was written by Lester Barnes. Children's TV producer Jonathan Meath supervised and produced numerous episodes of the show Paz the Penguin. Paz is based on the books by Mary Murphy. The show focuses on a five-year-old penguin named Paz and his mother, Big Penguin. It first aired in 2003. In Europe and many other countries, Paz runs only as a five-minute cartoon without the live action sections.


Secrets of the Penguins

Secrets of the Penguins 2025


From the Emperor Penguins’ revelatory bonds of friendship to the gritty resolve of Gentoos and Rockhoppers, and the astonishing ingenuity of the migrant penguins that reached deserts and far beyond, their incredible traditions and societies echo ours in ways we never dreamt possible – until now.


Penguin A&E

Penguin A&E 2016


Documentary series following a Cape Town hospital dedicated to the city's penguin population.


Bloom County

Bloom County 1970


A collapsed lawyer, a lobotomized cat and a penguin in briefs and fruit headwear living in the world’s last boarding house in the world’s most forgotten place deep in the dandelion wilds of FlyWayWayOver country.