
Argylle 2024


Quan les trames dels seus llibres comencen a semblar-se massa a les activitats d'un perillós sindicat clandestí, la introvertida autora de novel·les d'espies Elly Conway i el seu gat es veuen immersos en el veritable món de l'espionatge... on res, ni ningú, és el que sembla.


No confiïs en ningú

No confiïs en ningú 2014


La Christine pateix les seqüeles d'un terrible accident: només té records durant un dia. Cada matí ha d'aprendre a recordar la seva vida al costat del seu marit Ben i a recuperar tots els moments que la seva memòria elimina mentre dorm. Fins que un dia, Christine s'adona que alguna cosa en la imatge que va formant la seva vida no encaixa en el trencaclosques.


Una nòvia per a dos

Una nòvia per a dos 2008


Tank és un jove seductor especialitzat a ofendre i humiliar les dones. Per aquest motiu, homes abandonats per les seves xicotes el contracten. El mètode és senzill: Tank concerta una cita amb l'antiga xicota de l'home que el contracta i utilitza tots els seus recursos perquè la trobada resulti tan negativa per a la dona que, desencisada, decideixi tornar amb el seu ex. Tot va bé fins que Dustin, el millor amic de Tank, el contracta per recuperar l'Alexis. Però resulta que, per primer cop, Tank s'enamora de la noia i, per compte de fer-li passar la pitjor nit de la seva vida, la sedueix, sense pensar en les conseqüències.



Philomena 2013


Pel·lícula basada en fets reals que explica el cas de Philomena Lee, una dona que de petita, va quedar òrfena de mare i es va educar en un internat de monges. Quan encara era molt jove, es va quedar embarassada i va tenir un fill. Les monges, sense el seu consentiment, van donar el nen en adopció. Al cap de cinquanta anys, la Philomena l'hi conta tot a la seva filla. Al cap de poc, la filla coneix en Martin, un periodista caigut en desgràcia, i li demana que les ajudi a trobar el fill de la Philomena. Al principi, en Martin s'hi mostra reticent, però a mesura que en va sabent coses s'interessa més pel tema i per ajudar la Philomena a descobrir la veritat.


Em guardes un secret?

Em guardes un secret? 2019


L'Emma és una noia que treballa al departament de màrqueting d'una empresa de productes orgànics, on somia amb un ascens. Després d'una reunió comercial fallida en la qual no ha aconseguit tancar un negoci, i una mica borratxa per l'alcohol consumit al bar de l'aeroport, puja a l'avió de tornada cap a Nova York. I quan l'avió entra en una zona de turbulències, presa del pànic, li explica totes les seves frustracions laborals, amoroses i de tota mena al passatger del costat, en Jack. La seva gran sorpresa arriba l'endemà a la feina, quan resulta que en Jack és el cap de la companyia on treballa.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 2000


Bullies often target someone frail and weak—someone exactly like Yûgi Muto. He treasures his Millennium Puzzle, an ancient Egyptian artifact that was brought into his grandfather's game shop. Believing that solving the puzzle will grant him his wish, he completes the puzzle, unleashing a new personality within him, the soul of the "King of Games." The new personality named Yami Yûgi is the exact opposite of Yûgi. Upon any injustice toward him, Yami Yûgi takes over Yûgi's body and forces the opponent into a "Shadow Game".



Timeless 2016


A mysterious criminal steals a secret state-of-the-art time machine, intent on destroying America as we know it by changing the past. Our only hope is an unexpected team: a scientist, a soldier and a history professor, who must use the machine's prototype to travel back in time to critical events. While they must make every effort not to affect the past themselves, they must also stay one step ahead of this dangerous fugitive. But can this handpicked team uncover the mystery behind it all and end his destruction before it's too late?


Miss Night and Day

Miss Night and Day 2024


A bittersweet romantic comedy about a job seeker who suddenly gets stuck in time as an old-ager one day, and an extraordinary internship with a prosecutor who is caught up in her all day and night.


Dirty Laundry

Dirty Laundry 2022


Host Lily Du gathers together four guests to tell secrets, guess who they belong to, and enjoy a few drinks.


The Stranger

The Stranger 2020


A web of secrets sends family man Adam Price on a desperate quest to uncover the truth about the people closest to him.


The Wilds

The Wilds 2020


A group of teen girls from different backgrounds must fight for survival after a plane crash strands them on a deserted island. The castaways both clash and bond as they learn more about each other, the secrets they keep, and the traumas they've all endured. But there’s just one twist… these girls did not end up on this island by accident.


The Island

The Island 2010


Based on the best-selling English novel The Island by Victoria Hislop, the series takes place on the island of Spinalonga, off the coast of Crete, and in the village of Plaka which lies within swimming distance across it. The series premiered on 11 October 2010 to record ratings and critical acclaim. It is the most expensive Greek television production ever with a budget of €4 million.


Digging for Love

Digging for Love 2016


Digging for Love is a fun story for all the family. It narrates the life of two neighbor families: The Murcia and the Otero family, who have had the best relationship until one day they fight, and as destiny would have it, that same day something unexpected occurs: The Murcia family discovers a treasure in the garden of their house, a giant golden statue buried in the ground between both of their houses. From that moment on, a series of failed attempts to try to unearth it will make way for a countless number of entertaining and dramatic situations. What both families are unaware of, is that the original owner of the desired treasure is about to be released from jail and will come back to recover his fortune at any price.



Emeralds 2015


La Victoria is a town that could well be defined as a green hell where the law of the strongest prevails, fueled by the greed that emeralds arouse. The Guerrero family will arrive at this place. Alejandro Guerrero, father of Ricardo, Eduardo and Olga Guerrero, is forced to take his family to this distant place, where the emerald boom produces episodes of blood and fire that are repeated from generation to generation. In the midst of this war, Alejandro will have to face Patricio Ortega, great Patron of the region, since his arrival, not only for having opposite principles, but also for having the misfortune that the woman most desired by the Patron, fixes his eyes and your heart on it.


Help! I'm in a Secret Relationship!

Help! I'm in a Secret Relationship! 2022


Travis Mills and Rahne Jones embark on an investigation to help baffled lovers, after they realize that they're in a secret relationship, figure out just why their shady partners keep them under wraps.


Secret For a Million

Secret For a Million 2016


«Secret for a Million» is a game show for celebrities. Guest stars win money for disclosing personal secrets. Guest has to answer 10 hardball questions from the host. The last question is the hardest one and a truthful answer will be awarded by 1 million rubles. Only the most honest and brave of the guests dare to answer it telling the ugly truth they hid from their fans for years.


I Dated a Psycho

I Dated a Psycho 2013


Girl meets guy; girl falls for guy; guy turns out to have a dark and deadly secret. You know the drill. As women tell their real-life "I Dated An Axe Murderer" stories, police, psychologists and dating experts help unravel the mystery and explain how these relationships went tragically wrong.


Fatal Affairs

Fatal Affairs 2024


Sordid tales of love triangles turn into mysterious whodunits, when one of three entwined in a fatal affair winds up dead. In this risky game of illicit love and secret sex, who will end up paying the ultimate price?


Cellmate Secrets

Cellmate Secrets 2021


Cellmate Secrets revisits some of the most infamous stories of headline-grabbing criminals. Actress Angie Harmon narrates the series, which reveals new insights and information as former friends, guards, cellmates and lovers give first-hand accounts of their time with the famed felons and defendants.