
Superman 1978


En una galàxia remota, un nounat és enviat pels seus pares a l'espai davant la imminent destrucció del planeta on viuen. La nau aterrarà a la terra i el bebè -ja un petit nen-, és adoptat per uns pares grangers que li inculquen els millors valors. Amb els anys el jove es farà un home, anirà a viure a treballar a Metròpolis on, conscient dels seus poders sobrenaturals, els usarà per intentar acabar contra el mal. Famosa adaptació del còmic sobre el més popular dels superherois. Un gran repartiment i una entretinguda història per a un clàssic del cinema que agrada a nens i majors.


Lunana: Un iac a l’escola

Lunana: Un iac a l’escola 2019


L’Ugyen, un jove professor del Bhutan modern, eludeix els seus deures mentre planeja anar a Austràlia per convertir-se en cantant. Com a reprimenda, els seus superiors l’envien a l’escola més remota del món...


A Distant Place

A Distant Place 2021


Res no és el que sembla, quan un mira les coses des de lluny… Jin-woo resideix en un ranxo d’ovelles a Hwacheon i viu una vida aparentment tranquil·la i idíl·lica amb la seva neboda Seol. El propietari del ranxo, Joong-man, i la seva filla, Moon-kyeong, els tracten com si fossin la seva família.



Irresistible 2020


Un estrateg demòcrata ajuda un veterà retirat a postular-se a l'alcaldia d'una petita i conservadora ciutat del mig oest americà que sol votar sempre els republicans.


O que arde

O que arde 2019


Amador acaba de sortir de la presó. Després de complir la seva condemna per haver provocat un incendi torna a casa a les muntanyes lluernes. Tornarà a viure amb la mare, la gossa Luna i les tres vaques. Allunyats del soroll mundanal i de qualsevol tipus de perill, les seves vides es convertiran en un malson quan un nou i abrasador foc arrasi amb la zona i la vida de les persones que hi viuen. El que crema és el tercer llargmetratge d'Oliver Laxe (Mimoses i Tots vosaltres sou capitans), que s'encarrega de dirigir i escriure el guió d'aquest llargmetratge, que mostra des d'un cas fictici la realitat de cada un dels habitants que cada any pateixen aquesta situació.


The Levelling

The Levelling 2017


Petita i preciosa pel·lícula que ens explica la història de Clover, una jove estudiant que torna al seu poble, arrasat per una inundació, després de la mort en circumstàncies estranyes del seu germà.



Suro 2022


Helena i Iván es proposen construir una nova vida als boscos de sureres, però els seus diferents punts de vista sobre com viure a la terra emergeixen, desafiant el seu futur com a parella.



Countryfile 1988


The people, places and stories making news in the British countryside.


The Story of Xing Fu

The Story of Xing Fu 2022


The journey of He Xingfu, a small-town woman from Wanjiazhuang who takes on the many life obstacles to help and protect her hometown.


Miles to Go

Miles to Go 2023


In the 1980s, Gao Jialin, a young man living in Gaojiagou in northern Shaanxi Province,Gao Jialin was not defeated. He strived to learn new knowledge in accordance with the times, and through the changes of the world, he wrote an extraordinary life story of an ordinary man in the tide of the times.


A Tale of Thousand Stars

A Tale of Thousand Stars 2021


After receiving a heart transplant from volunteer teacher Torfun, who died in an accident, Tian discovers her life and secrets through her diary, including her promise to count a thousand stars with Chief Forest Officer Phupha. Determined to fulfill her wish, Tian becomes a volunteer teacher and tries to befriend Phupha, who initially remains distant. As they grow closer, Tian finds himself falling for Phupha, just as Torfun once did. Can he complete the thousand-star promise despite the risks?



Cocoricó 1996


Cocoricó is a Brazilian children's puppet show aired on TV Cultura and TV Rá-Tim-Bum.The story features Júlio, a boy who lives on a farm and interacts with his animal friends. The show has first aired in April 8th,1996.


Bright Future

Bright Future 2022


The story of county party secretary Mei Xiaoge and the reforms he and his colleagues introduce to bring about much-needed change and development to the lives of the people of Guangming County.


Racket Boys

Racket Boys 2021


A city kid is brought to the countryside by his father's new coaching gig: reviving a ragtag middle school badminton team on the brink of extinction.


Rainbow Chart

Rainbow Chart 2021


Kureno Masora is a young doctor who was working happily at a large hospital in Tokyo. However, she found out that she has an illness and decided to continue working as a doctor, while hiding her illness at a clinic located in a small village called "Niji no Mura". Therefore, Masora gets to meet the interesting villagers and gradually learns about facing life enthusiastically.


Daughter of the Mountains

Daughter of the Mountains 2022


According to the real deeds, the play tells that Huang Wenxiu came out of the countryside. After graduating from graduate school, he gave up the opportunity to work in a large city.


You're Nothing Special

You're Nothing Special 2022


Amaia's life, according to her, just sucks. Overnight, she has to say goodbye to her life in Barcelona, where she has all her friends and her day to day already established, to go live in her mother's village, where NOTHING ever happens. However, she will soon discover something that could turn her life around... that perhaps she has inherited the powers of her grandmother: a woman she never met, but with the reputation of being the only witch that has ever lived in the town of Salabarria.


Marginal Village Inc.

Marginal Village Inc. 2015


In a small village in the Kanto regioin, which is surrounded by mountains, residents and a management consultant (Shosuke Tanihara) struggle to rebuild the village through its only industry, farming.


Star & Sky: Sky In Your Heart

Star & Sky: Sky In Your Heart 2022


Forced up to the mountains with his friends Mesa and JJ after driving while impaired, Dr. Kuafah meets volunteer teacher Prince. The two despise one another from the moment they first meet. Despite their differences, the more they argue, the more they come to understand one another.


Lee's Kitchen Alone

Lee's Kitchen Alone 2020


“Lee’s Kitchen” is a spin-off from “Kang’s Kitchen,” which was itself a spin-off from “New Journey to the West”. Lee Soo Geun was on “Kang’s Kitchen” as a dishwasher and general kitchen helper. In “Lee’s Kitchen,” he will run the restaurant all by himself.


Million Dollar Babies

Million Dollar Babies 1994


When Oliva and Elzire Dionne have quintuplets in rural 1930s Canada, news of their uncommon family spreads like wildfire and steps up local tourism, thanks in part to an opportunistic town doctor who uses the children to enhance his own celebrity.


Feria: The Darkest Light

Feria: The Darkest Light 2022


Two sisters must face a new reality — and supernatural elements — when it's revealed their parents participated in a cult ritual ending in death.