Paraula clau Heritage
Temurun 2024
Mafia Mamma 2023
Stöld 2024
La dona de l'infern 2019
Atreta per una promesa d'herència, una noia torna al llogaret on va néixer. Sense que ella ho sabés, els vilatans amaguen un pla sinistre, un que pot requerir la seva pròpia mort.
Диви ягоди 2025
Bressol d’herois 1955
Basada en fets reals. Narra la història del sergent Marthy Maher, que durant cinquanta anys va servir a l'acadèmia militar de West Point. Quan l'exèrcit dels Estats Units, atesa la seva edat avançada, va intentar jubilar-lo, Marthy, entrenador d'atletisme a l'Acadèmia Militar i amic i “pare” de diverses generacions de cadets, va presentar una contundent protesta al President de la nació.
L'Héritière 2002
La Herencia 2024
Stars in Your Eyes 1956
Postal (O, desde la distancia eres un espejismo) 2024
"Les palmeres d'aquesta targeta són una il·lusió, també l'arena rosa." Aquesta frase, agafada d'un poema de la Margaret Atwood, il·lumina el camí traçat a "Postal". A mesura que pasen els anys, els paisatges es transformen, es resignifiquen i hi ha alegries que mai tornaran a recuperar-se. La mar i la platja que alguna vegada van ser els escenaris d'estius feliços, amors i trobades, es transformaran en camps de concentració o centres de detenció i tortura. Ocurreix en diferentes èpoques y llocs. En aquesta peça emprenc un recorregut per algunes de les meves obres que exploren la relació entre el testimoni, els espais i el temps, entaulant un diàleg amb la bella pel·lícula filmada per l'Alejandro Segovia al 1972.
Ma pomme 1950
Yamashita 2013
Broken Palace 2014
Thima it 2021
Pāragate 2023
Restoration Australia 2015
Over two years, International Designer Sibella Court, follows the trials and tribulations of 7 groups of Australians committed to the daunting task of restoring heritage ruins into living homes. From Georgian mansions to colonial pug and pine huts, these Aussie battlers attempt to restore the buildings to their former glory.
Dok Ruk Rim Tang 2010
A young woman named Anusorn's father suddenly died. Upon returning home, Anusorn finds that her father's new wife has sold the house and left her with Hungtu, the dog, as her only piece of inheritance. Anusorn becomes suspicious that something is not quite right. She tries to find out the truth and almost gets killed in the process. Pathavee, a young photographer, constantly argues with his mother Nuanjan and his older sister Pavina about Janjira, a sexy actress and a younger sister of Jitree. Nuanjan and Pavina believe that Janejira only wants Pathavee's money. As a result, they try matchmaking Pathatvee with Patcha, one of their friends' daughter. Pathavee buys the house from Jitree. Anusorn disguises herself as a boy named Ooth in order to go back to her old house to look for the truth inside the house. She becomes Pathavee's assistant.
Welsh Railways 2011
Documentary series about the resurgence of steam power on the Welsh railways, including the ambitious Welsh Highland Railway in Snowdonia.
Corrida do Ouro 1974
Flower of Ice 2008
Seno Kyoko is a pianist who receives an inheritance from her uncle, and begins living happily with her husband. But one day, she receives a phone call from a woman claiming to be her husband's pregnant mistress, and she is soon driven to murder.
The Caribbean with Andi and Miquita 2022
Andi and Miquita Oliver embark on the family journey of a lifetime to reconnect with their West Indian roots. It's a revealing, poignant trip - and one hell of a good time.