Paraula clau Juvenile Delinquency
Kids 1995
La vida en joc 2006
Uns joves reclosos en un centre de detenció per a menors, sota el lideratge del conseller, intenten guanyar autoestima jugant a futbol americà.
彷徨之刃 2024
Delinquent Daughters 1944
青い春 2001
Rebel·lió a les aules 2 1996
Mark Thackeray torna a Chicago, després de passar 30 anys a Londres fent classes en una de les escoles britàniques de més prestigi. A Chicago s'enfronta a un nou repte en la seva llarga carrera com a professor d'història, ja que li toca una classe de nois difícils i desmotivats, més acostumats a la delinqüència que als llibres.
ガキ帝国 1981
Last Resort 1996
Yolngu Boy 2001
Gambling with Souls 1936
Teen-Age Crime Wave 1955
Her Secret 1933
Los golfos 1960
Les Sagards 2000
Farlig ungdom 1953
Boyhood 2023
Jang Byeong-tae is a small and weak boy living in Onyang in South Chungcheong Province. He's at the bottom of the school's social ladder and when he transfers to the neighboring Buyeo Agricultural High School, he faces an unexpected incident that becomes a turning point in his life.
Hope or Dope 2022
A story about an 18-year-old Da Jung who discovered a field of marijuana as a teenager, and her friends who desperately look for their lost, ordinary life. A human drama about growing up, experiencing love and wounds, as Da Jung who was used by her parents to transport drugs, meets Yoon Tak, a rural man and his friends in the countryside.
They Called Me a Bad Girl 1984
Shoko's life, marked by delinquency and a harsh upbringing, takes an unexpected turn when Tetsuya's devoted affection and the soulful strains of his "sho"—a traditional Japanese gagaku wind instrument—offer her a melody of hope and a chance for reform.